WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build

A quick tutorial on how the weather shrouds are made - real quick and real rough, just to show the overall method. You certainly need to experiment with dimensions, etc.

First, cut a strip of plastic from a black garbage bag. I start with about 3/4" x 6".


Bend some wire to fit around the door. You determine the exact size depending on how much space you want around the door. I used .020 music wire.


Put some CA on one side of the wire:


Press the wire onto an edge of the plastic:


CA glue along each edge of the wire:


Glue around all three sides:


After the glue is dried, use scissors to trim up the plastic. I cut it at an angle, smaller at the bottom, getting bigger at the top. You can experiment with this to get the look you want.


Next, take black thread and make a loop/knot, slide over the end of the wire/plastic:


Pull the knot tight, working the plastic down to the wire. Then put a drop pf CA on the thread to hold the knot. Again, experiment to get the look you want.


Continue with more knots all around I use two knots on each side and two at the top, for a total of 6 knots. You may decide to use more. Look at proto photos and try to make it look like what you see. Mine were definitely done with the 3 foot rule in mind.

Last, probably wouldn't hurt to spray with some dullcote to hide the shine.

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