Wheelin' n Dealin' 55n3 Ten-Wheelin'
ezdays Wrote:You guys could have a point. Pete made the decision and that's the way it is. I think some of the replies in that thread were snarky at best, and could have been overlooked, but then, there's better ways to respond then some there did; it could have gone downhill the way it was going. If Pete wants to take the lock off and just say something, that's his choice. Mikey and I have always said that we'd stand by any of you and your decisions and we mean that.

Don,My biggest fear is we will start overreacting like the mods do on another forum that I moderate on every time a member says something beyond a "atta boy" reply.

I not suggesting we allow mayhem or even Hulkamainia to run wild but,to use common sense moderating..

Sorry,I see no reason for a lock when a simple ease up warning would had suffice.

BTW..Mike is one of the mods on that other forum and he loves to overreact over nothing,makes Mt.Everest out of a ant hill or wants to lock a membership..
Figure that one out..I gave up trying.

Summerset Ry

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