Some of my custom builds and paint work.....
I had made a posting to say "hello" as a new member and was directed Cheers to post some of my work if not all of it over a span of time! SO, I'm gonna do just that!

See below!

So, we have a display case, with NO shelves, to hold 2 Articulated steamers! 357

[Image: BOEM-1DisplayCase000.jpg]

[Image: BOEM-1DisplayCase001.jpg]

[Image: BOEM-1DisplayCase002.jpg]

[Image: BOEM-1DisplayCase003.jpg]

Questions and comments WELCOME!

This "display case" was designed and made at my home, and in my shop, its going to be placed on the wall in my living room with lights and have my 2 all time favorite steam locomotives in it.....a Brass Akane B&O EM-1 #7600, on the trestle, and the Bachmann Spectrum B&O EM-1 #7614 on the ground.....both having 2 small LED spot lights shinning on them, under 1/4 inch Lexan! Smile
~John AKA "Yellowstone" OR "EM-1"

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