Question about Wahl Oil
Quote:Wahl oil saved my interest in the hobby after aggravating issues with dirty track and conductivity. But, I say if you've found something that really works for you...stay with it! Thumbsup

I'm afraid I can't answer the question about traction tires though.
I have the same declaration as Ralf. I was ready to close the door of my layout and never look back. I used to clean my track, run for about 10 minutes and start having trouble. I tried Wahl oil like everyone said just a little but it didn't help. So I decided that maybe every one is on a 4X8 plywood and I have28 feet of double main line on on side of my layout. so I put a little bit about every 15 feet. Same problem, about 10 minutes of running time. So in a last ditch effort I got my centerline track cleaning car soaked it with Wahls oil. Pushed it around my layout in front of loco adding oil to it about every 15 or 20 feet. That was about 2 years ago and I am still running trains. I do have a couple track cleaning cars in my system. The kind with a pad on the bottom, and I occasionally use the centerline car with nail polish remover for one time around and then do the Wahl oil thing again. This is done when I feel like it not that there is a problem. I swear by the stuff.
Last week I got an old Riverossi 4-6-4 out of mothballs put in a decoder and tried it. It had same old trouble of poor electric contact. I put about a one inch bead of Wahls in front of it. Nursed it through the oil getting it on all wheels. It took off and ran for a long time non stop and the headlight didn't even flicker. So now you know what I think about Wahl oil.

[Image: 100_1484.jpg]

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