Your Railroad Book Library
I have just picked up two treasures.
Street Railways of Toronto -- Louis H. Pursley -- Interurbans Special 25 (1958)
The Toronto Trolley Car Story -- Louis H. Pursley -- Interurbans Special 29 (1961)

For years these were the authoritative books on Toronto streetcars. And extremely unavailable and collectible. Pursley was employed by the TTC, and his father had been employed by the Toronto Railway Company. The first book covers up to 1921 and the second 1921 to 1961 -- divided at the point that the city took over.
We visited the train museum in San Dimas today and I spotted a copy of one book on their sale shelves. The volunteer thought they might have the other one and came back with copies of both, out of, I assume, estates donated to the museum. I think we were both happy with the sale and there is still one copy there!

I remember one person in Toronto saying that LHP's daughter has some boxes of books in the basement -- if he could just remember her married name.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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