Cereal plant in Cleveland
Oh, OK. When I hit your link, It gave me a different view. Sometimes Google Maps gives different viewpoints in different countries. My family in Italy told me that when they Google Mapped my sister's house, they saw my car in her driveway. This was a year after my car was rear ended and totaled. When I looked it up the next day, my car wasn't in the shot. Who knows? Icon_lol

Back to the matter at hand. This cereal plant makes for a great model railroad sized industry in it's entirety. Take a look to the south and you will see 3 stub ended yard tracks. The southernmost holds 2 of the 3 switch engines. To the best of my knowledge, they have two SW1200s (12 & 1202) and an SW1500 (1222).
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.

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