"New modules"
I'm at my Daughter's house, keeping her dog company while she's out. Set up the modules Friday at the Kenosha Public Museum, had a great time today. Just about everything went well, and as expected. Ill be back there tomorrow, noon to 5 PM, and then we take down the modules and go home, Another show successfully done.
I have to get home to upload pictures to my computer, process them, and get them posted, That will most likely have to wait till Monday.
When I am back on my own computer, and comfortable with things as they should be. Using an unfamiliar computer, and "program", is an adventure in "uncomfortable" at the very best.
I was surprised, quite pleasantly with all the comments from the folks attending the show. I can only conclude that the new larger "back table", was far more "crowd pleasing", than I was hoping for.
As far as an "orphan", the new "table" has been adopted,fed,clothed,seen the doctor,the dentist, and is well on the way to a long happy life.
I'm calling this one done, as soon as I get the pictures posted.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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