Eagle Project Caboose threatened, needs parts to move!
Charlie B Wrote:You might be lucky if you try Kasgro <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kasgro.com/">http://www.kasgro.com/</a><!-- m --> They have been in business for a long time and if they don't have the brass, could possibly get you headed in the right direction. That being said you need to check way deeper if the move is planned for rail. If that is the case the railroads involved may not move it anyway as the friction bearing trucks have been banned for interchange for years by the AAR. Some railroads just won't move them at all.
Good Luck

I agree..The railroad can also deem the caboose unfit and refuse interchange.

As it looks in the photo I don't think any railroad will accept it in interchange.

Probably be best to have it trucked if there is enough funds for such a move and for a crane to load and unload it.

Summerset Ry

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