An experiment in rust.
One of the founding members of the Lake County Model Railroad Club, had a "process" for modeling "prototype". He would take a color picture of the "subject", to use as a guide in building, and painting. He would then take color slides of the model, and project them up on his kitchen wall, and "pick all the nits". He would use his list of "nits" to make all the corrections, and then take another set of color slides. The thought here is each time, he would find the "next smaller, less noticeable, mistakes. The process would be repeated until he was happy with the results. The results, needless to say, were spectacular! He always knew where the "uncorrected errors" were, but he was satisfied with the model, and those went unfixed.
The only real test of how good a model looks is, do you like it? The above "process" can help eliminate the "obvious", and leave a model that you like. One man's rust, is another man's overoxidation.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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