Stein's Minneapolis Warehouse district 1957 (HO)
Got a little more work on the layout done today.

I finally grabbed some AIM powders and put a little light gray, grimy black and light rust on the GE 44-tonner. It is not exactly a work of art, but I had to get over my mental resistance to dirtying up a perfectly good locomotive somehow Goldth

[Image: DSCN4885.jpg]

Got a second coat of dark yellow (Tamiya Canary Yellow) on the GE 70-tonner - will have to let that rest a few days before masking and doing the cab, roof, sill, walkways, roofs etc in dark green (Tamiya IJN Green).

Since I added 8 more silos to my elevator, I now was one conveyor house short. So I made one from scratch (except from the roof panels, which I had lying around from the original ADM elevator conveyor house.

I always seem to struggle with getting windows in the right place and getting them the right size. So this time I decided to do it so simple that even I could get the window location and window size right.

I clamped the front wall of the new conveyor house (cut from 0.060" plain styrene) to the outside of the old conveyor house:

[Image: DSCN4865.jpg]

And then just sprayed the inside wall of the old conveyor house with grey primer, so the window openings for the new conveyor house was clearly marked in grey on the new piece. After the primer had dried, I drilled starting holes inside the window opening , inserted a micromark "nibbler" and cut out to the edges of the gray (primed) area:

[Image: DSCN4884.jpg]

After that, it was just a matter of grabbing some thin "metal siding" styrene, glue it to the two sides of the conveyor house that will be visible, cut to size, open up the window openings through the "metal siding" from the inside, add the roof from the original ADM elevator kit conveyor house and put it on top of the now primed and dry new group of silos - kitbashed conveyor house on top of the silos on the right, scratchbuilt conveyor house on top of the silos on the left:

[Image: DSCN4895.jpg]

Well, time to call it quits for the weekend. I never seem to get as much done as I had hoped for - but it is not a race, so I guess I'll just potter along at my own speed here.

Next week - maybe I finally can get some epoxy for the water on my river barge terminal - my local paint store didn't have any ....

Btw - this is what the river looks like in an aerial photo - the area I model is the water along the straight dock on the left:

[Image: mississippi.jpg]

Any suggestion about what color would look good here ? Dark grey ? Dark green ? Flat black ? Something else ?


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