Horrible discovery about the cost of the hobby!
The comment about the practice of running trains around the walls is especially interesting, however, as it is not the most efficient use of all that space. It actually wastes the majority of it.

I would imagine that the most efficient use of space is the "mushroom" multi-level layout, although the complexity of construction and wiring is something I would not attempt myself, nor would it suit my kind of modeling.

I am considering changing my layout concept to a multi-lobular layout in the center of the room with no point being any farther than arm's reach except the mountains, perhaps. this would allow a much more efficient use of space for me, with the scenery effectively dividing the layout into "views" and trains to easily travel into hidden staging areas without the need to be so sneaky disguising the entrances. It also means I would only have to model one really good central mountain group, instead of an entire range of them! Big Grin

It would also solve the eternal problem of doors, windows and closets, since my layout space has an outside patio door, an inside standard door, a pocket door and a large folding walk-in closet door, plus a window. Working around all of that along the walls, and necessarily limiting my width to arm's reach as well, has become something of a planning nightmare, while the alternate concept seems much more workable.

Comments and first-hand knowledge more than welcome. Worship

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