GERN Industries Ltd. - Flux Refining Plant
The Akron, Ohio division of GERN Industries, Ltd. is a Flux milling and refining facility. Through their patented and closely-guarded manufacturing process, powdered Flux is triple sifted, double-puffed, soft roasted, and polished. The end result is GERN Flux Pellets, used in a variety of products, including Fluxolium. Unrefined Flux enters the facility via boxcar or covered hopper and is stored in silos before processing. The finished product leaves the plant in much the same manner, by rail in either bulk form to other GERN locations, or is shipped in boxes directly to the end user.

The kit, I'm sure you all recognize as the Walther's Red Wing Mill. My facility won't be nearly as large as Wayne's (and rightly so, his is the main HQ after all!), but there will be some other industrial structures added besides this one. In this first post I have the kit nearing completion, with a few details remaining. The fire escape, loading docks and steps all need to be added yet. I will also be adding ballast to the roof and probably another round of india ink weathering on the building itself in addition to some more sanding and finish work.

At the bottom of the picture here is a potential sign for the building. I've been testing various fonts and designs.

If it's GERN, it's good!

[Edit: Please pardon the overexposed picture!]

[Image: GERN-1.png]

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