Made a slight change in my track plan...
mountaingoatgreg Wrote:Randy,

Thank you answering my questions...helps me to visualize "The Plan" and be able possibly add some ideas.

#1 The Blue line I figure is the Backdrop? If so would it be feasable to have the m/l sneak behind the backdrop and then re join the track from Reading? (Upper left hand corner) sort of diguise the loop.

#2 Have you considered adding a set of crossovers in Chapman to facilitate switching and access to the cement plant. If you are following a prototype and their isn't one I get it.

#3 How high off the ground is the layout, looks to be in the 50" range?

#4 Have you figured out how you will enter the layout room? duck unders, swing bridges?

#5 Sure you cant put a wye in the uppper lefthand corner and run a track over the the workbench??

Keep us posted on the progress!!!

1. Yes, the blue line is the backdrop. I supposr I could double-end the staging tracks, but the location a train moving left to right woudl enter the modeled portion would then be completely unrealistic. It's a thought though. I'd also probably have to cut a track out of the visible yard to fit it all.

2. It's built liek the prototype, as far as I can tell. On old maps that I have found it shows the only way to get to the cement plant was to pull into the yard and switch back. Unless you mean a crossover that gets you to the cement plant without goign to the yard first - even today it's not like that, the location of the cement plant is no an industrial park with tracks all over the place, and to get in there the train has to first pull into Chapmans and then switch back into the industrial park. The arrangement is almost identical to what's actually there - a siding splits off the main, then near the yard proper is a turnout that leads back into the industrial park.

3. However you figured the height, that's almost exactly it. 46" legs plus 2x 2" foam on top.

4. I was planning a liftout by the door. Nothign crazy, probably not even hinged. Although being only 2 tracks, allowign for reasoanble centers and space on the sides to clean raised side to prevent the great fall, I may just duck under - I'm thinking the width will be less than 6" for that section.

5. I did think about doing a wye there, but it started getting complicated again. There's also a closet on the wall tot he W side of the workbench, which I don;t really use and was planning to block, but now with the workbench there I cna still open one side of it - so maybe I shouldn't block it after all.

Today I finally got things properly organized - I bought a couple 7 drawer origanizers at WalMart and labeled the drawers and put stuff away logically, finally the top of the benchwork, not to mention my desk, is clear. And I have all my unbuilt kits on shelves over the workbench, stuff that's compelte is now in the sotrgae totes I have a mix of completed items and kits in. I have a LOT to build, but I want to try and focus on getting the benchwork done and at least the main down.

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

Visit my web site to see layout progress and other information:

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