A Rant
Charlie B Wrote:I worked retail for a number of years. Some of the Model railroad manufacturers have lost site of the fact that customer service is what keeps them in business.....
Folks that get good service tell 1 person, folks that get bad service tell 10.
As for "Skin in the game" I bought in when I bought their product.


Since you worked retail for a number of years, you know from experience that the number of employees in retail who deliberately under-perform or deliberately provide poor service is very, very few. When problems occur on the retailer side of the cash register, it is usually because they get goaded into it by customers' attitudes, statements, and perceived "unreasonable" expectations. Some employees are easier to goad than others, especially when they are having an off day. Being able to satisfy the difficult customers without ruining the company defines a great employee.

Where I took issue with your previous post is that your expectation that Walthers provide you free gear replacements for your locomotive upon demand regardless of warranty status (or Walthers parts status for a locomotive they did not produce). I would also disagree that the purchase of a locomotive alone gives you sufficient skin in the game to dictate Walthers business practices.

I am a full believer in the Deming business model that continual cooperation between buyer and supplier yields the best results for both parties. I have seen acquaintances go to model railroad manufacturers/importers with suggestions for their next product. Those who are successful are the ones who do things like assist with prototype data packages and photos, or with prototype model testing, or with constructing a master for casting, or simply round up a group to place advance deposits. Another area of cooperation that often doesn't happen but has great potential for product improvement is after-sale problem resolution.

But there are too many model railroaders - not that you are one - who sit around and complain on-line about manufacturers not meeting their every desire without lifting a finger except to swipe the credit card at purchase time - and then only if given sufficient discount. That is not skin in the game, and that is not cooperation between buyer and supplier. And the results will never be as good as the cooperative model.

just my thoughts and experiences
Fred W

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