dial-up problems
Sunday, and Monday, I could not connect with the internet via dial-up.
Today I connected, but at an extremely slow rate ( 16K ). At first I thought it was a dead modem, but today's connection has me thinking it's more like a 'tired old modem", or maybe deteriorated phone lines ( we did have some heavy rains in the last couple of days ).
I have a loan closing on Thursday, so the first order of business will be a replacement vehicle. The next priority will be a furnace inspection, and possible upgrade/replacement ( it was here when I moved i and that was almost twenty years ago. I have no idea how much older than that it is,but it could be upwards of fifty years! :o ) and when that's done, if there is enough cash left, a computer upgrade which may mean a change of email address, as I will more than likely dump AT&T for one of the other internet providers.
Just thought a "heads-up" was in order.
Oh, Trainfest was spectacular ! I had a great weekend, even if the van rental did set me back about $600.00. Eek
There are a number of locomotives that I would rather have spent that money on. Sad Icon_twisted Icon_twisted
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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