Representing "main" vs industrial spur track
I'm working on a HO modern era CSX region ISL and although it isn't based on a specific prototype it takes a lot from areas of Orlando, Tampa and Miami. I want to model the area where the industrial spur meets the "main" single track. For the spur I am using ME code 70 wooden tie track and switches without a raised track bed.

I want to have a clear difference between the two track types.

I have considered using a track bed to raise the main and ballast neater but still use the same ME track and switch. Or I could switch to Peco code 83 either with wooden or concrete ties. I haven't found switches in code 83 with concrete ties although I have heard that on the prototype switches may still use wooden ties even though the track uses concrete ties. I'm just not sure I'd like that look. If I did that should I use a peco code 83 or a ME switch? Peco do make a code 75 concrete tie switch but it's a European look. I guess I could alter it to look more a North American switch.

I read on Lance Mindheim's blog he sanded wooden ties down but that sounds like quite a job and with the prospects of me making it look awful Icon_lol

I guess I'm after advice or experience from anyone who has tackled this already. I should note the switch does not need to work. No train uses this switch, it's just to represent the outside world. I should note I'm based in the UK so potentially I may not have easy access to North American products but as I went to the effort to get ME code 70 track I don't want to just throw anything down without consideration.

Many thanks,

UK Engineering fan, from the tiny artistically engineered to the huge and powerful

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