The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
Good morning, just a short one today, got things to do, places to go and lots to see. Well, not really but I am busy right now.

The weather guessers got it right for a change, we did get a bit over 1/4" of rain last night. Some areas up to almost an inch. Not sure if we had a dust storm, need to watch the TV news at noon to find out. I could look at the local newspaper online, they send me a list of articles to read, just that when I click on one, there's a 90% chance that it won't view until I subscribe. I canceled the paper over a year ago after decades of subscribing, I sent them emails telling them why, but no one cared enough to answer, so I just ignore their requests to subscribe.

Just filled up at Costco for $3.29, I don't expect that to last considering that we've drained our national supply of oil and gas, just to get prices artificially low. After all, it is an election year.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning

    We have a very pleasant day here, cloudy with a slight chance of rain. I mowed yesterday and all is well. 

Greetings, gang.

69 and partly cloudy at the moment. Supposed to get to the low 80s later on. Looks like the heat has finally broken. Highs in the upper 70s to low 80s for the ext several days. I'll be allowing the air conditioner to take a few days off.

Nothing really major happened yesterday. I did forget about a ball game yesterday morning and got reminded last night at the second game. Oops. I did get bug spray put on the yard yesterday after the wind died down. I'll need to mow either today or tomorrow.

Gas holding steady at $3.44

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Wednesday 6/26
Hello Blue
Overcast, muggy, 78 degrees. A/C is on because of the muggies. A lot of storms this week. Just sct. showers for today.
An errands morning, wife got a haircut, dropped off some medical papers (wife is having knee replacement in Aug) shopped the produce market, and the Escape got an oil change.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Hot and humid today - some of my ritual walkmates at lunch were kicking me for getting them out, but we persevered. I'm not headed outside tonight, so I can have the opportunity to get at least one more of the coal chutes done for the coal storage silos.

The wife heads to Europe on Sunday, so it's just me and the dog all next week - gotta think I'll have a chance to do a good bit of work on the railroad. That might be premature though, because my son is talking about building a cabinet with me for his girlfriend, and I think the wife is expecting some cabinets to be painted as well. Then I also need to get up to my mom's and help her out. Upon further review...not much model railroading's getting done!
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 66 at the moment with 99% humidity. It just finished raining. I woke up to thunder, lightning, and the aforementioned rain. Got about 3/4 of an inch. Just what we need on top of all the rain we've had around here lately.

Yesterday was a productive day, Got the yard mowed and the sidewalk cleaned off before I went to the gym. When I got home I decided to run the edger around the sidewalk and driveway. I'm on my second edger. My wife wanted one for her birthday one year many years ago. Being the dutiful husband I got her one. One which she never touched. When I could no longer get blades for the original one I bought a new one. Regular edgers are getting harder to find as everyone wants to just use a string trimmer. IMO using the edger makes the sidewalk look much neater.

Ball game at 10 this morning about an hour away. I may go just to make up for the one I missed the other day. One more game on Monday then tournaments begin. Not sure where they will be held yet. Apparently the family doesn't trust me with too much advance information.

Gas dropped to $3.29 Surprisingly large drop. Most of the time it goes up a quarter and comes down a nickel.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Friday 6/28
Good morning Blue
Overcast, 80 for today's high.
I'm gonna say without comment that I watched the big debate. I usually avoid them as they never change anyone's mind, but I wanted to see this one. Pretty much as I expected. My wife did a lot of weeding in the garden yesterday and is sore this morning. I would just use a garden hoe. She like's to dig them out. Gas here is still in the $3.59 range most places. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good evening folks

Checking in late. It has been a busy day. We had a late concrete pour today which fouled up the schedule. I have been out I the heat most of the week on the project site. I have been keeping myself well hydrated and ducking into the air-conditioned trailer when I could. I was planning on stopping at a local hobby shop on the way home today but the heat this week and the idiot drivers sucked out my motivation and I never made it there.

I am hoping to go downstairs and run some trains and perhaps work on the Bridges Area of the layout.

I went to see the surgeon Wednesday, and everything looks good. I am off restrictions within reason, aka don’t do anything stupid. We need to replace the shear curtains in the dining room. They were the only casualty in the recent stray cat incident. I will help the wife replant some plants.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
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