The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Afternoon.  Started raining [sometimes hard] around noon.  Wifey and I were working the poles this AM for our state senate candidate.  Wifey had to leave and go to FIL's house for carpet measurement.   I left at 1:10 and at lunch.  Goofing of this afternoon as it rains.

Enjoy the afternoon and night.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning, rise and shine...nah, rather just suck down some coffee and hope that the daily news doesn't get too depressing to read.

Got mixed weather coming up, some say rain starting Saturday, others skip a day or two, but they all have some rain for next week and possibly the week after. That's usually how our February forecasts are. Baseball fans aren't going to like that. Our yard guy was a week late, got a letter from the weed police that we need to get the weeds out of the yard thanks to the rains we've already had. First offense is a warning, second and up are progressive fines. HOA's are notorious for foreclosing on folks that don't pay their dues or fines along with all the added attorney fees, which usually far exceed what is actually owed.

Temps are still reasonable, 70's and 80's.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 31 at the moment with a predicted high of around 50.

Quiet day yesterday. Swam for a half mile but while I was drying off I did something to my leg so no walking. Better today. This morning I'm headed to Walmart and Target. Only good thing about that is that I buy myself a pastry. My reward for going to Walmart in the first place.

Don - around here we have a product called Round-up 360. Supposed to kill weeds for a year. I tried it last summer and it kept weeds out through the fall. Don't know about this year yet.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
No train news here. 
It won't effect this forum if I mention a new 3 rail forum called OGF. It has a good following and seems like some nice fellows there.
Gonna check out the new Super Kroger this morning. It's been open awhile so I don't think going now will be a hassle.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
58 and sunny [for a change].  My State Senate candidate squeaked by with only 74%. Icon_e_surprised 

Not much on agenda.

NC's first coronavirus case is here in Wake Co.  Been playing with those folks on the west coast.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all. What's in store weather-wise? We'll be in the 80's for the next few days, then it's up for grabs. Rain in the forecast, nobody can agree when and give chances all over the map (anywhere from 1% to 90%). We'll just have to wait and see.

Tom, our yard is all gravel, very difficult for an old guy to walk on since it also slopes, and gravel rocks are really hard to get the weeds out of. I have a gallon of weed spray that I've not touched since buying it a year ago, but our yard guy cleaned up the weeds last month and sprayed. He said he'd be back and spray again if it rained. It did, he just took too long before he came back. Don't know what he used, but it sure didn't last and didn't stand up to rain. I always thought that rain helped to push the weed stuff deeper, but what do I know, I'm not into landscaping stuff.... Nope 

Folks, we are running a build challenge in case you overlooked that. So far we have three participants, one O scaler and two N scalers... How about a few HO'ers and even a three-railer or two?????? Come on, there's still plenty of time to figure something out and get started. Two of the participants are admins, Icon_e_surprised let's see a few more join up. It doesn't cost anything, you don't win but a certificate, but you do get something done that you've been meaning to do for some time now....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

42 at the moment. Supposed to go up to 51 today. It has been over 365 days now since the Philadelphia area had any appreciable snow. We had a few dustings but nothing that lasted on the ground for more than a few hours. Everybody thinks we are out of the woods but I know March can be tricky. Or maybe it is the new snowblower I bought back in October that scared the snow away.

Been doing some weathering. Finished three boxcars that have been sitting on the bench for years. Also working on fixing the weathering on my Bachmann Sharknoses. I may even open a box or two and start working on some new cars.

Have a little laundry to take care of this morning. I hope to head out to take a look at the Hobby Lobby in King of Prussia. It opened around the Holidays but I have not had a chance to visit. I might swing down to the Container Store at the King of Prussia Mall. I have a coupon that is going to expire soon and I want to get a few more containers to store more of the locomotives in. I haven't been to the mall since I retired in September. I used to visit once or twice a week at lunchtime since it was a just around the corner from the office.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Morning.  50 and breezy.  Rain on the way.  Not much on agenda.  Go to airport near here for an open house at 5.  

Don, might try Pramitol.  Kills everything for a year they say.  Expensive.  Some other things too. 

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
hi all . went to VA yesterday and now have an appointment to  dermatology , doc thinks spot  on forehead is skin cancer .
don I use to help a rancher out that had a thistle  problem in his pastures and he got some crystals that killed them out but made the ground a pare patch with not a thing growing  for 3 years ,  and I meant nothing grew there for 3 years and it worked. next time I see him will ask him what it was.
Good morning all, wow!!!! it's Friday again, can't get over how quick it comes around. We are in the mid-80's, for the next few days, then a sub-zero cold front moves in and we drop to the mid-70's. Maybe rain by Sunday, maybe Monday or Tuesday, hard to tell by reading the forecasts.

Jim, great idea, just that there's not an HOA in the universe that doesn't have requirements on what you can and can not have in your front yard. Most require at least one tree, a few bushes and who knows what else. A bare front yard will get you a notice, just like if it's green with weeds.... Our yard all around is cactus and other desert plants. One plus for that is that our drip watering system has been turned off since we bought the house. Sun City Grand is nearby, I guess one resident put a planting pot in their yard, the HOA there had a meeting on planting pots and literally, hundreds showed up to discuss how many, what size and where they can be put. A neighbor of ours increased the size of a gate, someone turned him in  for violating the HOA rules..... Can you just imagine what they'd do to us for having a bare yard???? Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 26 headed for sunny and 47 outside my window today. The high winds from yesterday blew themselves out of town overnight. Looks to be a very nice early March day.

Had a really glum day yesterday but in a much better mood today. Got my new logging cars yesterday from Trainworld. If the forecast for the weekend holds I'll set up the logging rain and maybe get a picture or two. Depends on how much track repair needs to be done. Nothing major on the agenda for today.

Gas prices are screwy. One station has it for $2.03.9. Across the street it's $2.19.9

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Wet and 39 for the day. it's OK, I don't have to shovel 39 degrees.
A Facebook post from a niece made me laugh and reminded me of some of you. She moved to Fla. about 6 months ago and already complaining about the snowbirds. Made me laugh out loud.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon folks

It is 40 with a high of 42. The rain has started.

Dishwasher repairman is here. Brand new dishwasher and the water was not getting hot and the dishes were not drying. Of course it is fighting with him as usual with anything in this house.

Picked up some supplies at Hobby Lobby yesterday. Have some more coming via Amazon today. Also grabbed some containers at the Container Store for the locomotives that do not fit into their boxes.

I picked out the new group of cars to weather. If all goes well I will finish the Sharknoses. The B unit needs sealing and then I will do the A unit.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hay were rocking and rolling here guess California had another shaker.
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 34 at the moment with a predicted high in the mid 60s by this afternoon. Winds up to 35 mph and low humidity will keep it from feeling all that great though.

Went to the gym yesterday morning and in the afternoon I did some yard cleanup. The strong north winds from Thursday herded most of the leftover leaves from last fall into the small back yard making it easy to round them up. Also got the tall grasses cut down. Still need to clean out around the base though. Then I got the two new logging cars assembled and put in the tote. If all goes well I'll put up a picture of the complete train tomorrow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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