The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy today and probably for the rest of the week.  40 now headed for 50.  Rain chances start tomorrow and last through Saturday.

Got all my grocery shopping done.  The only empty places on the shelves were the paper products.  Nothing much planned for today.  May work in the yard this afternoon.


All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning.  50 and foggy.  Feeding trailer parks and cleaning under shelter.

Jim, your folks are standing too close together.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
We are in lock down the governor proclaimed last night. Too much power for one person to have over us.
So not trusting her I filled the car with gas @ 1.59 per. Streets are deserted. Wife is out trying to find groceries.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. 
I am doing my part with social distancing because of my health, which is good and I want to keep it that way. There is no way I could put up much of a fight for this thing.

Tom, One of our dogs was the same way in December, in fact, he was so bad we figured we would be burying him when we got home from the vet. The vet ran a blood panel and his glucose was 670. He gave him a shot of insulin, a bag of saline to rehydrate him and gave us instructions for his food and shots. In 6 hours he was up and around, the problem he has now is he is blind from a cataract that had been developing that instantly got worse due to the sugar. His kidney and liver values were also bad but on the recheck last Thursday the liver was in the good range and the BUN was close to high normal. He has a response to light so maybe we can have the cataract removed if the kidneys start to function completely again. The little guy only had one eye when we rescued him.  We give him 2 shots a day and a vial of insulin from Walmart is $25 bucks and will last 6 weeks with him getting 10 units each shot. 

Store supplies are not bad in the area, We had trouble finding broccoli last week, and we keep it on hand because it is a safe treat for a diabetic dog an he loves it frozen. 

I might do so train work today. It's a toss up between that and some more historic photo ID's We shall see. 

My wife had a prescription called to our local Rite Aid because it is only a mile away. It was $150.00, the same prescription at Walmart is $40. It is only 10 miles to Walmart. She was kind of mad cause she can drive a long way to save $110. 

Stay safe everyone.
Good morning all. An early day for us, got to Walmart about 15 minutes before their "senior hour" opening. Line went clear across the store and in past the garden area. Didn't think we needed anything that bad so we went to the little Walmart Market. No lines, easy shopping and checkout. Didn't have eggs, so we went back to the other Walmart. No lines, easy parking since some were already leaving.  They had eggs and lots more, but already have enough toilet paper and towels. Back home in less than an hour and we have enough, not hording amounts, but enough so that we don't need to shop for a few weeks.

Gas is dropping, saw one station down to $2.65, Safeway thinks there's a gas shortage and still wants twenty cents more for theirs.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
My wife found a decent amount of food at Aldi's. Not 100% but enough to keep us going. Some dairy, some bread, no baked goods. No TP.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 44 with some rain on the way. High is supposed to be near 60. Rain is in the forecast through Saturday.

Walked to the video store to get the next installment of Harry Potter. While I was there the clerk told me they were changing hours but she didn't know by how much or when. Guess I'll find that out today. Did a load of laundry yesterday and when it was done I discovered the floor drain is running v-e-r-y slowly. Plumber has been called and they will be here this morning. Once they leave I'll do some more laundry. Depending on the weather I'll either go for a bike ride or a nice long walk in the rain.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. Bright, shiny clear day yesterday, more for today, then temps take a slight dip below 70, but are suppose to be in the mid-80's by this time next week. The creep factor, it's almost time to start these contests to guess the day and hour that we hit 100. They usually give away tickets to some sporting event, but maybe this year, the winner gets a package of toilet paper....

It seems like everything here is shut down except grocery stores and gas stations. Just about every restaurant has drive-thru, carry-out or delivery. A few, like Brenda's Kitchen is just closed. Just can't bring myself to the point of calling IHOP or Denny's to bring breakfast for us, don't mind going through a fast food drive-thru for hamburgers, but I wonder what the upper class is doing, "hello, Flemings, I want to order two fillets with all the trimmings, shrimp cocktail, baked Alaska and throw in some bottles of your best chardonnay and that 1920's Cognac. No, we have our own plates and silverware, we'll send Jeves over to pick the order up." Well, everyone has to eat, can you see Warren Buffet sitting in line at Burger King waiting for his Whopper and fries"?

All kidding aside, these are struggling times for lots of folks, and I give credit to all the healthcare workers and first responders for what they're doing for us all. Applause Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

it is 43 with a high of 48 and rain.

The dog is not doing better. He may have even slipped some. I am waiting for the vet to return my call this morning. He ate good Monday night but has not eaten since. His drinking what seems to be a lot of water. We are thinking and hoping it is diabetes. We are waiting for the blood work but with everything going on I am not sure how much of a priory a dog's blood work is right now. If it is not diabetes as my wife says, "we have been down that road before." So we will do what can to make him comfortable.

I started weathering a cement covered hopper. I painted the wheels and trucks thus far. I did look at a couple of YouTube videos on weathering as I was not totally thrilled with my last effort. Funny how after such a long layoff I feel I have lost some of my previous skills.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Costco gas is down to the mid-60s (per liter). Much lower and it won't cover the taxes.
We cancelled our summer trip to Michigan. Our deposit came back $14 higher than we paid -- Cdn$ has gone down that much.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Another cloudy day underway outside my window this morning. 38 right now headed for 48.

Video store is now open only from 2-9. Used to be open 10-10. Clerk said two of the other clerks quit. I hope the one I like didn't quit. Always a visual treat to talk with her. This morning Ill head to Menards to pick up a few trinkets. No lockdown here in Iowa at the moment. Gas was down to $1.60 yesterday when i was out.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, another bright day here in the desert, but around 10 degrees below the average. Tomorrow there's a chance of rain, then temps are suppose to go up to the high 80's by mid-week.

Had two doctor appointments yesterday, called to check on one and they said if it's OK, don't come in, the doctor will call you at your appointment time. Had an appointment scheduled for next week with another doctor, they called as asked if they could just do it by phone. I'm fine with that for now. To be sure, I wished they did it more often. Nothing more boring than sitting in the waiting room past your appointment time, then into the exam room where you wait even longer. Waiting for the phone to ring at home is so much better, since, as usual, the doctor was not on time.

Gas here is still slow to drop. I see Costco and Sam's Club in Peoria (about 10 miles away) selling for $2.09, while Sam's Club here in Surprise (about 2 miles away) is at $2.57. Most independents are still $2.67, brands are holding at $2.75. If we lived in Tucson, Sam's Club there is at $1.65, almost a dollar less than here. Somehow, I feel that we're being taken an advantage of.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun/clouds, 50s for the day, rain later.
I paid $1.59 per gal two days ago. Don't know what it is today as we have stayed in. My wife has been taking a daily walk and we both ride the indoor bike.
Michigan AG is after Menards for Doubling the price of all cleaning products. I am disappointed as I always thought of them as a respectable business.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Cloudy but suppose to clear off.  Warmer.  Young man helping me do things is here.  No feeding kids today.  Got plenty of help today.  Back tomorrow.

Stay safe.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Back from Menards with all the trinkets I went after. I didn't look at cleaning products so I can't say anything about that. I did have my first sighting of someone wearing a mask though. Gas is down to $1.60.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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