The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, temps a bit cooler for the next few days, low to mid-90's, then back up by the weekend. It's fine, just that when we have a mild spring, the summer is a blast... Charlie, glad to hear that your wife is back home and it wasn't anything serious.

Not much in the local news, the usual number of shootings, police chases, hit and runs and wrong-way driver accidents. Typical day in the neighborhood.

Congrats David on your new vehicle. Charlie is right, they haven't put CD's in vehicles in a long time. Another option which might be easier is a portable CD player. Amazon has them for as low as $20 including a audio cable and a USB cable to plug into you vehicle's ports, they should show up on your screen as a "device", plus the USB cable powers the player. Lots of options now days.

No change in gas prices here, average low is $4.79, I'll fill up today at either Costco or Sam's for around $4.65

Cleaning lady do this morning, she'll be here about 3 1/2 hours which includes chat time. A little chit-chat when she gets here, a bit more before she leaves. Last time she told me that her husband works for the local Budweiser distributor and he's so fed up with this controversy that he came home with a case of Coor's one night. Applause Applause I saw one guy yesterday in Walmart actually pick up a case of Bud Light for $21, I guess he didn't get the memo that some places are giving it away.

Enough said, hope everyone has an enjoyable day today, and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun and 88 today. it's a dry heat.
Got haircut yesterday, stopped at Lowe's for some mulch. Walked out without it. The one we wanted didn't have a price and the garden center lady and the cashier didn't agree on how much it was, so I left it and walked out. Mayhaps a trip to Aldias today. Gas is holding at $3.49.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. 

        It is going to be 88° today and 90° tomorrow. I need to mow the front half acre (surprise surprise! ) but I will wait until 5 PM when the sun is at a little more angle.  

        My wife is in good shape this morning. I took her to her surgeon's office for her post surgery check up and all is well. restricted activity until July 1st. But she is allowed to walk and to drive and light duty chores. (Anyone that knows her will question what she considers light duty)  Icon_e_biggrin

        I got half of my order of old unassembled blue box kits today and the other half should be here tomorrow. I am hoping to build these with my great grandson. 

        I mowed the back yard yesterday and cut a large branch up that I had removed from a tree. It was hanging into the area we have enclosed for the fur kids. Just so you know what my place looks like here is a capture from Google Earth. In case you are wondering, It was my wifes idea to downsize from 1980 sq foot with a 1260 sq foot basement to this place with 3 rooms and a living area of 480 square feet. That is why I have a train shed, no basement here. We are both happy. and we do save on utilities having only an electric bill.  


        I edited another half hour of my friends old films, found clips of several friends that I didn't know were on the films. There ws a clip of one of the gang going to the Navy and a few of him on leave. He was killed in a car accident on his way back to the base after making repairs to a helicopter. He fell asleep at the wheel. We lost 2 of the gang to car wrecks. 

        Our cheapest area gas is 3.35. We don't drive much. we have 26000 miles on our 2018 Kia and I have had my truck for 6 years and I have only driven it 5400 miles.  If I ever get the motor home drivable we hope to put a lot of miles on it. 

        Many years ago when I was a young lad (1956) my dad owned a new car dealership and I asked him why he didn't have a political sticker for his favorite candidate.  He told me flat out that politics and business was a bad combination for sales. He only had an 8 grade education yet was smarter than these CEO's today. 

        Have a great day everyone, The week end is upon us once again. 
Still 82 oF at 8:15 PM.

The deer flies are back. They love the wet, and my place of employment hugs the Chesapeake Bay. Ergo, our daily lunchtime walk was more about swatting at the monsters than enjoying the beautiful weather on the 1st of June. In another week or so they'll start biting, and for little suckers, they get their money's worth. However, it was the last day of our work week, so I have another 3 days before heading back in.

My youngest son now has the golf bug and is off tomorrow - we'll be playing in Clifton Park, which certainly isn't the worst part of Baltimore, but it's also not the best. At least I like the golf course. When I get back home it's off to get my last of about 25 pickup loads of mulch from our county landfill - the major weeding and amending of garden beds is done for another year. Like Charlie, I also have lawn to mow - actually let it rest last weekend since we haven't had rain.

Fixed a non-working iPod this evening. The solid-state hard drive worked it's way out of the circuit board (falling off my belt yesterday may have had a lot to do with it), and after popping off the back shell and resecuring the drive, she's back to working condition.

Should have some time for scenic additions in the evenings this weekend and I can start to see that there is a time not too far in the future that I'll be able to put my railroad bridge back up and run trains.

Tomorrow marks day 7 of my granddaughter's life - she's our first and we'll be heading to Texas later this month to see the little creature.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
(06-01-2023, 06:37 PM)TMo Wrote: Tomorrow marks day 7 of my granddaughter's life - she's our first and we'll be heading to Texas later this month to see the little creature.

Congratulations being a grandparent is when the fun begins. Our youngest granddaughter will be 29 in 2 weeks We spoiled them rotten and enjoyed every minute doing it. I hope yours are nothing but joy and health.  1990_dancing  
Thanks Charlie! I'll try to do the same...
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Greetings, gang.

Another cloudy, muggy day underway. 68 now with 87% humidity. Supposed to get to the upper 80s.

Fairly routine day yesterday. I did finally break down and get a new battery for my car. The old one was 12 days short of being 6 years old. Not bad. Today is bill paying day around here. Not much else planned.

TMo - congrats on joining the grandparent club!

Charlie - very interesting how your neighbor's house is built on a slant following the property line.

Gas price riding its pogo stick again. Jumped to $3.49 yesterday from $3.27

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, Friday again and the second day of June, I'm sure Walmart and other big box stores have their Fourth of July stuff out already, including fireworks. I haven't seen any tents going up yet, a bit too soon. I still think it was a crazy idea to allow personal fireworks in our state where it's so easy to start a wildfire. We've already had a few get started this week alone.

Got a clean house for another month. Nice lady, she'll clean every nook and cranny even if it isn't dirty. All the wastebaskets and trash containers are ready to fill back up and the mirrors are all sparkly clean. Eek That's the scary part, they are best left so I can't see myself.

Pat and family are in Scotland right now, one more week and they're headed home. Sounds like they're having a great time.

Todd, welcome to the grandfather's club. I'm one step past that, my great-grandson just turned two. It happens fast....

Take care everyone, get ready for yet another weekend, stay cool and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well! If we're going to brag about great-grandkids my oldest great-grandchild (out of 12) is a gorgeous young lady about to turn 16.

Sorry, Don, Just had to one up you on this.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and 90 today. It's a dry heat. No rain, grass is showing signs of brown already.
We have 6 grandsons, no girls. Oldest is 31, youngest is 18. Only one married.
We did some running this week, no plans for the day.
Went to a different Lowes yesterday, they had left the sale sign up so got 5 bags of Scott mulch for $10.00.
Gas is still $3.49......Got some eggs at Aldis for $1.10.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks,

It is currently 79 heading up to 92.

It has been a long day already. My day started with being on the project site at 4:30 AM. We had a 6 AM concrete pour which finished about an hour ago. We were told it was going to be 100 yards but it turned out to be only 70.

I have not been online much this past week and half. We have been dealing with my wife’s health issues. She had to see her allergist and a new doctor, this one a pulmonologist. She has received clearance from both of them to undergo surgery. Now she is trying to get the surgery scheduled before the her doctor leaves the practice.

We have a couple of vet appointments for the dog and one of the cats. Nothing serious, just the routine annual visits. The cat who is 16 is now taking monthly injections for her arthritis. Why is that every arthritis drug they develop for humans does not work on humans, but it does for cats and dogs? Just to make things more fun the dog developed diarrhea over the holiday weekend. She is now on a diet of boiled chicken and pumpkin. She is better but not quite there yet.

I have been able to squeeze some modeling in between crises. I finished decaling the NYO&W FTB unit and sealed it. I now need to put it make together. I changed out the plastic couplers on seven Athearn RTR 89-foot flat cars.

Tonight, I need to stop at the pharmacy on the way home.

Saturday is the first Delaware County Pride Parade in Media, PA. My son is one of the chief organizers. While my wife and I would love to attend, due to her health issues we won’t be able to. However, I will be on call to help with any last-minute logistical problems that could arise. I have some gardening to do such as removing what is left of the tulip plants and preparing the garden for some new plants. At some point I am hoping to make a grocery store run and a nursery run for plants.

Sunday will be planting those plants or doing the things I wanted to get done on Saturday.

I want to finish the FTB unit and continue changing couplers on the flat cars. I then need to decide what to work on next for the layout. I am thinking of building the Ashmore Hotel kit. I could also choice another couple of locomotives to convert to DCC.

Congratulations on the grandchild, Todd.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Big Grin 
(06-02-2023, 06:55 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Well!  If we're going to brag about great-grandkids my oldest great-grandchild (out of 12) is a gorgeous young lady about to turn 16. 

Sorry, Don,  Just had to one up you on this.


Good morning.
        You guys started it. My oldest great grandchild is 18 and just graduated High school last week. the youngest will be 4 in October. (I keep a cheat sheet because I can't remember their birthdays.)  Icon_e_biggrin

         Strawberries are in season here but the going price is $6.95 a quart. I realize inflation has hit the farmer, but as much as I enjoy strawberries I will pass. The ones that come all the way from California and Florida are selling for 2.95 at the grocery store near youngstown.  I know folks will pay the 6.95 but if you want to stop the gouging you have to pass, and strawberries, unlike gasoline, are not what I consider a necessity, and my plants will produce in a couple weeks. 

         I went to mow yesterday but the grass was not that bad and without rain I thought it best to let it be.   

         Tom, the slanted building is currently a machine shop or something, the complex manufactures suspensions for dirt bikes and other off road racing vehicles.

          It is partly cloudy here but a very little chance for needed rin. 

          Wishing everyone a grand week end
The vet told us to a a bit of pumpkin to the cat's food. So he gets it and I don't.

Temperature is reaching 30C up here -- new records according to TV. (30C = 86F).

Preparing for new car tomorrow. We'll need to find a new way to play CDs.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Sunny, humid, and 64 going to sunny, humid, and 90.  I may have to break down and turn on the a/c. 

Yesterday was moderately productive.  Got the yard mowed and paid some bills  This morning I need to go to Menards to get some insect control spray.  I put some on the yard earlier this week but an hour after I applied it I got over 3 inches of rain so I guess you could say that project was a washout.

Charlie - looks like you win bragging rights on the great-grandkids.  Also thanks for the info on the neighboring structure.

Gotta love Gary Larson -


All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, we're sitting around 100 for the next few days, then the mid-90's for about a week, but that can change in a flash.

Charlie, you win on age, but can you beat Tom's 12? Me, I feel like a youngster, my second one is due in December, and I'll tell you why I'm behind. Pat and his family are always dragging on time, late more times than not and so it only stands to reason that their girls are slow to fill up their end of the family tree. Waiting I might add, that my other granddaughter is 22 and I don't even hear talk about a boyfriend.... Nope 

Went to Gas Buddy to check on prices, and got the following:

Backend fetch failed
Guru Meditation:
XID: 7914284
Varnish cache server

Really makes sense, someone should fail if they were trying to varnish the guru's rear while he's meditating. Aw, come on, they are as bad as doctors, why can't they just speak so us commoners can understand instead of using their own private code?

Saturday, got over 9 hours sleep, got some work to do in the shop, one tool I sold a few years ago was a surface planer and I really regret doing that. Harbor Freight has a sale and theirs was $299,down from $369, a real deal. I have no plans for it yet, but I now have my precious planer once again. Problem is I need to find a place to put it and it's too heavy for an old man to pick up, so I have to be clever getting it out of the box, and Pat's in Scotland right now, so he's no help. Nope

Enough for now, gotta go find something to eat for breakfast, then go unpack the planers. Ya all have a great weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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