La Ciénaga Switch
Gene - the wildlife is moving in, and becoming less afraid of humans - I think we may need to get the Park Ranger Service guys in


Guess it had to happen sooner or later.... Icon_lol
Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!! Waveof7
Gene - the wildlife is moving in, and becoming less afraid of humans - I think we may need to get the Park Ranger Service guys in
Naw,call the "Gator Boys" instead.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Let's hope he's returned to the wild unharmed.

Postie chapped (knocked on) the door at lunchtime with a package of low-growing cycad-type palms - so this afternoon I planted a bit more vegetation - I think that will be IT until I get back from TVNAM. Hunted on ebay for an HO Park Ranger vehicle - found one by Trident, but it is in USA, and will take too long to get here - Does anyone have a State trooper/Sherriff type HO scale person with one of those pointy-top hats with a flat brim? I'm sure that Preiser did one as part of a set of troopers, but can't find it in the current catalogue - I thought he'd make a Park Ranger

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