Good things come in narrow packages

One more question on the box and sorry if you mentioned it, but what did you make them out of? I assume paper but did you treat the paper or paint it beforehand?

Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
No problem Greg.......
Kraft paper...or "packing paper" is used. It is already the right color (brown) and thickness:

Also for those who have "gorilla mitts" such as myself, this may be a better alternative:
I have not tried them, but you can get 3 different sizes in the "variety Pack"......and the price isn't bad.
Steve Wrote:! I am always hesitant about putting figures around because I am never really completely happy with the results. They enhance other layouts that I have seen, but when I do it, it seems "fake" looking to me. Maybe I need to do a better job on the painting, or re-painting in this case. Most got some paint, and all got a light ink wash.................probably just need practice Wink
Part of "convincing figures", is selecting figures that can "work with each other", as in, their "poses" are complimentary.
Then, placing them in the scene, to see how they work with it. Like:    
Next, adjusting their "style" to be appropriate for the scene they're in ( sometimes just a little paint works, sometimes their "fashion" needs a little tweek )
With a bit of playing around with the scene you can get them where and how they look the most natural, and can then "equip them" with the necessary details so they appear to have a function in the scene. Kind of like,The bar tender has a glass in is hand and, is handing it to the gentleman in the dark suit.:     ,.:    
Sometimes you may need to "remove and reposition" an arm or a leg, or strip their "clothes" off and redress them ( paint, and some "single ply" of facial tissue,cut to shape, dipped in "wet" water and white glue, applied, and adjusted to look right. )
The "naked" lady in the first picture, standing by the bar, is the lady in the red dress in the second picture.

Hope that helps you "populate" your scenes. Thumbsup Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Pete, I like your tip about "re-dressing" figures using tissue and white glue. Thumbsup I have a bunch of female figures which need to be wearing those appallingly-sexless mid-calf dresses of the '30s, rather than their current garb which is more complimentary. Eek From where I sit, that was one of the worst things about the '30s, although I didn't have to live through the other bits. Wink Misngth


Any updates....???

Huh Huh anything, how about now....??
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
Greg, you must have had to go back quite a few pages to dig this thread up  Goldth .

Well.......I have really not done much of anything, and I was beginning to think about tearing it down. As of right now, I have decided to start back up and see if I can finish the layout. Only about 4 feet or so left anyway. I miss continuous running and I think that issue may be the biggest reason that my interest keeps waning. I have my next building picked out, but I thought that I would do a "small" project to get me back in the swing. I decided to do the Jodan Steam crane kit I bought for the eventual scrap yard:
[Image: UczUHM.jpg]

Probably not a good way to get my feet wet. Lots of tiny parts, less than ideal instructions.....did I mention tiny parts? Plus thread for the cables (what could possible go wrong?)  Wink .
[Image: 4iuElf.jpg]

I have managed to get the tracks and platform together:
[Image: 4okSRF.jpg]

And a cable motor:
[Image: KIv6j4.jpg]

It is during projects like this that I wish I modeled in O-scale  Sad
I will update as I go  Thumbsup
Hey Bud, here is one sitting in the Milw. Rd. scrap yard.

[Image: DSCF1520.jpg]

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
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We had a Erie steam shovel at my local narrow gauge railway last year, lovely looking machine
the owners bought it as scrap in Canada and shipped to the UK for restoration, it worked all weekend loading ballast in to skips.
ak-milw Wrote:Hey Bud, here is one sitting in the Milw. Rd. scrap yard.

[Image: DSCF1520.jpg]

See....I didn't need to make one, I could have just "borrowed" yours Misngth
Very nice scene by the way Thumbsup

long island jack Wrote:[ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]

We had a Erie steam shovel at my local narrow gauge railway last year, lovely looking machine
the owners bought it as scrap in Canada and shipped to the UK for restoration, it worked all weekend loading ballast in to skips.

That must have been great to see!!!!!!!!!
You can borrow it any time Steve, you just have to come here to get it.

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
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I was so wondering where you had gone and saw you post on another thread. I figured I would blow the dust off the thread and see if you had been doing anything.

I know with having two younger children I am designing my layout with the ability to run in circles. I plan to use it also as a way to break in power but will operate it as a point to point.

I am also glad to see that you are working on something. I has to take a break while I moved again but I finally got back to modeling and it feels good to do something creative. I picked up one of those cranes up for $10 and I am going to convert mine to diesel. The price tag looked like the original sticker from when it was new I am not sure how old those kits are but they sure hold up.
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
Greg, I still have school age kids myself, and that definitely takes priority and cuts into the modeling time. I am also working a lot of hours on my job, so that leaves even less time (and energy). Good luck with all your projects  Thumbsup  ....I need to find a way to get some Train-running in  Wink

I will continue to work on the steam crane, but I have decided to also get started on the next structure. It is the L-shape building circled:
[Image: ulirEK.jpg]

This is the prototype:
[Image: 2IYCXf.jpg]

Not thrilled with the name of the stucture, but it's proto, so I'll go with it. I think the white and blue will set it off nicely, and it will look "right" in its eventual home.

More as I get started  Thumbsup
Acme Cake Co.? Exploding cakes? Cakes with anvils in them? "Hi, this is Warner Bros. Send us a boxcar load of cakes!"

Misngth Icon_lol
I like cake!

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
Warner Bros. has taken a perfectly good, albeit generic name for a company, and made it so you can only think of this:

[Image: TCn3S3.jpg]

Here is their catalog:

[Image: bdZnpZ.jpg]

Product list: (although I don't see "cake" on there)

[Image: vpWF7J.jpg]

I don't know about the rest of you, but I was always pulling for Wile E. Coyote to get the Road Runner.....don't know what that says about me....... :? Goldth

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