The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, a new week and one day away from a new month. Time just seems to zip along faster and faster... Temps in the low 100's and could dip down below that by the end of the week. Sounds like a good time to go out target shooting, just that we don't like to go when the weekend shooters are out, it's kind of scary how careless some of them are. The BLM is building some shooting ranges on their property around the area since there's been some accidents and area closures. A good idea, but there will be structured shooting. No setting up plastic bottles as targets as we do. A lot more fun than just shooting at a paper bullseye.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun but the day started at 45 degrees and the house is a chilly 68.
No real news here as we are still in a stay at home mode. However most are now ignoring our power crazy governor as she signs new orders on a daily bases. 
Our club meets have been canceled except our annual outdoor one. It's still at a wait and see how things roll.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is 61. Going up to 71.

We went grocery shopping and picking up pet supplies. My daughter and I went mid morning and the crowds were small. We also made a stop at Home Depot and I picked up a new threshold for the front door.

When we got home I received a kick in the gut. My wife got a call from the nursing home and was told that her father has tested positive for COVID-19. All we can do now is pray and wait. The facility he is at has the best recovery rate. They have been very forward with us, sending my wife updates on infections since this began.

Needless to say no modeling got done yesterday. I hope to do some later today after I try to fix the threshold.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Morning.  83 and sunny. Low humidity.  Off to Frankie's for a meal.

Weak new Raleigh Mayor and her weak PD Chief let things get out of hand last night in Raleigh.  Waited to long to take action.  Same in Fayetteville.  Durham perfect example of peaceful demonstrations. 

Enjoy your week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
We had a trip out to the next big city today. I found some redundant tapes and passed them on to a modelling friend. Rocky Mountain Steam Power, L&PS, a tape on WW2 aeroplanes and Ladies from Hell and and Eric Sykes.
Brief walk in park to see swans et al, then home before we had to go potty.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Nothing but a lot of hot air today. 88 for the high with 35+ mph winds. Upper 80s and low 90s for the rest of the week.

I did get in a 3 mile walk yesterday but nothing else accomplished. Nothing major on the to-do list for today. Walk and a trip to the gym. With the high winds there will be no bike ride today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, I hope cooler heads prevail starting today. Maybe if the temps got back up over 110 we wouldn't be having these organized and pre-planned riots around here. I understand we have paid "protesters" being bused in, then, of course, being joined by a bunch of thugs eager to get something for nothing. Social media talking about targeting specific malls to destroy, one is where we do most of our shopping, about two miles away. Absolutely senseless, unless you have other goals in mind other than the issue at hand.....

Enough, that's just my protest about these "protesters".... And yeah, things are cooling down, the temperature that is... We have a few days this week where the temps dip just below 100. Turned the cold water on in the kitchen and I though that somehow the hot and cold got switched. I'm not sure how close the water tank is to where we are, but I'm certain that it's not insulated and close enough to where the water won't cool down until sometime in October...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Sunny, low humidity and 79.  Service mower and mow.  The rioting in Raleigh is the Mayor's lack of leadership.  Giving excuses why she didn't issue curfew.  Will do so today.

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is 60 heading to 71. Nice morning thus far.

Crazy weekend. Everything started out well but went to crap real fast. Yesterday our community had a nice peaceful protest with no problems. The police superentiant even participated. However, as evening approached looting broke out in West Philadelphia. Soon it spread into the main shopping district of our township, 69th Street which is about 3 miles from us. This is where SEPTA has their main suburban hub with buses, trolleys, the Norristown High Speed Line (P&W), and Market-Frankford El which all were shut down. The Upper Darby police did a great job of containing the looting and not letting it to spread. They weren't arresting too many people but they were taking down license plates. The mayor put our township under a curfew last night. My son was going to participate in a community clean up starting at 8 AM. It was canceled because by 8 AM the township had everything cleaned up.

I did fix the front door threshold. Took longer than what I had hoped but it is done. My wife hurt her shoulder. She is not sure how she did it but she woke up with it. She wasn't able to do much yesterday. She is better today but doesn't want to push it.

Of course I did not get any modeling done or even anything for weekend photos. Maybe today will be better.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 71 headed for sunny and 94. Slightly warmer than yesterday's high of 90. Fortunately the humidity was low so it wasn't too bad. Today could be worse. 60% chance of rain tonight so that means there will be more humidity lurking in the area.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Trip to the gym. Pool was open so I swam about a third of a mile. Should be back up to a half mile by the end of the week. Also stopped by a jewelry tore while on my walk yesterday. They would not attempt to fix the trim ring on my watch. Just needs to be glued back in place but the manufacturer recommended taking it to a jeweler for repairs.

So I guess today I'll be stopping by Menards for some type of adhesive. Also need to make a grocery run. A bike ride (if it's not too windy) and maybe a walk should complete my planned activity list for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, well, we're back on lockdown. Not because of any virus, but because of a bunch of terrorist thugs. Our governor has issued a state-wide curfew starting at 8 PM.  This is crazy, some are doing it to stir up trouble, others are there for what they can get away with, all using the current issue as an excuse to do what they're doing. I'm now getting email from restaurants that just now opened again, saying that they're closing early due to the curfew. Stores that just opened back up elsewere are totally out of business now due to looting and damage throughout the country.

Enough on that subject, we're still looking at above average temps at around 110 until the weekend when we're suppose to drop below 100. Right now, the A/C is going day and night and the cold water is still coming out hot. One positive thing about the heat is that weeds don't like it when it's hot and dry so it's possible to go the whole summer without battling weeds.

Went to the little Walmart yesterday, got everything that was on our shopping list, and a few things that wasn't. Shelves are starting to return to looking normal again. As for the store, still funneling shoppers through one door and out the other, still got Plexiglas at every checkout counter. We usually go through self-check, but those plastic bags are frustrating at best to try to open.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

67 with a spectacular sunrise this morning. The sky was almost red. High for today is guesstimated to be in the upper 80s, about 10 degrees cooler than yesterday's high of 97. We never did get any rain last night.

Routine day yesterday. Shopping in the early morning before the crowds arrived. Then after the guv's news conference I rode for 13 miles. Skipped the walk as it was just too darn hot out. I did get the screens installed on the front porch. Easy task but I sure worked up a sweat. Also played with my new drone for a bit after supper and managed to fly it into the hedge and also into a tree. Surprisingly it still works.

Today will be a trip to the gym along with mowing the yard, Walk and bike ride may or may not occur. I do need to put the bug spray on the yard also.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. Still have an "excessive heat warning" in affect for another day or so, then temps dip below average and into the 90's for a while. Don't mind that at all. Plan on going target shooting this weekend, going out very early and eat breakfast on the way back. Sounds like the way to go even though it'll be cooler than normal.

No riots in Phoenix, no looting. The police and protesters were in harmony, although a few decided that they wanted to get arrested and the police obliged them. The crowds dispersed around 8PM, our curfew time. My heart goes out to those innocent business owners that have suffered at the hands of a bunch of thugs in disguised as protesters.

Again, enough on that subject before my blood pressure gets out of hand. Going to try to spend a bit of time on my layout, time to work on getting the control panel installed.  Got some wiring to do and am going to build a slide-out drawer to hold it and the power pack.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  90 and sunny.  Humidity coming back.  Walked around [looking at her flowers] and sat with Wifey drinking coffee.  Now she is off to feed a trailer park with hot lunches.

I delivered 220 produce boxes yesterday.  Was a surprise call.  Had three helpers thank God.  Then CPA appointment.  Why I didn't get to post yesterday.  Was a rush day.

Peaceful protests since curfew.

Back injections this afternoon.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 65 right now. Temperature has dropped some. We are currently in the midst of a very loud thunderstorm.

Was awaken a little after 5:30 AM this morning by a loud explosion. Someone blew up the ATM down the street. This has been going on in Philadelphia for the past couple of days. They hit about a dozen or so. They are targeting the little stand alone ATM's that are outside of businesses.

Didn't get any modeling done yesterday. Did some small chores and repairs around the house. Nothing significant.

Maybe today will get some modeling.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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