The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good Morning. 
     a beautiful day weather wise, but a sad one for us. Our little dwarf Samoyed went to the rainbow bridge this morning. 
     He had diabetes which was diagnosed on Dec 7 last year. He was blind with a cataract in his only eye.  He only had one eye when we rescued him in 2012.
He had aggression issues that we sorted out and he was a real love. He started to have seizures last night about 8PM and we couldn't get him to the vet until this morning. We knew he was not having a good quality of life and we were keeping him alive for our benefit but it was time to let him run free. He passed very peacefully.  He will be missed forever. Charlie    
Charlie B, condolences.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
From The Railroad Coffee Pot forum.

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TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 69 heading to 74. We had some dense fog this morning. I could barely see the house across the street at one point. For the most part the fog has lifted.

Did not have a good night and having a so-so morning. The bladder is flaring up. Having pain and frequent trips to the bathroom. During the night from about midnight to 4 AM it was averaging 15 to 2o minutes between trips. The interval is longer now but the irritation is still there. I have what is now called painful bladder syndrome (used to be called irritable bladder syndrome). Not a lot is known about it. They know is has something to do with the lining of the bladder and that it makes the bladder think it is full when it is not. Sometimes certain foods can trigger a flare-up. I cannot not eat tomatoes and I have to be careful with certain spicy foods. Some claim caffeine is a culprit, but I have found if I limit my caffeine intake, I am fine. I can drink Pepsi, but Coke products can be a problem. There is no medication that helps. There is an experimental drug, but I am not a candidate for it at this time. One thing that does seem to work is a procedure where a cystoscope is inserted into the bladder and then the bladder is over filled with water. This stretching of the bladder seems to help. I apparently had this done several times when I was a kid. Unfortunately, the records have been lost. In order to perform the procedure, I have to completely under anesthesia. One of the signs of the syndrome is a catheter cannot be inserted without extreme pain. The last time the urologist tried I had to stop it due to the pain. Since I have had issues with anesthesia in the past they are hesitant to do it. I think the episode last night and this morning was caused by lemonade. I drink a brand I never had before with lunch since it was the only think available. Another one for the no list.

I ran trains last night. I did some organization of a few things on the layout and the rolling stock.

Today I hope to work on some boxcars and weather them.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 65 at the moment. Supposed to hit the mid to upper 80s this afternoon with 25-30 mph winds.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Physical therapy in the morning, walk in the afternoon, and goofed off the rest of the day. This morning is flag football for great-grandkids. This afternoon I'm going to Algona to see a train museum. I don't expect it to be very much but at least it's out of the house. Tomorrow will be a full day. Driving to Omaha to great-grandkids soccer, football, and cheerleading. Long day but it should be fun.

Charlie - condolences on your loss. Always a struggle to lose a friend.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning friends. 
        Sunny and nice here this morning. another couple days before the rain is supposed to move in. 
Had a nice phone call from DrWayne last evening. He is trying to get zoom to work and having some problems that may require his daughters help, but he is interested in the chats.  I wonder if there is a way to have a chat room open here so we could come and go as we please. I know the 40 minute time limit would be a hinderance. 
          Thanks for thinking of m loss Tom. The little guy had just plain worn out his body. 
           I have a couple little jobs to do today but both minor, then I hope to go back to scanning those old locomotive photos I bought.     
Good morning all, condolences as well Charlie, I know that for a lot of people, their pets are not only friends, but family.

Went to the pawn shop that has ammo. A box of 9MM is now going for $25 and one box per person per day (used to be as low as $10). A brick of 500 .22 cal going for $65 (Walmart used to sell that for around $25). Those are crazy prices, but not as bad as some. No one will accuse them of price gouging, the same goes for meat now days, $14 a pound for steak. Eek If this was toilet paper, it would be front page and someone would be heading to jail.

As far as keeping a video chat open, whether it be Zoom, Skype or another venue, there always has to be a host present and you're right, with Zoom, the free version has that 40 min time restriction. We could try Skype which doesn't have that limit, but we would still need to have someone there acting as a host. If the host leaves, the connection shuts down. I know Wayne said that he'd like to chat, let me see if I can't put a step-by-step for installing Zoom. Once it's installed, it's easy to join a meeting, just click on the link.....

New Costco opened on Thursday, the first lady in line showed up at 2:30 in the morning. Some people drove from Las Vegas just to buy something that they didn't have there. I stopped for gas yesterday, and the parking lot was crammed. A few people mentioned that it might be easier shopping at the Peoria store, but this one has that, "new store smell" (like buying a new car), plus it's huge compared to others.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  Still cloudy but no rain.  Did not get near as much rain as guessers claim we did. ??  Not much on agenda until 5.  SisterIL's for ribs.  Her hubby cooks great ribs.  Tomorrow, I have been summoned for breakfast outside at local breakfast place and then Lowes for more stuff for FIL's house [HGTV girls at it again and need my veteran's discount].  

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 66 and gloomy. Been lightly raining off and on. It is supposed to make it to 72.

Charlie condolences. Our furry family members are a large part of our lives and losing them is hard.

I went to bed early last night and the extra sleep has seemed to help. The bladder flare up finally calmed down in the evening. I did not get any modeling done last night.

We have to run some errands today. A trip to CVS and perhaps Target. I have a few little projects around the house to do this weekend, but I think I can sneak some modeling in between them.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

64 and clear at the moment but clouds could move in later bringing a 30% chance of rain. High around 70.

I'll be on the road soon. Headed to Omaha tow watch great-grandkids sports activities. Won't be home til late this evening. Gonna be a long day.

Charlie - nice picture. I really appreciate all the pictures you post.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks.
        Another beautiful morning here and they are promising some rain tomorrow.  All major projects are on hold for a while. I did my semi annual bone density self test yesterday. This time I did it from the third step of a ladder.  I passed, no broken bones but the aluminum framed lawn chair that broke my fall didn't do as well. It appears all I have are some pulled muscles.  I wonder if Anthem will send me a check for the cost of the test. Icon_e_smile

         I didn't get any scanning done yesterday, but those photos will be waiting when I get to them along with the thousands of family pictures I am trying to get digitized to share with the rest of the family. I am fortunate to have pictures of some of my 3 great grand parents as well as some of the others in between.

         I am looking forward to more face to face meetings, I even got an email back from OB Jack and he wants to try to join us at times. 

Good morning all, here we are, another Sunday, another week gone by and we're in the last few days of September. Temps today, 100+/-, but going back up as the week progresses.

Went back to the pawn shop yesterday with Pat and my granddaughter. I got a brick of 500 22LR/40gr for under $50. They had loads of ammo, I guess it's whatever box they have open depends on what you're paying. Friday they said a brick would be $65, but that probably was a different manufacturer. Anyway, there's someplace (20 miles away) that has ammo at somewhat reasonable prices.

I've got to figure out what time zone Jack is in, we may have to wake him up. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  74 and sunny.  No rain for a change.  Go to Lowes with Wifey and meet her Sister for more HGTV junk.  Get Granddaughter home.

Enjoy your week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hey everybody! It's been about a year and five months since I was here last. Don so sorry to hear about Peggy(?) but happier to hear that the very hard decision you made is benefiting both you and she. I'm still living in Solsberry Indiana, about 6 miles west of the Tulip trestle. Absolutely loving being back out in the country again after living in Phoenix for 14 years. My two boys are now 18 and 15 with the oldest starting his first year of college this year... sheesh. I work for the Navy now as a civilian and have taken on the position of Explosives Safety Planner. 1/3 of all ordnance in the US is stored in magazines at the base where I work and it's up to me to make sure nobody does anything unsafe that will result in... getting blown up. No pressure. I haven't done much with the trains for a while now... got back into motorcycles. I guess you could say I'm taking a break and letting my passion recharge. Perhaps when it starts getting colder (just around the corner now), I'll meander down to the basement and see where I left off.
(09-27-2020, 11:56 AM)TrainNut Wrote: Hey everybody!  It's been about a year and five months since I was here last.  Don so sorry to hear about Peggy(?) but happier to hear that the very hard decision you made is benefiting both you and she.  I'm still living in Solsberry Indiana, about 6 miles west of the Tulip trestle.  Absolutely loving being back out in the country again after living in Phoenix for 14 years.  My two boys are now 18 and 15 with the oldest starting his first year of college this year... sheesh.  I work for the Navy now as a civilian and have taken on the position of Explosives Safety Planner.  1/3 of all ordnance in the US is stored in magazines at the base where I work and it's up to me to make sure nobody does anything unsafe that will result in... getting blown up.  No pressure.  I haven't done much with the trains for a while now... got back into motorcycles.  I guess you could say I'm taking a break and letting my passion recharge.  Perhaps when it starts getting colder (just around the corner now), I'll meander down to the basement and see where I left off.

Tom, so good to hear from you, I wondered how you and your family were doing. As far as Peggy, yeah, the right decision, just a very painful one. Time does go flying by, I remember your wife pushing one of your boys around in a stroller. From what I remember, you've got more than enough room down in your basement, no cutting holes in walls to expand your layout. Yeah, I remember that too, so keep us posted on how you're doing on the new one.

Keep in touch, your job sounds important for the safety of us all within a 1000 miles, so do it well Worship .... Stop by more often, we miss hearing from you even if you haven't gotten back on your layout.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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