The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Frank - I say keep it only if you post a video of either you or wifey riding the extra one!

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. Christmas is over, Valentine displays are up in stores already, and yesterday, one day after Christmas, there was a pile of trees already in the Christmas tree disposal lot. Most folks wait until after New Years Day before taking their decorations down, but I guess some are anxious to move on to the next one. You know what's weird, driving through the neighborhood and seeing all the flatten out plastic snowmen, raindeers and Santas. What's beautiful is driving through the neighborhood when it's dark and seeing all the houses decorated.

Frank, tough decision, it could be more of a hassle returning it than it's worth. If they charge you, they may just correct the billing and say to keep it since the shipping, handling and restocking costs outweigh the cost of the item. It's their fault, it's their responsibility...

Prayers for those folks in Nashville that are now suffering thanks to some kook.  I think we're all looking to put 2020 behind us.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 24 with a slight chance of snow today. High around 30.

Got the laundry caught up and paid some bills for my son. Tracking those so once I am the executor I can reimburse myself. Documenting everything. Probably no blowback from state or feds but just covering my tracks. Today will be a day of rest.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

Good morning everyone. Heading for a cloudy 42 degrees here today. Hopefully the snow on the drive will melt in the next 2 days before we go back below freezing.

Had a skype call with my son and his grand daughters (4 and 2) and it was a real blast. Even though they only live 2 miles away we are staying away now until we get the vaccine.  

Tom, when and if you ever feel like talking I would like to hear more about your son. 

Nothing planned so I don't have to write anything.  Stay safe.
42 and sunny.  Still cold out for us.  TV Church soon.  Country ham, cheese grits, scrambled eggs, OJ and coffee. 

Not much on agenda.

Have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It has warmed up to 36 now from the 20 it was at 9 AM.

I have been busy doing some chores around the house this morning. Finished them and just sat at the computer. Just ordered a couple of things from PetSmart. The wife and I plan to head over to Kohl’s shortly. We did our returns yesterday. The store we stopped at did not have any of the items in stock we returned. My wife found one of the items at another store last night and ordered it. We will head over and do the curbside pickup. If PetSmart gets my order together we will head over there too.

No modeling to report.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We had a bit of snow overnight but temp up enough that the surface was between icy and slushy. The "landscape" crew for the Village was out plowing and ploughing 3 days in a row -- Christmas, St Stephen's and Sunday. I hope they get extra compensation for that.
Found an envelope in the mailbox today. (Real mail is delivered to the communal lockbox) From railwaying friend -- gift cerificates for Starbucks and local train importer. We'll need to get him something.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 14 headed for sunny and 30. Winter storm warning posted for tomorrow and Wednesday. 4-7 inches of snow predicted.

Yesterday was a day of complete rest. I watched movies, played solitaire, and snacked all day. Last night I did send off an e-mail to my attorney. He actually responded later . I'll be talking to him on the phone this afternoon. The other major project for today will be to call my son's landlord and find out where to send the rent check. Also need to get in touch with my financial advisor about my son's 401K account.

Thanks for your kind offer Charlie. I will definitely keep that in mind.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, what a giant weekend with Christmas and all. We even got a trickle of rain on Christmas morning, but not enough to stop the kids from trying out their new bikes, skates and a few RC cars. I even saw a few new things that I've never seen before. Can't keep up with technology or kids toys....

Tom, take it slow, nice obit, a testimony to a short, but full life.

This is another short week, stay-at-home for a lot of sensible folks, wild parties and crowded bars for those that like to live on the edge. We've already got someone in the neighborhood practicing their firework techniques. I thought someone was breaking into the house for a few seconds, no, just some inconsiderate neighbor. They've allowed the sale and use of fireworks in Arizona around the Fourth of July and New Years Day for a good ten years now. I defer criticism over that decision. Waiting

Working on the new store for my layout. I haven't done a scratch build in many years, and my hands don't seem to work as nicely as they used to, but I'm getting there.

Have a great week, and stay safe.... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning.  46 and cloudy but no rain guessed.  Ham biscuits and coffee.  Going to pay Wake Co. taxes and town [all billed in one]. Run and errand or two.

Repaired a Lionel diesel yesterday.  Something in the drive train gears.  Used dental pick and still didn't clear.  Turned it on its side and washed it with electrical cleaner.  Then compressed air. Took 4 washings to get it clear.  ??  Light oil and away she went.

Have a great day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 43 going to 48. It still felt cold when I took the recyclables to the garage.

Everyone is sleeping in today. I guess with them being off and its Monday we can excuse them. My son informed me his first day of school is January 20, 2021. He thinks it will be virtual. This will be his third semester toward his master’s degree. He is in a 4/1 program so when he received his bachelor’s degree in the spring, he also had finished one year of his master’s. He took the fall off due to working on the presidential campaign and also because of the pandemic.

I finished photographing my completed rolling stock. Now I need to enter the information into the database. This means as I finish any new cars, I will photograph them and enter them into the database. I may enter the RTR cars and kits on the workbench into the database. That way I am ahead and only have to add photos of the finished cars. I need to finish photographing my passenger cars and locos and enter them into the database. Once the database is complete it will be time to talk to my homeowner’s insurance agent about upgrading the policy.

Tom, nice obit.

I need to try to drop off my daughter and I’s old phones today and make a grocery store run. After that I don’t know what is happening.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, been catching up on sleep a bit, still have a few years of lost sleep to make up for. I've been napping while watching TV, and that's unusual for me, but then again, I've never been this old before, come to think of it, I'll never be this young again either. Waiting

Looked at a few weather forecasts, a slim chance of rain today (1%), but most say a better chance next week. Forecasting is like shooting paper targets on a windy day, sometimes I even think that they try to shoot blindfolded. Eek 

Got a FedEx package that's been "in transit" to the Surprise Post Office for 11 days now. I declared it lost or stolen a few days ago, the shipper says I need a couple more days before they  replace it, even though I paid extra (no choice) for "immediate replacement" of lost or damaged items. I guess they have a different definition of "immediate" than I do...

I'm working on my scratchbuilt building, but due to a major screw-up, I had to start over again. Regardless, I'm enjoying getting back doing something I love doing, plus I need the diversion right now.

They say they're starting to distribute the vaccine here to nursing homes now, saying that old folks are next, but not saying when, where or how... No feedback from anyone yet on whether it's doing any good anywhere.

Take care, have a great day and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 21 outside my window in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. Predicted high is supposed to be 27 with 3-5 inches of snow. Radar shows the snow approaching but will probably not get here until late morning.

I had a pretty good day yesterday. I went back to bed and managed to sleep for another two hours. After that I went to the gym and then started my phone calls. Everyone I talked to today was very nice and cooperative. Also got a call from the University of Iowa Hospital wanting to schedule some appointments for my son. She seemed very surprised when I told her he was gone but said she would spread the word through the system.

The snow is almost here. Only thing I don't like about the storm is that the temperature is warming up which will make for a wet heavy snow making it harder to move. This morning I'll go to the gym and also need to call about my son's medical insurance. I found a paper showing he owes more that $22,000. I talked to his HR manager last week and she said that's typical of the insurance company - deny everything. She gave me the name and number of a person to call to get it resolved. If I get that done this morning I may go see the new Wonder Woman movie this afternoon. Yeah, still a comic book fan after all these years.

Found a video that gives a different side of the ammo shortage. I found it very interesting.

Charlie - saw your video on the book of faces. Very cool! How many cars were in that train?

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning. Up at 7:30 and beat Wifey up. 48 now but this AM guessers was spouting out 37 degrees and the weather station was indicating 43. Went out with Wiley and it seemed a lot warmer. Sunny and beautiful day. 

Errands to run, let out and back in Granddogs at noon and Lunch with developer GF [get the story on her sending hubby away undefined I think the problem was he would not keep a job.] Do some outside work. Get ready to go east tomorrow and pay farm taxes. Add some lighting in the barn. Hunt if not flooded.

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Well, it's afternoon here and nice and sunny. I am planning on train work today so I turned the heat up. 
My wife went grocery shopping. She panics when she see's a bare spot in the cupboards or freezer. We try to get a huge order about once a month and we buy bulk when we can.  New York strip was on sale for $3.35 a pound (if you buy the package which is about 10 pounds) They will cut it for free but I prefer to cut them myself as I like mine thick and Mary likes hers thin. We have a food saver and vacuum pack everything before we freeze it. (1 thin and one thick to a pack.) so the larder is now full and she is happy, and when she is happy I am too  Icon_e_biggrin 

     Tom, there were 39 cars on that train. The front end was starting up a 1.5% grade and pulled it without a problem.  It made the video just a bit too long. I also have a PRR HH1 but no sound but doubleheaded with the N&W they look good. I think I have video of that somewhere. 

      I have a bill for bloodwork for my wife that the doctor office sent in with the wrong doctor on it so instead of going to Anthem of Ohio it went to Anthem of S Carolina and of course they denied it because our carrier is Ohio so instead of 6.95 the bill is $486.41.  I have contacted the lab as well as the doctor office and Anthem. the bill is from November. The doctor office was bought out by a big conglomerate and they are the ones that billed. They have promised they would straighten it out. I told them I would be contacting a lawyer if they didn't and it will cost them a lot more if I have to do that, but it's the principle of the thing. 
We don't have a problem with healthcare in the country, we have a problem with health insurance companies in this country. 

        Chief, I did a double take when you said you beat wifey up. Eek I guess I misconstrued that statement. Icon_e_biggrin

        Days, that building will be a nice one, but Troy and Son should be followed by "Attorneys"
Good day to all

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