The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning good people, nice day yesterday, got a bit warm, finally turned the A/C on and went about doing whatever, a few hours later I realized that it wasn't getting any cooler. Checked the thermometer and it was 87 in the house. Oh boy, the unit is 15 years old, gotta call in the A/C guy, but maybe I should check the breakers first.... Yup, took about 30 minutes to cool the house down. A few folks that I know have had their A/C on for a while now, I've been paying insurance every year betting that either the A/C or the water heater will go bust. The insurance company is betting that they won't. Still, the policy covers all built-in appliances, electrical and plumbing so it's not a bad thing to have.

Got a free day today, I'm thinking that I can get something done on my challenge. I did some repair and restore work yesterday, so I am on my way....

Frank, it's better to be sworn in than be sworn at.... Icon_e_biggrin

Some stations have dropped gas by four cents, down to $3.05, Costco and Sam's Club about twenty-five cents lower than most others....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 33 headed for cloudy and 50. Long range forecast shows 10 degree below normal temperatures for at least the next week with only a 30% chance of rain early next week.

Blah day yesterday. I did finally get a couple of things accomplished. Had a hard time getting started. Felt more tired yesterday than the day before. I did go to Walmart. I needed to pick up a thank you card for my brother and his wife. Off to get my first vaccine shot at 9. If I get back in time I'll go to the gym. Haven't been for almost a week. Slept well last night and feeling pretty good this morning Will try to tackle more of the list this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a bright 52 this morning. High will be 61 with a chance of some showers.

I did some chores around the house yesterday. My son got his first dose of the vaccine. I ran a few errands.

Just before bed last night I was informed a lifelong friend passed away suddenly yesterday afternoon. When I say lifelong, I mean lifelong. We knew each other all our lives. He was born several months before me. His parents and my parents were bet friends. Just like me he was named after my father. Similarly, his father passed away when he was young as did mine. We grew up without them. Growing we were together quite often with him sleeping over several times a month. As we got older, we did drift apart. His mother moved to Delaware. We kept in contact usually through his brother or his nephew (who is three years younger than me.)

I managed to get glazing on all the windows for the Engine House and placed four of them in one of the wall sections.

Today I need to run to another PetSmart in my quest for prescription dog food. I should make a pharmacy run while I out.

Later it will be more windows.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning folks

It is 54 and it can’t decide if it is going to rain or not. High is supposed to be 61.

Did some chores around the house. I never made it out to run some errands. Today I will visit PetSmart in search of prescription dog food and hit the pharmacy too.

I finished adding the windows to the Engine House and added the glazing to the doors. I also erected the walls. I plan to install the doors and wither weather the walls or add the roof.

Time to search online to see which PetSmart have the dog food.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, temps should drop by about 10 degrees into the low 80's, normal for a while. I see a smattering of 1 and 2% rain chances just about everyday, 4 and 5% towards the end of the month. I think someone's Chrystal ball needs an upgrade.......

Busy day today, a couple of appointments, some chores, still lack the energy to do all that I should.

Take care and have a fun day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 36 headed for cloudy and 49.  No warm weather in sight through the next week.

Got my first shot yesterday.  Very well organized.  get my next one on May 12th.  After that I went to the gym.  Swam for a half mile plus 4 more laps.  Wanted to see how far I could go but kept getting cramps in my feet.  Gave up on that and came home.  Did some laundry from the weekend including washing a blanket from the bed where my daughter's dogs hung out.  That didn't go so well.


Sweat day at the gym this morning.  Not sure what I'll do this afternoon.

All stay safe.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 50s for the day. 
Actually just checking in. I spent yesterday morning at the doc's office for a stress test. No doubt as we get older the doc visits get closer together.
The China virus numbers are very high here in Michigan, I have gotten both shots but my wife is refusing them. Can't get her to change her mind.
Nothing new in the train department.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Cooler for a few days. 67 degrees.

Had computer Human Services Regional Networks meeting.  Why I'm late getting on.  Got an in-person Backpack Buddies meeting for lunch.  See the biggie Baptist Church has "kicked" them out of their space.  Need space for storage and packing backpacks.  This is a super big organization that covers large number of schools. 

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, welcome to the start of a brand new weekend. Still Friday, but lots of folks include today, so why not??? Had two doctor appointments yesterday, another one today, this time by video. I hope it works out, the last time, I they could see me, but not hear so I had to go to the office. I really have no need to see him, but I go along anyway, especially since there is no co-pay for a video visit.

I saw a couple of stations down to $2.99. Strange, they were both Fry's (Kroger) grocery stores, yet the Fry's closest to me is still $3.09.

Not much else going one here, no change in the weather, mid-80's through the weekend and next week and I won't even comment on the rain forecast since it appears that those soothsayers haven't a clue either. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 42 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. The high is supposed to be in the mid 50s, still way below normal.

Sweaty day at the gym. Otherwise not much got done. I did call about my great-granddaughter's magazine subscription but of course they have to check with someone else. Supposedly I'll get an answer back today. Last evening I got an official invitation to my daughter's place for 4th of July. I'm going to see if we can do the fireworks at Mt. Rushmore.

I'm going to Ames today (about an hour away). I want a second bicycle and they have one for about $100. I don't like leaving my expensive bike on the street while I'm in the gym. By the time I get a different seat, a chain, and a bag for the chain it'll be closer to $150 but still cheaper than shelling out close to a grand for a new road bike. Also want to get a new printer and look for a new blanket for the bed in the guest room.

Gas price here has been fluctuating between $2.70 and $2.80.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. 58 degrees and up from 42. Granddogs are spoiled worse than ours. undefined Not much sleep. Hope that works better tonight. Have to babysit till Sunday noon. They are about 10 miles one way. Will be here at home till about noon. BoJ's Cajon Fillet biscuit. Lots of coffee. Get my shower and etc. now.

Gas at Sam's is 2.42

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is 44 and sunny. High will be 52.

I need to do some work on the fishpond, but it is still too cold to be playing with water. One thing I need to do is give the filter box and its components a heavy cleaning. This means my hands will be in water for quite a bit and its too cold for that. The other thing we need to do is remove the netting from over the pond. Given the amount of debris on the netting it will probably take two or three people.

Yesterday I finally found the prescription dog food at the PetSmart in Brandywine, Delaware. I hate that store. It is always dirty and disorganized. Then yesterday they gave me an issue because the type of food I get did not exactly match what was printed on the card their vet gave me. I have never had an issue with this for the past year. The assistant manager was very unpleasant about the situation. More so after I showed her the original prescription that I had saved on my phone. We went back to the Banfield vet in the back of the store and explained the problem to the girl at the desk. She couldn’t find my information because she kept entering the wrong phone number into the computer. Finally, she got it right and went into the office to retrieve something that she printed. At that point, the Banfield office manager(?) saw what was going on and came out. The girl and the assistant manger explained the issue. The manager sighed and told them to give me the food. The assistant manager argued that the names did not match exactly. The Banfield manager then told her the food I was getting was the same as the one on the card except a different brand and since the system will only print the first listed brand there was no problem. She then turned the assistant manger and told her as assistant manager she should know that information. The Banfield manager apologized to me for the misunderstanding. The PetSmart assistant manager said nothing and walked away in a huff.

As part of my recovery later in the evening I installed the doors on the Engine House. I began working on the roof which I plan to make removable to allow for future access into the Engine House.

Today the wife is home working as Fridays are all virtual day at the school. I have some laundry to finish and a few other household chores.

I plan to work more on the Engine House. My switches, both orders, arrived yesterday, so now I can work on the engine facilities yard.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We have just had the lockdown extended by 2 weeks. They are apparently going to enforce it (Is this journey really necessary?) starting Monday. Just what the police need.
We bought gas a 114.9 this morning. Saw it at 124.9 on the way home. (Note: Cdn dollars per litre {generous quart}).

I'm doing another staionmaster's house. Same prototype, same manufacturer, but this one is one of the original kits the company produced. The new one had laser cut window frames and details while this one doesn't have anything, not even the windows, pre-cut, and the windows are black printed on card (white saches). Now to figure out where the stationmaster would have his house.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 41 headed for cloudy and 59.  Sunny and 63 for tomorrow.

110% successful on my road trip.  Bought something I found out when I got home that I didn't need.  I'll take that back to the local store next week.  I was getting the new printer set up when the magenta cartridge decided to leak.  I've never seen that before so it took me by surprise.  The carpet in my office looked more like a crime scene!  A quick search of the internet and a quick run to the local Dollar Tree and the problem is solved.  I guess I didn't need the crime scene tape after all! Icon_e_biggrin   I got the bike out of the box and will put it together today.  Also planned for today are laundry and some grocery shopping.

Gas prices on my trip yesterday were interesting.  $2.75 here in town when I left.  Halfway there I went through a small town where gas was $2.59.  In Ames the price was $2.87.  When I got home the price here had dropped to $2.68.  I filled the tank when I got home before the price dropped farther.  Really hate to see the big oil companies miss out on all those profits.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
56 degrees and up from Yankee cold 40. Stopped by the house to eat BoJ's biscuits [for Wifey and kids too]. One errand to run after shave and shower.

May do coats of Finish First on Caddy. Great polymer coating. Used it for years. Vehicles and boats. JD mower too. Slick. Why everyone comments on the great shape my truck paint is in. Can do in Daughter's garage while babysitting. One more night. Actually Granddogs were great last night. One sleeping on each side of me while I watched Netflix. One on the floor [big dog] where I could rub her with my socked foot.

May mow grass. Front yard especially. 34% nitrogen is now paying off. Green and growing.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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