The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is a bright yet chilly 52 heading up to 73. Is Spring finally here or will be move directly into summer? Tomorrow is supposed to be 82.

Took a long nap after I got home from dropping the wife off at work. She made it through the day with little problems with her foot. Picked her up and stopped for lunch. She continued resting the foot. Then the email came. For the second time this month her school is closed for a week due to a spike in Covid cases. They had five reported late yesterday and have had 18 in 12 days which more than the high school and three elementary schools combined. The County Health Department shut them down. Now she can work from home while resting her ankle.

I worked on the Cinder Conveyor. I assembled the support structure. It was a pita. One of the worst things to assemble that I have come across in many years. I broke off several pieces just trying to position the sections. At one point I seriously considered giving up. After close to two hours I finally got it together. I hope to work on it some time today.

I have to run to the pharmacy and grab an OTC allergy med. Love this time of year. Then I need to go to Grainger to pick up the parts I need for the pond filter.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
73 [already] and sunny.

PT this AM. Shopping for Wifey as she works today. Edgecombe tomorrow.

Plant tomato plants and pepper plant out of greenhouse and in the way of mowing [to do list today].

Yes, all those folks moving to NC. Just picked up another congressional seat. States up north lost seats.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Sun and 80 today.
Wife went for a walk and I went to the hospital for a doctor ordered xray.
Not much going on here, most days are still too chilly or windy to stay outdoors.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
60 and fair. To be close to 90 today. 

Headed east.

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, it rained in our valley a bit yesterday as forecast, but just on the outskirts and barely measurable. One more day in the 80's, then back to the 90's, even pushing 100 this weekend.

Not much else to talk about, probably able to finish up my challenge today, maybe plan a second one. Waiting for the yard guy to text and tell me when he'll be here, I'm concerned, it wouldn't be the first time someone said they'd come do the yard work and not show up.

Be good and stay safe, had a guy decide it was his turn to go, just as I had the green light. He could have caused a serious accident by not paying attention. Early in the morning, someone anxious to get to a Starbuck's, or are already late for work, lots of them out there.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 47 at the moment but it's supposed to be 67 and sunny later, or so "they" say.

Lots of hard work yesterday. Digging up the tall grasses was more like digging out trees. All the roots were intertwined and very woody. Took me about an hour and a half to get that done. Then hauled the roots off and went to Menards for the new bushes. As I was loading them in the car a guy walked by and said "you either need shorter plants or a taller car." After lunch I got the bushes planted. I may have mad a mistake with them. The tag says they get to be 10 to 20 feet tall. I will try to keep them trimmed a little shorter than that. Also put down some weed killer and rode the bike to the grocery store for milk and bread. After that it was time for a shower and a Corona (not the virus). Not much on the agenda for today.

Last night was entertaining. I dreamed I got my stolen bicycle back. In the dream I traded my new bike for the one I got back. Yeah, silly dream but fun anyway. Today I need to get the oil changed on the mower and the power washer (if I can figure out how to drain the oil). I was looking at the power washer the other day and I can't find a drain plug anywhere. Surprisingly I don't really have any aches and pains from all my activity yesterday. Sure slept good last night though. Only other plans are a trip to the gym and a bike ride this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 65 already and feeling a little humid. High is supposed to be 84.

Yesterday I ran over to Grainger and picked up the piping parts I need for the pond filter. Got home and tested everything and it works. I had to modify one of the holes in the top of the filter for the new location for the fountain piping. Ordered the activated carbon and zeolite for the filter which arrived this morning as Amazon promised. If all goes well I will get it set up and in the pond after I move the water lilies out of the deep end and into the shallows.

I didn’t get any modeling done. Not sure what happened but just ran out of time somehow.

My daughter is taking her certification test for counseling today. One of the steps in getting her professional licensing. Having this certification also means she can receive payments from health insurance companies when the time comes. Since there were no locations nearby giving the test she has to drive to Dover, DE about an hour and twenty minutes one way.

Today I want to see if I can work some more on the cinder conveyor.

Have some chores to do around the house and then a run to the deli.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Well, had to be a monster bear. You've seen big ones on camera shaking feeders. Look what this one did.

[/url][Image: enhance]

Probably this one taken the week before. Strange, only feeder hit.

[Image: enhance]

Camera should have a photo or two of the raider. That is thick wall 3/4 inch conduit over 1/2 inch conduit driven in the ground.

All else was well. Clover plots sprayed with Arrest. Kills grasses and etc. and not clover.

Rest up now.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
just got back from a two-day trip to VA in Tucson  missing most of one toenail patch of skin off of chest  and still have a small blood clot in right leg . went to hobby shop there no track nails no ho spikes got last three packs of regular and insulated rail joiners and last 10 pieces of ho cork road bed and there evergreen supply was phatic not one sheet of plain plastic. 
Good morning everyone, well, we're back in the 90's starting today, just around normal for now. We were suppose to have had a shower yesterday, I blinked and missed it, not even enough to record, but I'm sure enough to dirty up any vehicle left outside.

Big news, my weeds are gone. I wasn't sure the guy would show up, but him and his crew came by yesterday morning and it took around an hour and a quarter for four guys to clean things up and to spray the yard. I figured about four man-hours, they took five.

Quote:just got back from a two-day trip to VA in Tucson  missing most of one toenail patch of skin off of chest  and still have a small blood clot in right leg . went to hobby shop there no track nails no ho spikes got last three packs of regular and insulated rail joiners and last 10 pieces of ho cork road bed and there evergreen supply was phatic not one sheet of plain plastic. 


Jim, is this that shop you were telling me about? Doesn't seem worth going down there for. That shop in Tempe had a dismal supply of Evergreen as well, the Hobby Bench in Glendale didn't even have a stand to put them on. As for N scale, all the guy in Tempe had was packages of track, and I'm guessing, once that was gone, he wouldn't replace it. He could really get by with a small office, a desk, a chair, a phone and a cash register. Maybe a few catalogs so he'd know what to order.

Enough, haven't a clue what I'm going to do today, work a bit, rest a lot. Ya all have a great day. Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 46 headed for sunny, breezy, and 69.

Routine day yesterday. Trip to the gym and then changed the oil on the mower. Went for a bike ride in the afternoon. Stopped by the U-Haul place and check the price for getting my son's stuff to Houston. Looks like it will cost about $1200 bucks to haul it down there. I'm thinking I need to rethink that plan. This morning I'll be making a shopping trip to Walmart and Menards.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

Temperature is 68 with clouds and drizzle. Supposed to be rain on and off all day. High will be 77.

I put the air conditioner in our bedroom window last night. It was just too hot and humid not to do so. Worked pretty good but then froze up just before dawn.

I got the pond filter set up and running yesterday and I need to clean it today or tomorrow depending on today’s weather. I knew it would clog quickly as it always does at the beginning of the season.

Some track I ordered arrived yesterday. I fiddled with making a crossover with some #8 turnouts and a 12.5-degree crossover. It appears to be working.

I hope to either work on the cinder conveyor or track at some point today.

I have a few chores to deal with this morning. I need to run to Kohl’s to drop off an Amazon return.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
86 and partly cloudy [guessers said sunny by noon, missed it again]. Windy as all get out.

Back from PT.

Jim, get well!!

Food for thought.  Friend Fred says dollar will disappear. Worthless. New currency will be made. Europe and China will refuse to take the dollar.

Work? Who does that. Was in McDonalds in Wilson. Nice black manager offered us a job instantly. Said she can not hire workers. Has a special hiring station inside. All BoJangles in Wilson closed to inside dinning. Not due to virus. No workers. [different franchise owner than my buddy who owns most in NC and VA] Teenagers running McDonalds Rolesville. Government paying folks not to work. Just print more money. Wars and policing the world cost money. 

Wanted to Clorox vinyl on building but super windy. Go wash out rain barrel as empty. Needs it bad I'm sure.

Maybe plant but suppose to hit 90. No rain until possibly tomorrow afternoon.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
I saw the same weather has Don did, strange has we both live in Phoenix
Got up early today. 4:30 AM.
The new puppy we got back in February makes sure every one is up and going by 5 at the latest.
Cleaned out the computer room where I do programming for DCC installs.
Been having problems with JMRI working for weeks.
Got a couple of friends coming over to help me get it working. ( I hope so)
Well we spent about two hours and still don’t have it up and running.
Did manage to update some window programs and that helped- still tweaking and hope to fix it
The JMRI programmer is a very important tool I use all the time.
Sure glad is in a A/Ced room, has the temp is climbing fast/90’s today?
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 49 at the moment but 74 and sunny are supposed to be here this afternoon. 87 for tomorrow.

Interesting day. Went to Menards and found the edger I want but didn't buy it yet. Good thing because I got a $10 rebate in the mail in the afternoon. I'll go back today or tomorrow and buy it. I did find replacement blades for my current edger but since the edger is probably 10+ years old I might as well get the new one. Also went to Walmart and the grocery store and stocked up on a few thing. After lunch I found a bad section of track that I had to fix. Also put down a bunch of ballast. Not uncommon in the spring.

When they came out to mark the utility lines the other day I noticed some flags in the front yard. Didn't think too much about it until I went out to get them. Along with the gas line (which I knew was there) there were flags for buried electrical lines and cable tv lines. If the morons had walked around to the back of the house they would have seen the overhead electrical and cable lines. I'll be calling them today to remind them of maybe just how to do their job. (end of rant) Also got in a bike ride late in the morning. Good thing as after lunch the winds picked up quite a bit.

This morning will be a trip to the gym and probably Menards. After lunch I may work on more ballasting. Also get in a bike ride.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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