The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning good people, feels a bit sticky this morning. Same yesterday, lots of clouds early but not a spot of rain. humidity up over 20% right now, really high for us. Been in the 110 region the past few days, but hey, it's July in the desert.... We did have some flooding up where there were fires a few weeks ago, that's what happens, runoff. Not sure what the fire situation is right now, the news the past few weeks were all about the NBA playoffs and not a word about the fires. I kid you not, half of the newscast time is devoted to show things like, game videos, interviews with players and fans, shots of fans painted in their teams colors and lines of  folks buying team things (shirts, hats, bellybutton lint, whatever). Glad some folks can get excited about "their team" being in the playoffs, but come on, it's just another money-making business. Waiting

Frank, glad things are starting to work out for you, keep going my friend...

Take care everyone, and have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning and rain. Off to the hospital for chemo [I guess. Think I have improved a lot since Dr. last saw me.]

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

59 and some light fog. High for today is supposed to be in the mid 70s. Warming trend for the remainder of the week. Rain chances are rising along with the temperatures.

Back from my travels. Had a really good time with my family, including the grandson who hits that little round thing while on ice skates. Yeah, I could never keep up with that game either. I just go to support the family. This morning is a trip to the grocery store and this afternoon I need to mow the yard.

Frank - sound like you are doing really well. Keep up the good work and i hope all goes well at the doctor today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
After some days in the 90s we are in for a few days of 70s.
Storms yesterday evening did a lot of wind damage in the area.
Got a haircut this morning. Still getting them at home as she cuts just as good as the barber shop.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon folks

Late again. I had to help my daughter to take her car to Pep Boys so she could get an oil change. Then the painter came and has been working on the bathroom. I just got back from dropping my daughter off at Pep Boys to pick up her car and a trip to Rite Aid.

I replaced couplers in three Con-Cor PRSL p54 coaches last night. I found a couple of Athearn Reading coaches that need Kadee couplers so maybe tonight they will get them.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Home. Wifey says over 5" of rain.  Probably so as folks kept coming into hospital talking about how had it was raining.

Lost another 3 lbs. undefined All blood things were fine. Finally got chemo and infusion. Got a call yesterday from Humana says they had approved the appeal. I chewed --- over appealing treatment for cancer. Well, got to Dr. today and she had not gotten approval. She called and so did their financial. Humana was passing them around and around. I finally called and got the auth. # myself. Then called admin with State health Plan. They were not happy. So, due to delays I finally got my treatments late. Was the last to leave.

Rest for a while.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, 5" of rain Frank? We didn't get that much all last year, and this year doesn't look any different. I can understand your frustrations as well. Insurance companies determine if you get treatments and test, or not. Your doctor and your diagnosis say you need something, yet they can say that your "plan" says differently and you have to fight them into using common sense. I think we've all been there at one time or another.

Got physical therapy this morning, it's been a while since I went, I have never walked out of P/T feeling better than when I walked in. I hope this session is better than those where.

Keep getting spam calls, even now where the phone company is suppose to be blocking them. I answered one and accused the guy of spam, he said it wasn't spam, he was calling to save me 50% on my electric bill. And he thinks he's not trying to sell me something..... Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and thunder in the area with rain approaching. Had a half inch of rain overnight along with some very noisy thunder. It was enough to wake me up (for approximately 7 seconds). 66 now headed for 74 and a chance for some severe weather late this afternoon and evening.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. The grass was too wet to mow in the morning. After lunch I went out to mow and it started to rain. That killed the lawn mowing and the bike ride for yesterday. This morning I'll head to the gym and if the streets are dry I'll go for a bike ride this afternoon.

Still struggling with my Xbox. I update the firmware on the tv and that actually improved things. Then the Xbox decided to take a step backwards. Eventually I'll figure it out.

Frank - congrats on the win with the insurance company. It's sad that we have to fight them at a time when we are already fighting our own bodies.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
85 already. Sun I bet is hitting it. Showers later. Enough rain for those north of us.

Sleeping too good. Can't wake up for any period of time. Wifey just announced bologna, egg and cheese sandwich.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning Blue
         I have had breakfast, finished some minor wiring and now I am enjoying my first cup of coffee. For those of you that still brew in a Mr coffee or similar we found the best coffee we have had for ages at all places, the Dollar General. It is called donut shop blend and it is really very very good. Of course we are a step behind a coffee machine as we still have a drip pot. Our water is full of minerals that will kill a coffee system in a month, but it is great drinking water and tested very good. 

         I worked on the locomotive from hell the past 2 nights putting decals on it. I did one side and let it set overnight then did the other side last night. No problems. then I installed the hand rails  the ones for the steps were drilled so there would have been room for a 8 inch man to climb the steps but surprisingly I had enough stock to drill the holes to the outside and then I cut the remainder away.  I will have to do some touchup paint but I am almost ready for dull coat and weathering. 

        Still sending prayers your way Frank. It sounds like things are working out for you. Keep smiling and keep active. Keep in mind your fellow forum members love you. We need you back to your old self. 

         Enjoy the bike ride if you get one Fiatfan and keep the rubber side on the pavement. 

         Everyone stay safe and enjoy a great week end. 
Hello Blue
The 90s are gone for a few days. 
I read the above and it's really a crime that a drug addict self inflicted can get free care but someone with cancer or diabetes pays till your broke. I just isn't right.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good afternoon folks

It is 83 going up to 85. Elsa passed by last night. Looks like we got some rain but not a lot. They got more down the Jersey Shore and Delaware Beaches and there is flooding in New York City.

Painter is almost done but we have a problem. The medicine cabinet we ordered was damaged in shipping and as a result the door is misaligned. We found a replacement at Home Depot and are now waiting for the email to tell us to come and get it.

I cleaned the pond filter last evening before the storms and did a few other chores around the old homestead. I did a pharmacy run but I need to go back today to get the rest of the prescription as they only had a partial refill.

Today is errands and I don't know what else.

I replaced couplers in two Walthers REA express reefers and two Amtrak Material Handling cars. I replaced the couplers and wheels on an Reading Athearn Blue Box coach. I have begun attaching the Athearn coupler clips with screws when I upgrade the couplers. I have many more coupler conversions to work on. I also plan on changing the location of the engine terminal. I think this will help ease my worries over space for the passenger station and town.

Now just waiting for that Home Depot email.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We replaced the computer printer today. Copy function was only doing a couple of inches on each page. Went for replacement ink but our model is out of stock in store. Decided to buy a new one. Noticed at home that the paper tray at best does letter size and that the paper will go round a roller as it prints; i may not be able to do heavier paper.
Hardly any instructions -- go online. I remember some chairs at work that had a bigger instruction manual than that.
Partly cloudy today -- we had to wipe it off the windshield repeatedly.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and drizzly outside my window this morning. 66 now headed for 73. 60% chance of rain this afternoon. Got just about an inch of rain yesterday.

Trip to the gym didn't go as well a I had hoped. Got about 2 laps from the end of my swim and got cramps in both feet. Gave up on that project. Started to changed into workout clothes and realized I didn't have any gym shorts. Just one of those days, I guess. Bike ride in the afternoon went well. Today is laundry and if it dries out mowing the lawn. Also have a couple of bills to pay.

When I got home Wed. evening gas was $2.92. Thursday it dropped to $2.86 so Thursday evening I filled the car before it went up for the weekend. Sure enough, gas dropped another 3 cents.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning 
        It's a beautiful cool morning here in southeast Ohio. 
        I decided to install a new hot water tank yesterday, ours was 12 years old and I had replaced the elements 2 years ago so I figured preventative replacement was in order.  Of course the new tank was just enough different that it turned a one hour job into a 3 hour job but it is installed and works as it should. I need to turn it down because it is too hot. 
        It looks like things will dry out so I can mow, other than that no work will get done. 
        Have a good week end. 

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