The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
75 degrees and fair. Off to bed. Big bed again.

Daughter came for big meal as her birthday. SonIL mowed for me. Hope this works. Was reclinerizing. Woke up with TV going and Mira [cat] to get in.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

71 and humid headed for 90 and humider. Not gonna be a nice couple of days.

Yesterday was more productive than I had thought. Nice bike ride then got the oil changed on the power washer. That's an awkward process that involves turning the washer upside down. Apparently it's too costly to put in a drain plug. After that I got out the string trimmer and cleaned up the grasses inside the bridge loop on the Backyard & Southern Rwy. Not much planned for today. If the weather's not too miserable I may mow the yard and/or power wash the patio.

All stat safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, tis 81, but still dark out, looking at around 105 for the high today and higher as the week goes on. Did manage to get some scenic work done on my layout, just a bit difficult to move around still, although each day seems slightly better than the day before.

Not much going on here, areas still cleaning up from flooding, some folks will have to rebuild, others have a lot of work on their hands. Summers aren't always that kind to us, wildfires, monsoon type storms and then there's always that relenting heat.

Going to try to make it to Brenda's Kitchen for breakfast. Most of the regulars have gone elsewhere since Brenda left and the new owner has no connection to her once loyal customers. Time will tell, but it is apparent, she has no clue on how to deal with what she bought.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning
     Still working on the RV. It has turned into a fun project so we are just taking our time and doing a lot of things as preventative. I found a new style caulk recommender for RV's so I decided to remove all the joint cover moldings on the roof, clean them and recaulk under the moldings. It is a slow process but this stuff claims it will stretch up to 6 times without losing the seal which is what is needed for an RV. They claim there is the same amount of stress on a driven RV as there is on a house in a 4.5 earthquake. 
       Don, I just don't know what is wrong with people in business today. We had a donut shop here in town in the 70's that was run by one of my friends. His dad started the business in another town nearby so he opened up here using the same name. He did a terrific business and they started making donuts at 3 AM (remember "Time to make the donuts" In 1983 his dad decided to retire so Butch sold the shop here, along with the use of the name and took over hiss dads store. The folks that bought the shop here made some changes and were out of business in less than a year. Butch retired and sold his dad's shop in 1988 and it is still going strong today. (No changes were made.) 
        Our local towns are suffering from the loss of jobs in the steel and pottery industries and the new business opportunities seem to be "antique" stores. A village with under 5000 folks can't support too many junk stores. Icon_e_biggrin 
        The best restaurant in town suffered the same fate as your favorite place and closed, now some folks have bought it and think it will make money selling and sipping wine and such. 
         And of course, there are the shops that advertise their hours but close early because they weren't busy. Of course you aren't busy. I stopped but you were closed so I went to Walmart. 
          I'm praying you get better and better faster than you are. 
          Frank, it looks like you are doing well. I am keeping you in my prayers. 
          Everyone stay safe. 
Slept in recliner. Tried bed but didn't work [3 hours]. Hit recliner and "lights out".

Followed up on order for whole house generator [natural gas].
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is a bright 84 going up to 85. There a 40% chance of storms. We had some rain roll through overnight and in the early morning.

I finally had a chance to vacuum out the car and give the interior a good cleaning. Did a few little chores around the house over the weekend.

I began building the Walthers Passenger Platform kit. I finished two platforms and am about halfway done the other two. I have some painting touch-ups to do on all four and add some decals to signs.

I need to run to the pharmacy and the grocer store. The wife goes back to work tomorrow so she wants some things to take with her.

Charlie it is funny you mentioned the small shops and their lack of hours. When we first moved to Drexel Hill there were many mom-and-pop shops such as grocery stores, appliance stores, hardware, clothing, and a few others. They almost all had hours from 10 to 4 during the week. Almost all were closed on Sunday. Saturdays were usually the same 10 to 4. A few had late hours on Wednesdays where they would be open until 6, 7, or rarely 8. Since we all worked in our household, we could not patronize these shops. I asked one owner why he did not have later hours and he replied, “That is the way we always did it.” Their business model was based on the stay-at-home mom who could shop during the day. Needless to say, all of those places are long closed, and this was long before Walmart showed up. Victims of not changing to the marketplace and the fact of working moms.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Hot summer sun and 87.
I'm sorry to see summer end but it sure has been different. Even being vaccinated we still did not travel. Dined out a few times.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Early pulmonologist apt. tomorrow AM.  SJ, we do the same.  Very careful.  Dr. wants me to wait another week before getting booster [which I qualify for].  Sleep tight.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, warming up here, some say 112 by Thursday. Who cares, I'm staying inside.

Charlie and Tom, it's hard to believe how many folks think that they can get by in this world without putting in a effort. In any business, the customer is the ONLY reason for your being. If you have a model that needs tweaking, then adjust or lose out, but don't change for change alone. Brenda's used to have 10-15 regulars in drinking coffee and chatting well before she was "opened". Yesterday, two of us waited outside and it was close to 6:00. One more showed up around 6:00 just as the owner left. The cook was the one that came over to talk to us.  A few more regulars showed up later, but you have to wonder why things have to be, "their way". The new owner still hasn't gone around to meet the regulars, and it's a lot easier now that there are fewer of them. No biggie, some of us regulars are headed to Denny's this morning, not sure where some of the others are going now.

Tomorrow, my ISP says that they'll be shut down all morning to make improvements to their service. This means even my landline phone won't work.

Take care and do something today that you really enjoy doing......
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 75 and heading up to 89 with a few clouds in the sky.

Did some chores around the house yesterday. The wife and I ran to CVS in the afternoon.

I worked some more on the passenger station platforms. One is done and the other is almost done. I hope to finish today.

Today is the wife's first day back to work. They are having a "blended opening" which means you can come in anytime between 8 and 10 AM. She elected to go in later. She is doing some of the online training right now. She should be leaving in the next hour or so.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and an already nasty 78 outside my window with the humidity at 83%. The high for today is supposed to be in the low 90s with the heat index in the low 100s.

I was surprisingly productive yesterday. Got the lawn mowed and sidewalks cleaned. Then fiddled with the rear shifter adjustment on the bike. I'll find out today how well that went. Never did get the patio washed so that's a carryover for today's list. Next up is a trip to Walmart followed by a bike ride. If there's time before it gets too hot I'll power wash the patio.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Dr. this AM wanted to preach doom and gloom [not my cancer specialist].  Will not depend on him.  Had good afternoon.  Got out and rode around.  Some farmers finished with tobacco.  Cobblestone [my downtown project] is really going to it.  Trees all done and some buildings.  Out early tomorrow AM to cardiologist visit.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, down to the last few minutes before my ISP pulls the plug for the next seven hours in order to provide us with better service. Or so they say.... The only thing is they want  us to reboot our modems, then our routers once they come back on the air, they say they will notify us by email once they're back up, just how are we going to know that if we need to reboot everything first. 35

My Trainmaster order supposedly shipped yesterday. Just can't track it yet. Sometimes your tracking # doesn't track, I had a package a few weeks ago that showed it was still at the shipping facility for a week, then magically showed up here. I had one that was on a local truck out for delivery for two weeks before it wound up back in the warehouse and finally did get delivered. All different shippers, UPS, FedEx, USPS.

As for the weather, we're looking at 110-112 for the next few days. I really have to wonder about these weather people, the TV lady said yesterday that these temps were running about normal for this time of year, then a few minutes later said they were excessive and close to record. And they get big bucks for figuring this out. Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 71 headed for another warm day in the upper 80s with high humidity. Supposed to stay like this through the weekend.

I didn't get up until 6:30 this morning. Must be all the hard work I didn't do yesterday. Walmart and grocery store early. By the time I got home it was already 85 and very humid so I gave up the idea of a long bike ride. About 2:30 I had a thunderstorm roll through with almost continuous thunder and some pretty heavy rain. Got about a half inch. After that the temperature dropped to the low 70s and I did take a short bike ride so not a total waste.

Felt pretty special when I got home from shopping yesterday. A message on the machine told me I was eligible for a 50% discount on my DishTV account. Now all I have to do is figure out how much is 50% of zero! ?

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is a bright and hot 83 going up to 91. We are on our way for our 6th heat wave of the season.

We had a rough day yesterday. Wife went to work. Got in the building and found herself short of breath. School nurse saw her and freaked out. After a call to her cardiologist she went to the ER via ambulance. Spent 6 hours in the ER. They ran a CAT Scan, did bloodwork, and asked a lot of questions. No Covid. No problems with her heart. Blood work came back normal. They think some of it might be due to her not being able to go out due to Covid and her body is not used to it and/or the sleep apnea she was diagnosed with that is still untreated. She has to wait until mid September to have a telemed with the sleep specialist.

I will be making phone calls today for her one of which is in regard to the sleep apnea.

No modeling last night for obvious reasons.

I water the gardens this morning since I did not last evening.

Time to start the phone calls.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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