The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
"Good morning sunshine", a movie song title and fitting for today. Usually dark outside when I get to the computer, today was bright and shiny. Either the sun came up two hours early, or I slept two hours later. My clocks all say the latter. I need the rest so sleeping in a a good thing.

Talked to the new owner of Brenda's the other day. Told her that it would be good if she went around to meet all the regulars. She made some excuse why she hadn't yet, but it's becoming too late. Usually, by 6:00, the counter is full and there is around 15 people drinking coffee and talking. Some wandering around, all being friendly. Yesterday, there were three of us, by 6:30, a few non-regulars popped in. The owner, well she was sitting in a corner doing paperwork. She did take off, "one refill" next to the coffee price on the new menu. Doubling the price of a cup of coffee didn't upset anyone as much as the "one refill" thing... Don't know how many more regulars that cost her.

No rain yesterday, today's forecast is for around 95 with a decent chance of rain. No two forecasts are alike, but none are ever wrong. My forecast: "it could rain", and so I'm right if it does or doesn't....

Enough sarcasm for today, just have a great weekend, relax and do something you enjoy.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 66 going to sunny and 90 this afternoon. All outdoor activities will be performed early today.

Yesterday was definitely football day. Great-grandkids at 9 and then the 50th anniversary of the so-called game of the century between Nebraska and Oklahoma. Nebraska could have pulled off an upset if they hadn't kept shooting themselves in the foot with mistakes and poor special teams play. Not much planned for today other than a bike ride while it's still cool.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, rain predicted for the valley, rain there was, only, as usual, not a drop in our area. Lots to the east of us, some to the south and north. Got to be living in an anti-rain bubble.

Tom, Arizona State did likewise against BYU. The term the local newspaper used was, "sloppy". They played late and so I only saw a short bit of the game. Not  big fan of any team, just that you hate to see your alumni play so badly.

Not much going on here, I hope it cools down some today, it might help some with a depressing atmosphere. Heading to church, then in for the rest of the day.

Take care everybody and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

Good that you spoke with Brenda's new owner. Hopefully shell come around soon.
At least you planted an idea.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, orange, and 69. Supposed to get about 10 degrees warmer and rain. Then the temperature will probably drop considerably as the rain is being caused by a cold front moving from west to east. Rain should be here in about 2-3 hours.

Yesterday was pretty routine for me. This morning is swimming but I'll probably have to take the car. According to radar it looks like the rain will be here about the time I go to the gym. The new cordless phones are set to be delivered today. Only bad thing is putting in all the phone numbers. I've collected quite a few over the years.

Prayers for all in need.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, bright and shinny new workweek... well, for some, for others, eh, so it's Monday again....

Yeah Mikey, but I'll bet I'm not the only one that has. It obviously hasn't done a lick of good though, she still hunkers in a corner doing paperwork. She's expanding, there's a sign on the door looking for help for dinner and weekend service. Lots of places looking for help, why work when the government pays you more not to. Supposedly that's ending, still, there's twice a many jobs open as there are unemployed, and many employers are willing to train. Should be a no brainer, 100% full employment if we want it, the first time since the Stone Age...

We could be under 100 today according to all the reports I see. A chance of rain later this week. Why do we want rain so badly? Well, for one, we don't get that much, well under 10" a year is normal, so it's a treat when it does rain. Secondly, it cools things off, when you've been at 110 for a while, that's a blessing. Next, it help things grow. I have all desert plants in my yard, front and back, no grass so the only water they get is from rain. And lastly, our reservoirs are less than half capacity and they're talking about conservation for farmers right now, consumers later if things don't get better.

So much for that, time to head out to Brenda's, no fear of not finding a seat I'm sure.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is currently 60 and heading up to 77.

We spent time outside this weekend. Since the tomato plants were pretty much done, we picked the last tomatoes and removed the plants from the raised planter. We cleaned the outdoor rug including shampooing it. Ran some errands on Sunday.

I finished assembling the Union Station kit. I did some weathering but felt it came out too dark. I applied a lighter color of pan pastels. I need to seal it. I had some issues at the beginning of weathering. Before applying the chalks, I sealed the building with Kyrlon Flat Clear Coat. When it dried to my horror, I found the sealer had frosted. I checked the humidity before I sprayed, and it was right at the upper level (Can says 65%, my weather app said 66%). I also had sprayed outdoors just after twilight. At first, I freaked and then settled down and did some researching. Thanks to the folks on several forums dedicated to Warhammer miniature painting I found the problem was quite common and usually caused by environmental condition. Almost ever time it happened it was due to high humidity. Another interesting thing was many times it happened when people had sprayed outside and in the evening. Basically, I took away that Kyrlon Colormax sealer was prone to this problem, keep an eye on the humidity, and don’t spray outdoors in the evening or at night. The solution was to respray the building with the same sealer but under proper environmental conditions. I did so the next afternoon outdoors with the humidity at 30%. Guess what. It worked. Frosting disappeared.

I also installed “glass” in the windows of a Bowser Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines caboose I had built a while ago.

Today is errand day. I need to run to the produce store and grocery store. I have to take my wife’s watch to a Fossil store to get a replacement battery. This means going to either the King of Prussia Mall or the outlet center in Limerick.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Sun and 64 this morning. Spotty rain for the next four days. Michigan fall is starting to show. Things are changing, some leaves are turning color. sad for me I like summer. Tomato plants are still in the ground, I'm hoping some will ripen before colder weather kills them. What's left are brought in to ripen. Arrival time for my cataract surgery today is 11:45 so I'll be a one eyed James till tomorrow afternoon.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all . well chalk off another monday , not much going on still humid and kinda hot 99 right now . don if it were me i would find another choke and puke that is  close by sounds like the only thing the new owner is interested in is making money expanding into lunch and dinner sounds like a snowbird thing , my guess is it will fold after snowbird season.
Good morning all, not much change here, going to be around the 100 mark for a while yet, I do see a few days in the mid 90's, but all that are what we would call, "educated guesses". Assuming that all those guessers are educated, that is....

Yeah Jim, we've been looking around, nothing will be the same though. As for the money, she's going about that the wrong way too. You don't make more when you scare off the regulars and try to make it up by staying open longer. Time to move on, yeah, going to Denny's this morning. Got an oil change scheduled for 8:00, then nothing special for the rest of the day. Good thing, had painted my new bank building, then I went and screwed it up big time, and so I will be cleaning it off and starting over. Not as easy now that I have the windows and doors in. 35 35 35

Everyone have a great day, prayers for those in need.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is a bright 66 heading up to 78.

Did not get as much done yesterday as I planned. The errand running took longer than I expected. The only running I need to do today is go to the bank and get gas. I am debating if I have enough gas to make it to Delaware where prices are generally 15 to 25 cents per gallon cheaper than Pennsylvania.

I finished sealing the Union Station. I need to think about what is next. Do I build another building, or do I start on the roadbed for the track in the station area? I really want to start some scenery so I am leaning toward the latter.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Bright sunshine and 59 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. The high for today is only supposed to be a rather cool 68.. I may have to put some jeans on. Brrrr!

Yesterday did not go as planned. I must have slept wrong Sunday night as my shoulder started hurting yesterday morning so I skipped swimming. After lunch I decided on a bike ride. We had showers in the area so I wisely checked radar before leaving. Looked like the showers were breaking up and going around me. Got to the farthest point away from the house and yep, it started to rain. Mostly just a light rain but it was just as wet as a heavier rain. About three blocks from home I heard the first of the thunder. Barely made it in the house before the really heavy rain hit. Overall I got about a half inch of rain. I did get two big projects completed. I got all 21 house plants watered and also updated my GPS for the car. This morning I'll be heading out to Walmart.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 43 headed fr sunny and 68 with only light breezes.

Very slow day yesterday. This morning I'll head to the gym to see if my shoulder is ok. Still a little tender but improving. Nothing else planned.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Fall. That's the season when temps are low enough to wear a jacket and turn on the furnace. Not here of course, two more days of triple-digits and maybe even some rain next week. Trying to get some more rain in before the end of our Monsoon season, been a good season in most places so far.

Housecleaning lady shows up this morning, I'll just hunker down and try to finish repainting my bank building while she's here. Found the right shades of gray over at Walmart, it's hard to mix different batches and get consistency. Mix up a large batch and it drys out regardless of how good you think you've sealed it. BTW, craft paint has gone up around 10% there, no biggie, since everything else has too. Got hoarders hitting the panic button again, water, TP, paper towels going out the door in basket fulls. Some people must have huge families when they need five cases of TP or a shopping cart full of cases of water. The supply chain is stressed enough right now and I guess Costco is back to limiting some items, if they have any left in stock....

Take care and have a great and peaceful day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

41 this morning and it's supposed to hit the mod 70s this afternoon. I hope so. I'm already tired of the low temperatures!

Yesterday was pretty mellow. Trip to the gym was routine. After lunch I got the oil changed on the car. Had to change the procedure slightly. After the old oil drain pan gave up the ghost after a mere 30 years I bought a new one. It's bigger and in order to get it under the drain plug and filter I had to move the jackstand which required jacking the car up a little higher. Otherwise no big deal. Got some good news about my granddaughter dealing with bone and breast cancer. No new growth and chemo is working well. She is cleared to return to college in January.

Prayers for continuing recovery of Don, Frank, Tom's wife.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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