The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning.
Thanks for the good wishes Don, I will be fine. I still lack a lot with the right wrist and I hope i can get it strengthened soon. I've been doing a lot of exercising hopeing for improvement.
We are having some family here for dinner today. I made rolled and stuffed pork roast with onion stuffing. I just put it in the oven.
We had a little over an inch of snow last night but it has melted from the driveway and walkways so no shoveling involved. They are calling for a little more today but not much. Thanksgiving weekend in 1950 we had 36 inches and with no snow removal equipment like today it was a nightmare. I remember the National Guard using tanks to get help to people in distress.
I will probably spend some time in the train shed with my grand daughters beau. He was seriously injured in a work accident about 8 months ago and is just starting to get around OK. He saw my layout last week end and I think we may have another modeler. He is in his late 30's so a good time to start.
Prayers for everyone, and I am hoping for continued improvement for Toms wife. 
Here is the address to my chat room on fb. you don't have to have an account     I hope to be on it around 9PM EST so feel free to join me if you can.
Good morning all, sorry Charlie, I missed you video chat, just plain forgot. At my age, it's good that I remember how to get home.

Watched a bit of football, no real surprises, just that it's annoying, one guy made an interception, then he and a bunch of his teammates ran about 80 yards to the end zone just to make mooning faces at the camera there. Wonder what they'll come up with to top that....

Not much going on this week, I might have time to actually do some layout work. I have that one kit I want to work on, plus I need to get the track down on my new section.

Went to Harbor Freight the other day, wanted something for my workshop that they said they had. Couldn't find it, couldn't find anyone to ask where it was and didn't want to wait in line to ask the checkout clerk, so I left. Yesterday I went to Lowe's to get some Locktite, their website told me exactly where it was, and it was there, just that it was locked up, something about a state law and fumes, again, no one there to help me and there was a line waiting to talk to the only paint clerk on duty, so again, I left empty-handed. I'll try Home Depot this morning and hope to do better. There are some 10,000,000 jobs available and 5,000,000 people on unemployment, you have to ask yourself, why? A friend of mine said he saw a guy holding a sign, "will work for food", and a guy in another car pointed him to a huge sign on a restaurant behind him, "HELP WANTED"....

Take care and enjoy your day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 35 at the moment headed for 62 and sunny but also windy again with gentle breezes near 30 mph.

Lots of laundry yesterday and maybe more today with all the extra linens from visitors. I needed to wash all the blankets as the visitors brought their dogs. Right now the house is a little chilly. I turned the thermostat up this morning and it clicked but the furnace didn't come on. I'll be calling for help very shortly. After the furnace is running I need to head to the grocery store.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good evening.
         I have been sleeping most of the day. went for the carpal tunnel surgery at 8 AM and left the hospital at 1 PM.  I think the anesthetist may have overdone it because I really had a strange high with weird dreams and they made me stay in recovery because my BP dropped to 70/45. I told them to call my ex PCP, the one that told me how I was going to have a stroke with 115/78 (one of the reasons he is my ex PCP). The nurse got a kick out of that one.
         The roads were a bit icy this morning but not a problem. Everyone was being cautious for a change. 
I will check in with you'll tomorrow.

Glad you made it through!!!

Prayers to everyone!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good evening folks

I know it is late but I am just getting a chance to sit down at the computer.

The wife had her follow up visit with the hematologist. From what I could tell it went well. It was long because they had to draw blood. As of right now her blood is too thin so she is off the warffen for a couple of days. She then will start a different blood thinner. The coughing spells are being caused by the blood clot which has pretty much blocked her right lung. It appears to be breaking up some but could take as long as three months. She is out of work for three months. At that time if she feels up to it she can go back to work but at a reduced level for at least six months.

As time allows I am putting the Thanksgiving decoration bins away and dragging out the Christmas ones.

I hope everybody has a good night.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, glad things went well for you Charlie, you do good typing with one hand.

We got no stinkin' ice, they only have snow up in the ski slopes because they make their own. Temps are back in the 80's again, that big "H" seems to be stuck on the weather map, when it does move, we'll still be in the high 70's, well above normal.

I started on my DPM kit, I took the front piece out of the package trying to figure out how to start painting it. Need to get all the parts in the ultrasonic cleaner first, will do that today. Handy, cleans jewelry, gun and car parts, and train stuff.  It's smaller than the one I had, but it does have a timer. The last one I burned out, I left it on overnight and it went dry. It was never the same after that, then finally went kaput...

Not too many regulars left at Brenda's, one regular comes in an electric wheelchair twice a day. He stopped showing up two weeks ago and we all thought he was going somewhere else. Turns out he fell at home and laid there for 12 hours before someone found him. Two weeks in the hospital and he's now in rehab. You know what's good is that folks there still care enough to track you down if you don't show up.
Take care and have a fine day today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Daylight is just starting to appear as I wrote this morning. 32 at the moment headed for 52 this afternoon. Upper 50s and low 60s through Thursday.

Got to 66 yesterday and yes there was a bike ride in the nice weather. More bike rides possible for the next three days. Well over 1500 but probably won't make 1600. Furnace repairman showed up quite promptly and found the problem (or so he thought). After he left I turned the thermostat back down to go to the grocery store. When I returned I turned it back up and yep, didn't work. Called and he came right out. Found the problem and the furnace is working fine this morning.

More laundry this morning and this afternoon I'll clean up a last very small batch of leaves. There may be a slightly illegal fire but please don't tell anyone.

Tom - hope your wife continues to improve.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good evening. 
          I spent most of today sleeping off the discomfort. I am trying to avoid the pain pills. I will take one before I go to bed tonight. 
We had a nice day here and even better predicted for tomorrow. 
Good morning and welcome to December 2021. Not sure if we hit the record, but yesterday was suppose to be the 25th day in November where it got to 80 or above. Today we're looking at 82-83. We had a hot summer and it just seems unrelenting, but right now, no one is complaining. My electric bill is way down (no A/C) and my heating bill is too (furnace comes on early in the morning and that's it).

Did not get anything done on my DPM kit other than cleaning it in the ultrasound. Did get the house cleaned though, my only job was to keep out of the cleaning lady's way.

Charlie, just take it easy, don't want to screw things up. I know what you mean by those pain pills, I never take all that they prescribe either.

Tom, glad you wife is showing some improvements, at least there is a plan. Prayers, of course.

Have an easy day today, work, but enjoy what you do..
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy at the moment after a brief sprinkle overnight but it's supposed to clear off later this morning. The high is predicted to be in the low 60s for today and tomorrow then back to the 40s by the weekend.

Yesterday was pretty nice out so I got the last of the leaves cleaned up. Just need to wait for a day with little or no wind to (illegally) burn them. Not much on the agenda for today other than a bike ride. Made an appointment for my booster shot for tomorrow.

Charlie - I second the motion to avoid the pills whenever possible. A while back the doctor wanted me to keep taking the warfarin after I no longer needed it. Mainly because it required continual visits for testing. Translation - more money for them.

Tom - continued prayers for your wife's improvement.

All stay safe.


Forgot to mention gs price below $3.00 yesterday
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 30 degrees.
We have had some snow already but daytime temps have gotten rid of it. Snow usually starts around Thanksgiving and it was right on time.
Nothing much going on as it's indoor weather till spring for this old guy.
Tom I hope your wife keeps improving I'm sure your happy to have her home.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. 
We have a nice sunny day her with the temps in the 40s. My BP is back to normal and I am not as groggy as I have been. I still can't do much but I think I am coming around. 
I hope everyone is well and Tom's wife is improving by the day. 
Christmas decorations are starting to pop up around these parts.

Gas prices still high

Tom - Prayers for your wife

Watched the Beatles special on Disney+.
It was very good!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good evening folks

I know another late arrival but it has been that kind of day.

Wife is improving sometimes. She is still having breathing issues. At times she is gasping for her breath and other times it is coughing spells. It is frustrating because we don't know if this is part of the healing progression or something else. She is still getting very exhausted after doing short walks or little chores like sweeping a few square feet of floor.

(12-01-2021, 08:13 PM)ngauger Wrote: Gas prices still high

Mikey I took the wife for a drive down to Delaware to get gas this afternoon. The Exxon at Silverside Road and US 202 was $3.33. The Circle K at Murphy Rod and US 202 was $3.23. We went to the Exxon as I didn't feel like driving the extra mile or so and also didn't want to deal with the craziness at the Circle K. Being the cheapest gas the last time I went there it was choas. Everything close to us in Pennsylvania is $3.52 to $3.58.

Working on the Christmas decorations. I got the candles and bows in the windows. I am hoping tomorrow to do the outside decorations.

After I took a close look at the photo I posted in the Weekly Photo thread of the passenger station I relaized I forgot to paint the track ties. I painted them tonight.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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