The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, Big Blue was down for a while, don't know what happened, and not sure how it got back up unless Pat fixed things in between naps in his hospital bed. I'll check with him latter to see what's going on.

Things were really nice yesterday. our shooting session went well, we were hitting our targets, the weather was extremely cooperative and there weren't too many other shooters out there. All was well except when that guy drove back and forth in our line of fire. Don't know what he was looking for, but he eventually drove away.

Gotta go, late for an appointment, have a great day and take it easy for a change...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon. 
It's 55 right now heading for 62.
Well my first month of dieting has paid off, I lost 21 pounds (probably lots of water) and this morning I did 3 laps non stop on the treadmill. I am up to doing 6 daily (1.5 miles) but it has been taking me all day with lots of rest but today the muscles are starting to adjust and aren't hurting like they were. I hope to get my bike out this summer too.  Fiatfan is my mentor. 

I am glad Pat is doing so well, I am praying for his continued recovery. 

Nothing else to report.
Just got off the phone with Pat, he is doing exceptionally well, may come home today or tomorrow.

We were off-line for a while this morning, Pat thinks it might have been a server issue. For some reason, I'm finding the Big Blue is a lot more responsive so maybe GoDaddy put us on a faster server. They do things like that without warning.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 42 at the moment headed for windy and 70 this afternoon. Red flag warning has already been posted.

Decent day yesterday. I skipped the gym but did get some walking done as I visited 3 different grocery stores. Then yesterday afternoon I got in a 7 mile bike ride. I'll go to the gym this morning but with the 30+ mph winds I'll probably skip the bike ride this afternoon. All three of my kids called yesterday and I went to dinner with my oldest daughter last night. All in all a very pleasant day.

Charlie - congratulations on the weight loss. I know how hard that is. As far as bike riding, just start slow and gradually increase the distance. Before you know it you'll be riding to Chicago and back!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and 60s this afternoon.
Ran some errands and did some doctor things yesterday. 
Gas was $4.19 when we were out. Down from $4.59. I still say the oil companies are screwing us.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everybody, really, really a nice day yesterday, clear skies, a high of 85 and more until this weekend. Two days in the 70's and we could hit 90 late next week. Does this sound like bragging? Nope, just telling things like they are.

Bouncing between a woodworking project and my scratchbuild challenge. Glue something in the workshop, come in and glue something to my structure. Got lots of different kinds of glue for sure....

Take care, and remember, tomorrow is St. Paddy's Day, don't forget to wear green. I'm not Irish, but try to find something green, I think I still have green socks for the occasion. My wife was Irish and I can't remember her ever wearing green on St. Patrick's Day without being reminded.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
happy St. Patrick's Day, gang.

Cloudy and 44 headed for continued cloudy and 51. Had a brief shower move through but nothing serious.

Surprisingly busy day yesterday. Swam for 3/4 of a mile. then after lunch I walked to the grocery store (about a mile each way). After that I cut down the tall grasses and then sat on the patio and read for a while. Late afternoon the 30+ mph wind died down and i was able to get in a 5 mile bike ride. Only items on the agenda for today are a trip to the gym this morning and my Thursday group late this afternoon for the first time in 3 weeks.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. 
     50 heading for 69 and partly cloudy.  It was supposed to rain but they haved backed off on that. We don't need it but we will see. St. Paddys day, time to plant potatoes if you are into that.  I will start some seeds this weekend, I got 3 strips of grow lights (LED) so maybe I can get some early tomatoes. 

Good morning 'ta ya' all, and a HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Went to Brenda's for breakfast and saw so much green I thought I was in the middle of a St. Paddy's Day parade. Someone, (I think it was the owner's husband) was decked out as a leprechaun. The cook looked like the Irish Superwoman with her green cape on.

Got to clean the garage again today, been cutting and sanding MDF which leave a very fine powder. When I'm done, I feel like Pig Pen in the Peanuts cartoon, I've got MDF dust just puffing out all over when I walk. Waiting Still making progress on my scratchbuild challenge as I frequently come in for rests as I wait for glue to dry on my woodworking project.

Here's a shot of my screen wallpaper for today:


Have great and safe St. Patrick's Day
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

It's a dreary Friday morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Some light rain/drizzle falling and the temperature is 36 with a predicted high in the low 40s. 60 for tomorrow.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. Today should be the same. May have to help my granddaughter get new tires for her vehicle. Grandson is traveling and doesn't want her screwed over by all the extra charges the dealers like to slip in.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 52 heading up to 71. It is very foggy right now and if clears up we have some yard clean up to do.

Not much going on the past few days. The wife had another good physical therapy visit. The dealer couldn't find out why the check engine light came on in my daughter's car after two days of investigating. They did, however, do the recall work the car needed. The recall dealt with an issue with the truck latch.

I been a little under the weather myself the last couple of days. I have just been feeling very run down. I did wretch my knee the other day getting out of the car so my moving around was limited. I am feeling better today and so is the knee. As a result no modeling the past two days. I hope to get back to it today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, almost into another weekend. Temps today around 83, should be about ten degrees cooler come Sunday. There is a chance of rain Sunday, but it's gone from so-so, to eh.

Spring Training has sprung, the millionaires have decided how to split the pot. Wouldn't it be something if no one showed up in protest... Pricing at the stadium near me runs from $45 (behind home plate) to $8 (way out in the grass). Some games are $55 to $12. Oh, the $55 seats include a free hot dog or drink... The only affect it has on my life is the traffic and street closures since I drive by there on my way to the Post Office.

Tom, glad your wife's therapy is going well for her. My truck has a recall also, something about the hood latch. I called the dealer and asked if they have a courtesy shuttle, "nope, we use Lyft". So you either have to hang around the dealership for a bunch of hours (they say two Waiting ), or pay for your transport to home and back. They should write a book, "how to save a few bucks and lose customers in one easy lesson"....

Take care and have a safe day. Prayers for all those in need, especially those in the Ukraine.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun with a Hi of 55 today. Yesterday it was 72. But looking at the ten day, 70 will just be a fond memory.
Home from the store. Going for just a "few" things cost me $170.
Mayhaps some rain by evening.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
(03-18-2022, 06:31 AM)ezdays Wrote:  I called the dealer and asked if they have a courtesy shuttle, "nope, we use Lyft". So you either have to hang around the dealership for a bunch of hours (they say two Waiting ), or pay for your transport to home and back. They should write a book, "how to save a few bucks and lose customers in one easy lesson"....

Take care and have a safe day. Prayers for all those in need, especially those in the Ukraine.

I worked for 5 different dealers over a 12 year period and I have never heard of this.  The dealers are paid well by the company for these recalls and the objective is to make it as convenient as possible for the customer.  In many cases they are supposed to furnish a free loaner/rental.  I will admit it has been almost 30 years since I worked a dealership but if they pulled this on me I would be writing emails and letters to the customer relations department of the car company and the dealer.  There are still some great dealers in the business, but they are harder to find.
(03-18-2022, 11:44 AM)Charlie B Wrote:
(03-18-2022, 06:31 AM)ezdays Wrote:  I called the dealer and asked if they have a courtesy shuttle, "nope, we use Lyft". So you either have to hang around the dealership for a bunch of hours (they say two Waiting ), or pay for your transport to home and back. They should write a book, "how to save a few bucks and lose customers in one easy lesson"....

Take care and have a safe day. Prayers for all those in need, especially those in the Ukraine.

I worked for 5 different dealers over a 12 year period and I have never heard of this.  The dealers are paid well by the company for these recalls and the objective is to make it as convenient as possible for the customer.  In many cases they are supposed to furnish a free loaner/rental.  I will admit it has been almost 30 years since I worked a dealership but if they pulled this on me I would be writing emails and letters to the customer relations department of the car company and the dealer.  There are still some great dealers in the business, but they are harder to find.

I was going to call them one more time and ask "who pays Lyft?", and if they say it's the customer, then your suggestion is a good one. This particular dealership was recently sold to a, "family chain", and they're suppose to be 'good old boys' and customer oriented.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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