The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all. We got both guys to the airport and me back into bed to finish my sleep. Got in to see my chiropractor so things are starting to get back to normal.

A bit cooler today, in the high 70's, suppose to have a chance of rain today, but that's just about down to zero. They are saying that we should have a very wet monsoon season this year, don't know how they know that so far in advance when they can't even forecast two days ahead. But we really need rain, our reservoirs are so low they are talking water restrictions. That's when they tell you to limit taking showers and stop watering your lawns, but you drive by a golf course and see those huge sprayers dumping water all over, and that's OK.... Especially when we have a ratio of one golf course for every four people living here and you can't golf on brown grass. Nope 

Gotta go, breakfast today at Bobbie's in Sun City now that Brenda's doesn't open until 7:00. She says that if it doesn't sell within four weeks, she'll shut it down.

Take care everyone and have an exciting, but safe, day for a change....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

47 and cloudy outside my window this morning. Later today and this evening it could be rather soggy with rain/hail/high winds predicted for this evening and the possibility of a tornado or two.

Yesterday started ok with a visit to my optometrist. A very nice lady I've been going to for years. After that I went to Des Moines to get my car looked at. They still have my car, trying to figure out what the noise is. They loaned me a Acura TLX A-spec. Decent car but still just a 4 banger. I like my V6. Also even in the "comfort" setting the ride is still a little harsher than mine.

During the night I somehow pulled a muscle in my back that kept me awake for about 2 hours. Right now I can't even yawn decently. This morning I need to go to Walmart to get the new glasses ordered. Also need to do some grocery shopping while I'm there. One of the great-grandsons has a baseball game at 6 but with the nasty weather scheduled that may get postponed or canceled. Also got a call from my granddaughter. Her mother-in-law passed away yesterday. A card is in the mail already and I may make the trip to Omaha for the funeral.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
We are having a short streak of 70s, then cooler again after tomorrow's rain blows through.
Some grocery shopping yesterday at Walmart then finished at a local chain today. Prices are up at all of them.
$3.95 for gas this morning.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Talk about being in the bullseye here's my forecast for this evening.


Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon folks

It is 67 with a high of 69. The sun finally came out.

I am in the process of moving the Easter decoration bins back down to the basement. I am also in the process of changing our auto and homeowners insurance. Our current company raised our auto rates nearly $100 a month. There have been no accidents for 5 years, and no tickets for at least 6 or 7 years. Also the number of miles are down driven with me being retired the last two years.

On the layout I did a heavy track cleaning. Everything runs real nice now. I was going to run a B&O passenger train with my BLI EA but I found I need to do some tweaking of the Walthers Heavyweight cars. I am getting used to the NCE Power Cab.

The wife might show me where she wants some plants planted before we go to therapy.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everybody, been a bit windy here making it feel a lot colder than it is. Mid-70's today, mid-90's by this time next week.

Spent the day yesterday back and forth with the insurance company. They are relying on someone that only saw photos of the damage against two body shops that has seen the actual damage. I know they'll pay the difference, I'd like that to be now instead of waiting while the truck is in the shop and I'm paying for a rental car.

Still a bit worn out from my weekend with friends so I'm just going to take it easy today, just one appointment and maybe just veg out and watch a few episodes of, "Forged in Fire".

Take care, be good, stay safe and have some fun today.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy, windy, and 34 outside my window this morning. Windy will be the primary weather word for the next 3 days with winds near 45 mph at times and more frequently at or near 35 mph.

Had a tornado about 20 mile nw of me that did some damage to a round barn owned by a friend of one of my daughter. Also took down a power line which ran an electric fence used to corral the buffalo he raises. Very challenging night for him.

Got a call from the car dealer. $1600 to replace the struts after less than 60,000 miles. Between that and the alternator I had to replace last month I've spent more on repairs on this car than I have on the last five cars combined. I loved the car but the reliability is not that great. Really, really disappointed with it.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, crazy weather, yesterday I had to turn the heat back on, and it's going right now. I found an "auto" setting on my thermostat in Alexa so it will turn on the heat or A/C if it reaches either the low or high setting. Today's high should be in the mid-80's so it'll go back to A/C.

Not much else going on, I'm going to try to lay some track today if I find the time, still a bit tired from my long weekend. I finally got in touch with my insurance adjuster, they wanted me to send me money using online banking which I don't want to do, so they're sending me a check so I can give the body shop enough to order the parts before I bring the truck in. They wanted me to bring it in first, adding a couple of days for me to have to rent a car.

Have a great day and stay away from those nasty tornadoes.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and cold at 34 degrees this morning. It's already breezy with winds at around 25 mph and the wind is predicted to hit near 50 mph later on. If it does it will win the wind/temperature contest today as the temperature is only predicted to be in the mid 40s. No warm weather until at least Tuesday of next week.

As much as I'm disappointed with the reliability of my car I look forward to getting it back. I have a newer version of the same car and I don't like it. Why do car manufacturers feel that each model year has to be bigger than the previous year? End of grumpy old man rant.

Not much on the agenda for today. No group this week but great-grandson has baseball at 6 PM. Not sure how that will work with high winds and low temperatures.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon folks

It is 78 with a high 79. We had to turn the air conditioner on for the first floor.

Yesterday we did some planting. Today I want to empty the old dirt from standing planter and replace it with new dirt. Then we can plant the spice and herbs we have.

I finally ran the B&O passenger train I have been wanting to do since I got the EA loco. I tuned up the passenger cars that needed it. I still have a couple of cars that can be fickle and derail. The derailments occur at the same spots and it is the same two cars. It does not happen every time so it is driving me a little crazy.

I plan to catalogue the passenger cars into my database.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I'm working on an addition to the track cleaning train. Well, a new edition of one I made earlier this year.
I had a little "car" that was a floor, trucks and couplers and a big weight. I added two powerful magnets (well, 1/4" all round). This should pick up any metal bits that fell off into the tracks.

I went to the hobby shop yesterday to get enough bits to make a second car. I found that they no longer stock floor material (and probably no clerestory roof stock) and no cast metal bolsters. I ended up with 2 feet of 1" by 1/8" basswood. I couldn't figure out what the trucks were that they were selling but found a pair at home. I also found that my stash contained 5 pieces of the wood already. The bolsters will be a stick of wood. Couplers are in stock.

I bought a couple of drill bits to replace the 2-56 bit that I think I may have been using for 50 years. These ones seem to actually be sharp.

One of our specialty hardware chains sells a tube of powerful magnets, about 1/4" diameter and lengths frome not much up 1/2" or more.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Well, the wind and temperature tied yesterday. Both hit 45. Today the temperature will be about the same but the wind will only be in the 10-20 mph range. No warmup until the middle of next week.

Fairly routine day yesterday. I did get a call from the car dealer. Due to a "missed communication" between the mechanic and the service advisor it may cost me up to another $500 to get my car back.

Baseball game for the great-grandson was canceled. The 40+ mph winds at game time may have had something to do with that. In addition, the game for tomorrow morning has also been canceled due to low temperature. Supposed to be about 25 at game time.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
And a late good morning, today is Good Friday, and Sunday comes Easter. Lent went by super fast this year. I'm sure that Walmart and other stores already have their Mothers Day stuff on display. Me, I'm still nibbling on some Valentine candy....

Just a word or two about the weather, HOT and HOT. Had the furnace going the past two days, now the A/C is kicking in. Around 90 today, close to 100 by Tuesday.

Going to take it easy for the next few days until my back feels better, started to do some trackwork yesterday and hunching over isn't in the cards right now.

David, not sure how you managed to keep any bits that long. If you look at any set I have that is more than a year old, the drill bit pack rat has made off with most of the smaller ones and replace them with a few extra larger ones.  Waiting 

Take care and have a safe and fruitful day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 64 currently and going up to 67 with sun. We had some storms roll through last night bringing down part of a big tree in the next block. We didn't lose power but others did from the tree.

We emptied the old dirt from the planter and replaced it with new dirt. My wife planted the herbs. We still need to get tomato plants. I used the old dirt to spread around a tree in the backyard that had numerous dead areas. I put down grass seed on the newly spread dirt. I also removed and reset the concrete bench at the base of the tree. The bench had developed quite a list.

I tweaked the one Athearn RPO that was giving me problems and reinserted into the passenger train. This time everything ran fine and I had a train running of all my B&O heavyweight passenger cars. Afterward I catalogued any upgrades to the cars and put everything away.

Today I have to run to Delaware and get gas. I also need to hit the pharmacy and produce store.

On the layout I have the hot dog stand to weather. I then need to think about what comes next. I do have the fruit stand to build. I could tune up some cars or weather some others or determine a new project for the layout.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I had, for a long time, just 2 pin vises. These are double ended with a large and a small collet. one end is a 2-56 pilot drill and the other is 00-90. The second vise has the respective taps. They stay in there permanently unless I really need a different drill.
I added a different pin vise quite a while ago which only takes one drill at a time and I now have another one.
The drill sets are usually missing a few -- some have been shortened. The household bit sets usually have a 1/8" and 1/16" bits that are broken off. Noone sells those separately with hex shanks.

Today I started our income taxes (we have a month-end deadline).
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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