The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all of you out there, I hope your weekend is going well for you all. Like SJ, I did nothing that required a lot of energy yesterday. I watched a few minutes of football, but just couldn't get into the game. I did notice there were a few more folks in the stand, maybe because it was a playoff game. I still wonder if they'd do better of they played in their home towns instead of just Birmingham.

Got a busy week ahead, that means several doctor appointments. I advised someone yesterday to not retire, I told them it gave them too much time to spend in doctor's waiting rooms....

The rain map shows scattered showers all around the valley, most folks, like us here in Surprise, got none. Not a great chance today, better tomorrow, but forecasts really count even less during these summer months, or as they like to put it, "the monsoon season". A storm can come up at the blink of an eye, or not show even when they say it will.

Take care, stay safe, and for you that actually get rain, stay dry.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and cool this morning outside my window58 now headed for the mid 70s. Almost cold after the warm weather we've been having.

Not much accomplished yesterday. I did get the inside of my car cleaned up - vacuum, windex, abd armor all. This afternoon I will attend a celebration of life for the son of my son-in-law's sister.

Gas price dropped again yesterday to $4.37. Unleaded without ethanol which i need for my lawn mower was $4.97? Apparently it cost more to not put ethanol in gasoline.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Greetings, gang.

It's a bone chilling 50 degrees in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning but all is not lost. A gradual warming trend begins today with a high in the low 80s. Of course the trend doesn't stop at that. By Thursday highs will be in the 90s again.

Not much planned for today. Swimming this morning and house cleaning this afternoon. My sister-in-law and her husband will be stopping here on Thursday evening and then leaving on Friday. Motel Tom will be opened again at the end of July for a similar visit.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, boy, that was refreshing and well appreciated. We finally got a decent rain yesterday afternoon. No monsoon storm, just a heavy downpour for about a half-hour, I'm guessing about a half-inch which is good for us. Hoping for more today.

Just took another day off yesterday, did little next to nothing. Today might be a bit different, I'm going to try to get some tracks back down on the new section of my layout. I keep calling it new, but it's been close to a year since I added it. Just too many distractions.

Have a great week everyone, stay cool, we won't be too much over 100 today, and that's good for us.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

I'm sitting in a room at the medical center. Got a call at 8:30 this morning asking if I could be here by 10:30. Oh, heck yes! Quick shower and pack some snacks and I'm on my way since it's a little over an hour from home. First cut has been made. Just waiting for results. The brochure said surgery could last anywhere from 1.5 to 10 hours. I'm prepared for the 10 hours but hoping for the 1.5 hours.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(06-27-2022, 10:17 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Update:

I'm sitting in a room at the medical center.  Got a call at 8:30 this morning asking if I could be here by 10:30.  Oh, heck yes!  Quick shower and pack some snacks and I'm on my way since it's a little over an hour from home.  First cut has been made.  Just waiting for results.  The brochure said surgery could last anywhere from 1.5 to 10 hours.  I'm prepared for the 10 hours but hoping for the 1.5 hours.


Good luck Tom, I'm still a bit confused though, I've had a basal cell removed from my nose and a squamous from my hand, both were done in the doctor's office and took around an hour. Unless you have to wait a long time for the results of the biopsy before they proceed, I just went home and they sent it off.

Regardless, I wish you the best for a quick and successful surgery.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
hi all. well, another Monday is just about gone.  had a basal cell taken off my forehead   at Tucson VA it was a large one so i had to wait about 20 min for them to check if they got it all then they sowed me up. started work on another kit bash Jim's garage and tire will post it when i get a bit more done.
stay safe keep your powder dry Jim
Good morning all, seems like basal cells are popular around here, it is if you live in Arizona for sure. Blazing sun everyday I haven't a clue how some folks go out hiking the hills when it's over 100 degrees out. Lots of them get picked up and get to go back in a helicopter or gurney. They finally decided to close all hiking trails here when it gets to 110 and we have those who are complaining about that.

Busy day today, still haven't gotten back to my layout, I doubt I'll have time today. Kind of dry yesterday, 105 today with a very slight chance of rain. That really doesn't mean much though since it's "monsoon season".

As for those wildfires, the big ones near Flagstaff are over 90% contained, but there are around eight more burning in our state. Monsoon season is also wildfire season.

Take care, have a great day and be careful out there.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Bright sun and 58 outside my window this morning. High is scheduled to be around 87.

Woke up this morning and my right nostril has been dripping. Don't know if it's related to the surgery or the tylenol that I took. The tylenol is not something I normally take. Had a somewhat uncomfortable night but doing ok this morning. One of the things that was done was to take a flap of skin from behind my ear and pull it over the top for cosmetic reasons. Here's some info on the type of surgery that I had:

I go back next Tuesday to get the stitches out. Not gonna get much done for the next few days. Doctor put a 10 lb. weight limit on my lifting and specifically said no running the vacuum cleaner. Oh, darn! When I left the docotr's office I stopped at McDonalds for a cheese burger and some fries. Got about 4 blocks away and realized that what I had was a cheese sandwich, not a cheese burger. Seems they forgot to put the burger in the burger. Must have been a new McEmployee with lots of McParticipation awards, trophies, and certificates.

Tried to order a new laptop yesterday and kept getting a message saying it was not a valid credit card number. Call them and they said because I had purchased $10 worth of gas it looked suspicious. Um, my lawn mower can only hold so much gas. Anyway, got that resolved and the new laptop is on its way.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun, going to 80 today. Yesterday was breezy but about the same.
McCheese is the same here, you have to check your order before leaving.
I'll bet ten dollars almost filled the mower tank.
Sinus running, coughed all night.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and cool headed for sunny and quite warm. 59 now headed for 94 this afternoon. Hot again for the next several days.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. I did talk to the young ladies next door and they have agreed to redo the dressings on my ear. I also got to see the twins' first stroll through the neighborhood. They are a little over a year old and both walking. One is somewhat shy and the other appears to be rather gregarious. It's gonna be fun watching them grow up. I didn't sleep very well last night. Woke up about 1 and couldn't get back to sleep until 3.

Speaking of laptops (I was, yesterday. Pay attention!) my new one should be here Friday. Has anyone had experience with Windows 11? I'm not sure whether it will have 10 or 11. The tech spec says 10 but the illustration shows 11.

Off to the grocery store soon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good folks, I thought I was seeing things yesterday when I spotted a Circle K station at $5.43. Looking around, there are a few stations under $5.00 on the east side and some up there at $5.79 on the west side. Kind of crazy for sure that prices would drop 20 cents overnight at some stations and not others.

We are in the middle of "deflation", bought some hot dog rolls the other day, no worries about them being bigger than the dog now, they shrunk from 12 to 11 ounces and are indeed smaller. Opened another package of pierogies that usually holds a dozen, found only ten. This seems to be a trend, don't change the price, make the product smaller.

Temps are back up there, 108 today, maybe rain, maybe not. So far, no dust storms, or "haboobs", as the current regime at the NWS likes to call them. We used to have summer dust storms, now we have haboobs during monsoon season. Just as long as they don't start printing the weather report in Cyrillic. Waiting

One appointment this morning, shopping all done, well, one stop maybe at Home Depot but that's it.

Have a fun and exciting day today but stay safe doing it...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning everyone. 
I got an early start on a beautiful day here in southeast Ohio.  I had a stump from a small pear tree that died last year so we cut it down and I decided it was a nice day to remove this mowing obstacle so I hooked a chain between it and my truck, put it in 4 wheel low and out it came. I filled the small hole it left and it will be good until that dirt settles. 
On another issue, There is an old house next door to me that was originally a part of this property. When the previous owner defaulted on the mortgage the bank, in its infinite wisdom, split the properties. That house had the well so they gave it a small lot, less than 1/4 of an acre, and the property we bought had a full acre with the septic tank.  The old house was originally a lumber company warehouse many moons ago so it was never used as a dwelling. The previous owner decided to tie into the septic system on our property illegally so we were told we had to disconnect that line from the system which rendered that property useless as a house. We had to have a well drilled on our property which was still a deal because we got the property cheap, and it was a new small home built in 1987.  Some folks bought the old place at the same time we bought ours. They did not do their due diligence and did not realize there was no septic system. (our county requires an acre of ground for new septic tank installs). After 10 years they finally found a buyer that was going to install a new type system, or run 250 feet of sewer line down the street to tie in to the city sewer.  He put a lot of work into the place before he found out that neither option  was approved and he had a white elephant on his hands. After 3 years he found another sucker. The poor guy has been working like hell on the place and told everyone they were moving in on the 25th of June.  I was working outback a couple weeks ago and he called me over. He asked me if I knew where his septic tank was.  I couldn't believe the previous owner sold the place without telling him there was no system nor could he install one. (banks would never finance this place, he paid cash)
Now I have given you the back ground, here is the story.  I knew the well from the old house was originally plumbed into this one but all the lines had froze when it sat empty. When I had the new well drilled and I installed new water pipes I just cut the old lines and forgot about it. Last week I had water running out from under the front of the house (it is built on a concrete slab). I thought our hose that we run to water the garden had developed a hole so I turned the water of at the spigot and after about an hour the water quit running. Mystery solved.... Nope  A couple days later the water appeared again and continued to run.  I finally figured it out, They new guy had turned on the power to his well and it was running out a break in the old line under my house and when he quit working he turns off the power.  Yesterday I found that old line and capped it. Now I have to wait until he returns to make sure the problem is solved. At least it didn'y do any damage to my place. 

Tom. I hope your ear heals quickly.  
I have been using Win11 for at least 9 months  and I like it fine. It would not run my Epson scanner software (12 years old) (my old win 10 laptop works fine for this) but it runs most current programs.  I had to download a program to move the taskbar to the left margin because that option was removed and I have a wider screen and prefer it there. I also downloaded classic shell so nothing really seems different and to be honest I use a lot of free programs to avoid windows bundled apps. I use open office (there is a program to remove the Office nag) I use thunderbird for mail and chrome for a browser, and agent ransack to search my computer, and I like Honeyview for my default photo browser. 
My only complaint is it is still difficult to network with my wifes computer. I had to turn on sharing without passwords in order to do it. I am behing a network firewall so I don't worry about that. 

I got the grass mowed yesterday so that chore is done for 10 days. The grass has slowed a lot. The garden is doing well, I have been eating fresh strawberries for a week now and the plants are supposed to produce all summer. I had to net the plants so the chipmunks and birds would leave them alone. 

Everyone stay safe and cool. 
Hello Blue
Some early morning rain, enough for the yard and grass but would do nothing for the water shortage out west.
Still cloudy but going to 83, then climbing through the week.
Eye doctor yesterday, I got out ok but something they put in my wife's eyes has caused a bad irritation. Looks better today than last night but still not good. Yes she called this morning. Use eye drops and a cold rag.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
The technical word for what you are seeing is "shrinkflation".
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Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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