The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

35 and partly cloudy again this morning. Not much reprieve from the cool weather in the near future. Highs for the next several days are normally seen in mid November rather than mid October.

Yesterday was a very quiet day for me. Just some light housekeeping. Due to the high winds and low temperatures I pretty much stayed indoors. This morning I'll head to the gym and this afternoon I'll work on scraping the louvers.

Gas price took a surprising 20 cent drop yesterday. Down to $3.79

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, going to be a hot day, 96 and "plenty of sunshine". Yesterday we hit 97, last week it was 99 so we shouldn't complain... I cannot find the records for any of these days, but I'm betting that we're close. Big change into the high 70's this weekend. Like Tom, I stayed in all day, just had things to do and didn't feel like going out and getting roasted. The same for today. I need to call the IRS and I'm sure that'll take a couple of hours on hold, if they let me get that far in the first place. Waiting

As for gas, I see a few stations dropping by 20 cents to $4.79, very few, some still as high as $5.39. Let's see what today brings.

Not much else going on here, no parades, no protests, the Arizona State Fair is going through the end of October, I wonder how many folks show up when it's this hot. Rain this weekend isn't going to help either... How about a soggy deep-fried Twinkie?

Have a great day today, be careful and don't do anything crazy....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Dayle was out this morning for massage therapy on her back. She hasn't been able to spend a whole night in bed for a week or more.

We went to the Friends of Guelph Library book sale today. I passed up the railway books but got two railway DVDs and a couple of books. One was How to Lose a Naval War. I already have How to Lose a War and ~ a Battle.  One tip was "Put your bother-in-law in charge".
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Definitely cool this morning at 27 degrees but even cooler weather next week. Today we are expecting sunshine, 25 mph wind, and 65 degrees. Here's hoping that actually happens.

Had a decent workout yesterday morning and walked to the grocery store yesterday afternoon. All in all not a bad day. Today's agenda includes laundry and more work on the louvers. Also need to do a leaf roundup before it get too far out of hand.

David - sounds like some very entertaining books.

All stay s afe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all and happy Saturday to everyone. Today is "Loss Remembrance Day", a coincidence that it comes on the anniversary of my wife's passing two years ago. It is also, "National Cheese Curd Day", and "National Shawarma Day", plus a few others. I wonder who picks these days to celebrate?

It did hit 98 yesterday, today into the 80's and a really good chance of rain, like 90%, so the forecasters are going out on a limb on that. I do hear a bit of rumbling outside as I type, so maybe they're right for a change. Rain also tomorrow and temps in the 70's. I guess this means that the lawn maintenance guys won't be by today to get rid of my weeds. I talked to a new guy, he didn't show up yesterday as he said, called him again, sent him the photos that he asked for and have yet to see a reply. Not a good sign so far....

Looks like everyone has dropped their gas prices a bit, the norm is now $4.79, Costco $4.49 and someone up in New River north of us at $5.29. I guess he didn't get the memo... Lowest price in Arizona is $3.35 south of Tucson. Still obvious that we here in the Phoenix area are getting gouged.

I hope you all have a great weekend, lots of football if that's your thing, just have a good time and stay safe doing it...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

42 and cloudy with clearing being alleged by the NWS for this afternoon. High of around 52 with winds up to 25+ mph.

Yesterday was successful. Got two items on my list completed and progress made on the third one. Leaves are gathered and taken to their new home and all the laundry is caught up again. Did some scraping one the louvers but realized I need a new wire brush. A trip to Menards is in the works for a little later in the morning. This afternoon is the last football game of the season for my great-grandson. Basketball will be starting shortly.

Gas price was down a few more cents yesterday to $3.56.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, wakey wakey, it's Sunday and I overslept by almost an hour. Must have been the patter of the rain. Yup, rained on and off all day yesterday, high temp for the day was 82 at 6:00AM. We got well over an inch here, other spots close by came close to two inches. NWS official Phoenix rainfall at Sky Harbor Airport is .62", however, the county rain gauge there shows .79. Now that's not a big difference, but they really should match, shouldn't they? Today, good chance of rain, temps in the mid-70's. All summer long, our cold tap water was almost as hot as the hot, today it's almost normal.

Finally got someone to clean up the weeds in my yard, was going to show up yesterday, but it was pouring rain the last time I talked to him. He'll clear the weeds, trim bushes and spray for pre-emergance so maybe the weeds won't come up again for a while. He'll be by on Monday, the weeds should come up easy since the ground is really wet and the spray won't get washed away.

Watched that Alabama-Tennessee game yesterday, what a crazy game, lot's of scoring, but Tennessee won with a last second FG.

Enough, I'm running late, gotta go. Everyone enjoy your day, take it easy and do something that you like, even if it's just taking a nap...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Beautiful Sunday here in Maryland. Upper 60's a bit of breeze.

Spent a good portion of Saturday moving my father-in-law's stuff from one apartment to another in an independent living facility. Luckily, same floor. Still, it was a good workout and no fingers were lost and no one's feelings were hurt in the process.

Went home to watch the 2nd half of the Penn State Michigan game. My Lions didn't show up in the 2nd half. However, my Phillies were playing game 4 of their division series with Atlanta at the same time - that went much better. Caught up a little bit on "Rings of Power". I'm a Tolkien fan and the series is quite good. Wondering how many seasons are planned...

Served at mass early this morning and the dog and I did our weekly tortuous assault of Rocks State Park. Came home and decided I really needed to get the pressure washer out and clean off my bluestone patio - it was more like greenstone before...

Finally got some computer time after getting cleaned up. Found a prototype Reading SD45 pic as inspiration for the upcoming weathering project. Also started a little work on the Mud Run area planning out the routing of the river there. Decided to get all of the prep work done for application of Realistic Water - really only want to do that one time in that area.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Good late evening. 
       We had a beautiful day today but I spent the day in the train room doing a 10 minute 8 hour job.  Icon_e_biggrin
        I isolated two of the main tracks for additional circuit breakers which I all ready had mounted. Just a matter of cutting 4 wires from the tracks and making 8 cuts in the rails to separate them. (I cut gaps then use JB Weld to keep them from closing).

        I managed to get totally messed up hooking the 4 wires to the bus and the breakers. I quit at 2PM and took a nap then I went out after supper and did the job in less than 15 minutes. I just couldn't think straight. 

        Yesterday I got the diesel fuel heater in the RV primed so when I get the marine battery I ordered I should be able to fire it up and check it out.  Nothing else exciting but I did enjoy the week end. 
Good morning everyone, a bright new day, mid 80's and no rain. My weedeaters are suppose to show up today, I hope so, the kids in the house behind me keep losing their football and volley ball in my weeds and it's almost dangerous to go out and find them. Waiting 

Costco dropped gas another ten cents, $4.35, everyone else is still at least 50 cents higher, now they can't blame the distributors for the gouging.

While on our trip on the Durango and Silverton two weeks ago we noticed that one of the conductors was a young lady. Saw an article in the news where she is now being called a hero for rescuing another woman that was lying on the other side of the river with a broken leg that she got when she fell off of a cliff. A passenger saw her signaling for help and they stopped the train and that's the whole story. What surprised me is that two of the train crew were EMT's. I guess with some 500 passengers, they do have medical issues at times, so that's good to know.

Got an easy week, two appointments and the yard folks showing up, so I may have time to work on my new log cabin.

Take it easy today, remember, it's Monday, kind of ease into the week if you can.... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

A chilly 26 degrees greeted me this morning with a predicted high today of 40 under clear skies.

Did some more work on the louvers yesterday. Also went to a football game for the great-grandson. Miserable weather. Temperature in the upper 40s with a north wind at 20-30 mph really took it out of me. Got home and took a hot shower. Never did warm up lat night. The weather must have really worn me out as I slept for 8 hours. This morning I need to make a trip to Menards and the gym.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello blue
Gloomy, damp and cold. High for today in the 40s. Baa Humbug.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good Monday. Just another great day once you are retired. 
It is sunny but cool here with a chance of rain so perhaps more layout work will happen. I need to run the mower to bag the leaves in the fenced in dog yard so they don't bring the leaves in the house. I will do that if they dry up. 
I still have leaf guards to install but there is still time to wait for nicer days that are promised the end of the week. 
Good week for all
hi all. well its Monday again as far as the weather we had a frog strangler Saturday it's in the high 60's this morning time to get out the Longjohn's. gas in Tucson was 3.69 last Tuesday though there were cheaper places i don't get gas there as a employee for the arco pipeline told me once that they buy the commentated gas from them.
all stay safe Jim
Greetings, gang.

Downright chilly this morning in the remote reaches of northern Iowa.  18 right now headed for 40 this afternoon.  Warming trend starts tomorrow with highs in the 70s by the weekend.  Typical Iowa fall and spring temperature swings.

A total lack of ambition kept me home from the gym and Menards yesterday.  I did manage to get to the grocery store late yesterday afternoon.  Today I will at least try to get to the gym. 

My sister-in-law and her hubby were supposed to stop by sometime this week on their way from Michigan to Nebraska.  When I texted her she said she forgot to tell me they won't be here.  I vacuumed and dusted for no reason.  Waste of my time.  Those should be semi-annual tasks, not monthly! Eek Icon_e_biggrin 

Gas price dropped again yesterday - down to $3.49.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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