The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, and a chilly one here. Still snowing up north, over 2' so far this week. Going to be good for the snow melt come spring. Temps here suppose to be in the high 50's for the next few weeks, maybe rain but that's not a given.

I picked 99.5% of my truck up last night after seven weeks in the shop. Still missing one piece of door trim, but they have it so you don't notice it. No word on it even being available. I told Geico that I'd hate to see them buy me a new vehicle for the want of a $50 piece of plastic. Now I can pre-heat the cab before I get in, one of many things that the rental didn't have.

Nothing else significant going on to talk about so lets just go out an conquer the world today, we can relax tomorrow.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning all, looks like folks here are really busy, we skipped one day with nobody posting to the Hobo Camp. I hope all is well with everyone and it's not losing power or the Internet thanks to storms that's keeping anyone away. Here, it's still chilly, 60 +/- for a while yet. Up north still snowing, well past 2' in some areas. I've got to go up to Prescott sometime in the next few weeks, so I hope the snow stops before then.

Right now, gas prices are dropping a bit. I can get gas at the Fry's station one block from my house for $3.25, the same price as Costco which is 3 miles away. Just waiting for Costco and Sam's Club to drop as well, no rhyme or reason why this is happening, but we'll take it.

Not much else going on, it's nice to have my truck back, it's strange but all the time I had the rental, I would reach up to hit the garage door opener button, which is on the truck but not the rental. Now that I have my truck back, I'm trying to move the shift lever which is on the rental, but not my truck which has shift buttons. They have a term for that but it escapes me, maybe "conditioned memory", but not sure.

So anyway, wake up y'all and let us know what's going on. New weekend coming up, still stormy out so be careful out there.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon. 
      I have been AWOL for a couple days. We made the 400 mile round trip and got the rescue American Eskimo dog my wife wanted. It was quite a trip and the little guy is a nice boy but he has some issues we need to correct. His owner passed away on the 4th of Jan and he was sent to the vets to be put down. The vet refused and called a shelter and he was immediately picked up and then Monday he was neutered so he has had a rough 2 weeks,     

      I managed to pick up a cold so now I am trying to catch up with my running nose and plugged up ears so I am not in the best of spirits. Then to top it off we have a 20 degree temperature drop and rain again last night.  

       My plan for the rest of the day is sleep and play on the computer. I am not in the mood currently to work on the trains. I hope that changes soon. 

        Everyone else have a great day. 

Greetings, gang.

It's cool, cloudy, and 36 in St Louis, MO at the moment.

It's been a hectic but fun week for us. Tuesday we drove to Ft Leonard Wood. Wednesday we had our son/grandson for the day. Thursday was the graduation ceremony. This morning we made the 2 hr trip to St Louis as my daughter wanted to see the arch. After that we had a nice lunch at Obrien's Pub and Grill. After that we walked across the street to Union Station. Not a lot to see there. Supper tonight will be trip snacks. Tomorrow we head back to Iowa and on Sunday my daughter and family will head back to SD.

My grandson was on a flight to Hawaii which got rerouted to LAX due ti an unruly passenger. Because of that he's looking at alternatives to get to his duty station on time. Hope he can work it out.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, we are cold here, low morning temps forecasted in the 30's but as usual, they can't even agree on the current temps. One says it's 37 out, the other says 43. Regardless, it's still snowing up north and that's why we're cold down this way. It's great to have my truck back, I can pre-warm it before I get in. Remote start turns on the heated seats and steering wheel. Ahh, sweet technology...

Have not touched my wooden engine for a few days now. I need to regain partial sanity before I continue.

Just in case you missed it, there's a letter HERE from Mikey and myself regarding our finances. We've done very well now for 14 years keeping Big Blue running. We've held sales, had many auctions and thanks to our members, collected donations. Mikey and I have occasionally had to dip into our own resources, not often but that's what we did to get Big Blue going in the beginning. We've not asked for help these past few years, no auctions or sales, and so we're paying the price now because we just paid the bills  and our treasury is empty, pocket change is all we have, and so we're running a year-long fund raiser, we need to be ready the next time the bills come due or we'll be shutting Big Blue down and lose all that we've built up here, all the friends we've made and the thousands of photos (40,000 and counting), and tips in our database. 

Please read the letter and see what you can do to help. This is serious, we have all this year to work on this, we need your help to keep Big Blue alive, and we're counting on you however you choose to participate. Thanks....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Crazy week.

Lost my Aunt late last week, a lung cancer survivor who made it to 91. She was like my 2nd mom for the first 11 years of my life, they lived right across the street and my brother and my two cousins did a lot together. Had the memorial service and a dinner together with a bunch of my relatives and my uncle's friends in the Poconos yesterday - 6 hours of driving to make that happen. Bittersweet - seem to only see a lot of my relatives at funerals these days.

Also had a crown placed on a tooth on Thursday evening, took me about an hour to get numb enough to buzz off the top of that tooth. For a while there I thought they were going to send me home with a temporary, but it got done - milled, polished and etched in the office the same evening.

Trying to upgrade one of my iPods to larger capacity solid state memory. Having trouble with the micro-SD cards that I purchased a few years ago as the media for the upgrade. I'm about ready to put that project aside for a while, but it's been in my head all week.

With all of that and work, not much model railroading accomplished - hope to change that over the weekend. Almost ready to lay some ballast in the Mud Run Curve prior to gettting on the foreground scenery. It also appears that my GP38 has made it into the Post Office box - I'll pick it up on Monday I guess. I'm gonna tear in apart and work on the DCC install first, Delaware and Hudson patching, painting and weathering after establishing that the decoder works.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
hi all. been some time since last post, things are about the same here author has been keeping me down because of the cold weather can't walk more than 300 feet till i have to sit down. have gotten some wiring done on the layout. did make trip to Tucson and got a 5by5 from cardiologist. 
Good morning all, yeah Jim, this cold snap we're having doesn't treat our old joints and bones like they used to. There has to be some relief, remember, we're just weeks away from the Super Bowl and we don't want to see anyone get a chill as they get out of their corporate jet and into their limo. Nope I really wonder if there are any "regular" folks that can afford to go to the game. I found an "Amazing deal", a ticket up in the corner of the end zone in the nosebleed section for only $5,191. Got a real bargain if you want to sit on the 50 yard line, $47,807 gets you in row 4, but hurry, there's only 10 left at that price. I can watch it for free on TV, but I'm not sure. The more I watch football, the more I get fed up with those announcers that keep grinding away with statistics and replays, then there are those choreographed dance routines that some folks may love, but they are annoying for me to watch, this is a football field, not the Radio City Music Hall. Also, it's hard to care less to watch those great ads, $7,000,000 for a 30 second ad, plus the cost of producing it. Gotta ask, is anyone there to see the game or are they there just to show off and say they went?

Enough grumbling for one day, not much else to talk about. We are starting to get a few donations, and we'll hold our first auction in about a week once we find what we have to auction off.

Have a great day, stay warm and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Foggy and 16 going to the mid 20s later. That's pretty much the forecast for the week.

Daughter and family left around 8:30 and the house is quiet again. Had a super week attending grandson's graduation from Army military police school. After a nightmare flight from Phoenix to Hawaii that was rerouted to LAX to remove a troublemaker he wound up landing in Hawaii around 11:30 PM his time which would be around 3:30 Iowa time. After a lot of calls between Fort Dodge, Ft. Leonard Wood, and Honolulu we finally managed to get him to his base at Schofield Barracks where he will be for the next three years. We're already planning a trip for December 7th parade and ceremonies.

Today will be a day of rest along with many trips to the basement to get caught up on laundry.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
30 degrees and snowing. SE Mich. has had very little snow so far this season. Of course, February could change that. One of my wife's sisters was here for a week, she is on oxygen 24 hours a day. The machine was not overly loud but very annoying when you're not used to it. A local show this weekend, I didn't go as there is a $5. parking fee plus admission and it's just not worth it. I do like football if the team is a favorite of mine. Best seat of all is in front of the TV. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
(01-22-2023, 10:12 AM)FiatFan Wrote: Had a super week attending grandson's graduation from Army military police school.  

My son went through Officer Candidate School in 2020 (height of the pandemic).  We watched his graduations from Basic Training, Officer Candidate School and his BNOC graduation from Fort Sill all over YouTube.  Would have rather been at each one instead of watching over the internet.  Good for you guys and good luck to your MP!
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Good, and a darn cold, morning. Temps up in Flagstaff are 11/27, here 32/50, relentless.Flagstaff has set a new record of 57.9 inches of snow so far this month which will be great for the skiers now, and the snow melt this spring, but it's causing us to have to wear heavy jackets down here. Normally we see snowbirds walking around in shorts, flip-flops and t-shirts, but not now. Our church A/C system is down and I'm not sure it wasn't snowing inside yesterday.

Need to fill up this morning, Costco is $3.35, most others are $3.39, no sense driving to Costco to save about 50 cents when it costs an extra dollar to get there. It doesn't make sense, most times Costco can be 40 cents lower than most others. Talked to a lady yesterday that was complaining that the rental she was driving only got 20mpg, her hybrid which was in the shop was getting 60..... Me, I'm delighted that my truck gets 20....

We're meeting at a different place for breakfast this morning, Brenda's is closed on Mondays until they can find a second cook. Sign on the window, "cook wanted, wait staff wanted, dishwasher wanted" Lots of jobs open, lots of people getting unemployment, yet they keep paying them not to work.

Take care, have a great week and enjoy whatever it is you do... Life is too short to do otherwise.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 35 currently and raining. High will be 40.

I had a productive weekend around the house. We got all the Christmas decorations down and away except for the tree. It is taking us longer than normal to put things away due to both my wife and I having issues with our backs. Now that we both have had some treatments things are looking up and we are able to do more. I had to take apart our rug cleaner and perform a heavy-duty cleaning on it. This meant that I also had to do a heavy-duty cleaning on the kitchen sink and counters afterward. We introduced our robot vacuum to our bedroom. It did well. It found a slipper that had been missing for a year a more.

I also had a productive time with the trains. I checked and tuned up about a third of my boxcar collection. I began organizing it. The Athearn blue box kit cars took the longest as I usually had too add weight to them and washers to the trucks to make the couplers match the coupler gauge. There were a bunch of kits I built a few months ago that I needed to add metal wheels. When I built them, I was out of metal wheels. I am again out of metal wheels and waiting for resupply to arrive this week along with Kadee washers.

Today looks like a rainy muddy day on the job site. The wind will probably be cutting through to the bone. I hope we can start the Christmas tree decoration removal tonight. I am planning to continue working on the boxcars.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

6 going to maybe 30 later on.

Looks like a boring week ahead. Only routine chores need to be done. Still tired from the trip. My daughter's Yukon is not nearly as comfortable as my car over a long trip. Resting will continue today and probably back to the gym tomorrow. Also need to make an appointment to get the tires rotated.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Winter has arrived at Wilderson. 'nuff said.  Snow today and more Wednesday.

I installed another decoder yesterday and perhaps will do one today and that will complete the diesels that are in the repair shelf. I have 2 brass steam locomotives to do next but I may take a break from the electronics and just run trains for a while.  I need to build some kind of proper storage place so I can make room on the layout. I want something that will be easy on the delicate parts of the models and that means very loose packing. I have access to lots of good foam from the upholstery shop where my daughter works. 

I am working on a new thread to post some photos of track I have taken over the years so it may help folks with track weathering. 


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