The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Another chilly one this morning at9 degrees. NWS is claiming 27 and sunny for today.

Yet another quiet day underway. Trying to get up the energy to make a grocery run. Nothing urgent but an opportunity to get out of the house.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
I got a note from the bookstore chain that one of the books I ordered is about to be sent to me.
Back in December, I ordered 4 books that they said were available. One was new, for Dayle, and the others were back list (booksellers term for over 20 years old). Dayle's book arrived before Christmas; the others were promised for January 2.
So one of the 3 remaining is about to come.
The 3 are part of a series by a favourite author. 6 books and I have 3 -- every second one.
Because I ordered over $50 worth at once, I get free shipping.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

8 and clear headed for 17 by mid morning then dropping to 4 by late afternoon along with winds around 35 mph. Cold again tomorrow then above freezing for the next several days.

Gym this morning unless I go to Walmart first. Walmart seems so just drain all the enthusiasm out of me for some reason. I do need to go though as I'm almost out of milk and eggs so it's going to be a very expensive trip. Also on tap for today is the ever popular bill paying.

Speaking of eggs, I had a dream last night that I was making something that needed 4 eggs and I only had 2. Weird. Right now I'm waiting for the paper to arrive so I can read it while I don't eat breakfast. I've been using intermittent fasting as w way to reduce weight and it seems to be helping. I've managed to lose about 5 pounds in the last two weeks.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, we are finally getting into the normal Phoenix winter weather. High 60's today, around 75 by Saturday, and stay nice until right after the Super Bowl and the last round of the Phoenix Open. I wonder who has that link to Mother Nature.

No change in gas prices, but I expect some later next week when they start to come for these winter games. BTW, if you want to know who will be the winners at the Super Bowl, take a look at this list and you'll know the real winners:
  • Tickets in the nosebleed section, lowest price, $5600
  • Tickets, 50 yard line, $40,000 to $55,000
  • Hotel rooms, $2,000 a night and up (Hotel 6 may be a bit cheaper)
  • Rent a house, airBnB up to $45,000 a night (includes a cook). BTW, that one is taken...
  • Rent a limo, $1,500 to $2,000/ 10 hours
  • Rent a car, was about $450, sorry, all sold out, well, there's a Chevvy pickup available for around $650
  • Park your car at the stadium, $120, reserve a parking spot, $400
  • Private jet, $1,000 landing fee, $1,000 to $2,000/day to park it
  • Beer at the stadium $17 to $19
  • Hot dogs normally $12, gotta be at least that for this game
  • Need to eat or drink, skies the limit if you can get seated at a restaurant.
  • Want to run a 30 second commercial? Only $7,000,000
I guess if you can fly in on a private jet, all the other stuff doesn't matter.

Take care folks, have a safe day today...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun and 30 now but tomorrows Hi will only be 13.
Gas was $3.39 this morning. Our Escape sits outside and hasn't been driven for a while. We just didn't need to go anywhere. SO, I drove it around the neighborhood this morning. Still have snow on the lawn but next week it will be gone. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
How much would it cost to avoid the games?
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
(02-02-2023, 08:06 PM)BR60103 Wrote: How much would it cost to avoid the games?

Good morning everyone, as for avoiding the games, I stay in, don't even order a pizza, way too many Super Bowl Parties, not enough pizza makers to go around. Plus these parties keep the streets in the neighborhoods blocked with vehicles. If you do go out, you do not go near the 101 or I-10 freeways, traffic jams there waiting to get into the stadium. Then there's those who have already partied,  so, stay home and stay safe, is my motto. My cleaning lady's son is an EMT and will be working the game standing near the end zone, no parking or waiting in line issues for him. Her husband has to work the weekend, he's in liquor distribution and she says they've got trucks full of liquor and beer ready to go and keep all the bars stocked. BTW, she says that they have a number of EMT's and ambulances both inside and outside the stadium. There surely are some EMT's up at the Phoenix Open as well. Not for an injured player, but there's lots and lots of liquor there if you get my drift....

Temps in the mid-70's for a few days, ideal for target shooting. Going out tomorrow with Pat and my other son, just hope it's not too crowded and that everyone else is at one of those "Super Bowl Experience" things they're holding all over town.

Heading for breakfast now, so have a good day and I hope you have something nice planned for this weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It was 31 when I headed out this morning at 5:30. On my way to work I encountered a snow squall which dumped enough snow that the roads were covered in a matter of minutes. Currently at 8:30 the temperature is now 22 and heading down. By midnight it is supposed to be 17. Not much happening on the job site so this will be a good day to catch up on paperwork in the warm trailer.

Yesterday my wife and I were supposed to go to therapy. I sat down on the couch and passed out for the next few hours. I did not realize how exhausted I was. My wife called and rescheduled therapy. When I finally got up and started moving around I had to clean the Guinea pig cage and take the trash out to the curb. I did get some train time in and checked some boxcars. I am little annoyed as three brand spanking never opened Intermountain boxcars were broken. In all three cases the damage was on the side you can’t see from the outside. Luckily it was nothing serious. Doors off two of the boxcars and a ladder off the third car. The repairs should be easy and accomplished with a little glue.

Today on the way home I have to drop my car off for state inspection and an oil change. On the way back from the dealer my wife and I will meet up with my daughter and grab dinner. The weekend will be spent inside doing chores and finally getting the Christmas tree down and put away.

I could have worked on Saturday but with the car in the shop I have no transportation. I might have to work Sunday. The project designer is taking soil borings to locate the bedrock in the area where a proposed wall is planned. If they don’t finish Saturday I might have to go in Sunday for a few hours.

I really want to run trains but I can’t. The layout is currently filled with organized boxcar box piles. I am ready to put the 40 foot wood boxcars and 60 foot boxcars in bins. I still have some 40 foot steel and 50 foot boxcars to finish tuning up before I can put them away.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

14 now headed for about 35. Highs above freezing for the next several days so hopefully I can get rid of a bunch of this snow.

Pretty quiet recently. Biggest excitement yesterday was moving in to my new wallet. I cleaned out a few items no longer needed and updated my phone number list. The list contains numbers from my home and cell phones. I keep a copy in my wallet and another in my laptop bag, just i case.

Time for my grumble of the day - toilet paper roll size. All I can find in the grocery stores nowadays is the so-called mega rolls. They don't fit in my holders, either upstairs or downstairs. I did find some the other day but they were first cousin to sandpaper. Grrrr!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people, AccuWeather says, "Mostly sunny and delightful", Got to 74 yesterday, even higher for today. The same forecast for Tonopah where we will be target shooting today. Don't be envious 'cause summer's not that far away and the roles will be reversed. Our turn to wonder why we're living in the extreme heat.

Gas prices are crazy, some station have dropped, others have gone up. Speaking of going up, most of my prescriptions have zero co-pay with my insurance, but one I just ordered to refill went up over 400%. Nothing unique or exotic, just a very common med.

About 50% of last night's local news was all about the Super Bowl.  Reporters all over town at the various "Super Bowl Experience" venues, interviews with bar and restaurant owners. They are allowing a few food trucks at the stadium, so we need to hear from those folks too as well as former players (the teams haven't made into town yet), ticket scalpers (legal in Arizona), and a few regular people who may just partying at home. When they quote $5600 for a "cheap" ticket, that does not include about a $2000 seller's fee. I have no idea what the face value of these tickets are, but if you wait until the game starts, you can get them for about half that. Even less if you wait until the second half. Ah, just to own a few shares of Ticketmaster. Oh, I just saw, there's around a $900 fee if you want to tailgate. Bobby Fly and Guy Fieri are having separate tailgate parties.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and by all means, have a safe one as well.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning.
        I was up very late monitoring the local train derailment. 2 cars of vinyl chloride were involved and they had evacuated within a mile. We are 1.3 miles. In our case the wind is blowing away from us. From what I can gather there was a total of 30 cars derailed and one of them hit a local fuel distributers fuel tank. I stole these picture's from facebook posts.                             
This one was taken from the bridge that crosses the tracks that is beside the house that we sold to our son downtown.     
$0 fire departments are on the scene and there is a heavy smoke plume this morning but still blowing away from us.  Some of my grand kids have had to evacuate but everyone is comfortable and safe. 

I guess that's all I need to report for today. Stay safe everyone
That's quite a fire. We're in the deep freeze. It was -43C this morning and up to a balmy -29C now. Spent the day inside decaling freight cars.

Modeling a freelanced, present day short line set in Nova Scotia, Canada.
(02-04-2023, 07:37 AM)Charlie B Wrote: This one was taken from the bridge that crosses the tracks that is beside the house that we sold to our son downtown. 
$0 fire departments are on the scene and there is a heavy smoke plume this morning but still blowing away from us.  Some of my grand kids have had to evacuate but everyone is comfortable and safe. 

I guess that's all I need to report for today. Stay safe everyone

Just saw this on the news down here Charlie, and immediately thought of you.
 Stay safe.

..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
One of the residents of New Waterford which is 5 miles west of the derailment posted a video taken from his ring camera that shows a journal burning on the train. There is a hot box detector 5 miles west of there that didn't pick it up so that is a question. I was able to do a screen shot of the video and it is timestamped too. 
another view of he derailment was posted this afternoon     

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