The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Thanks, Charlie.
The TV news that I could find only wanted to talk about weather balloons.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
(02-04-2023, 07:53 PM)BR60103 Wrote: Thanks, Charlie.
The TV news that I could find only wanted to talk about weather balloons.

Good Sunday morning all. Yeah, the TV news I saw only wanted to talk about the Super Bowl and Super Bowl Experience which are venues all over town. Nothing about the train fire though. Oh yeah, about 15 seconds on the balloon, things of national security and of national safety are not as important as sports.

Temps yesterday hit 76, and will be in the low to mid 70's through all this golf and football activities. Oh, something I overlooked, but they are also playing the National Pickleball championship here, TV news also spends a good 15 seconds talking about it to the point that I don't have a clue where they're playing or whose winning. I've seen some matches on TV, it's kinda like tennis with a small court, paddles and no grunting. Oh, and the balls they use are kind of like wiffle balls.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, stay warm and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. 
         The tank cars full of vinyl chloride are still burning and half the town is still evacuated. I watched the local press conference yesterday and was not at all surprised how clueless the local officials were. At the time of the conference, which was 17 hours after the derailment, they still claimed they did not know what was in the cars that were derailed. To let my friends here know, the railroad is required to have a manifest available in the locomotive with a list of every car, the position in the train, the commodity, and the destination among other things. They have this on the computer in Atlanta available instantly for first responders in just such an event, and the train is scanned as it leaves the yard to make sure it is accurate. It there is a discrepancy they get a call on the radio and are given the corrections so they are up to date.
          They have dropped foam from planes to assist with putting the fire out, and one of the locals has some drone footage posted and it appears there are some covered hoppers burning billowing black smoke. My guess is they contain plastic pellets.  Another post shows the train on a ring video as it went through the village west of us and there was a journal burning so most likely the cause is a burned off axle. 
          We have a warm up today so if there is no more excitement I will work on some trains. I assembled a Russel snow plow the other night and the decalset I had was too large to finish it so I scanned it and resized it and printed s smaller sheet of decals that will be ready to use today. 
          Everyone stay safe and warm. I won't be watching any channel that has a remote chance of mentioning the "Big Game". Another reason I gave up is the NFL insisting they own the words supper bowl. frankly there is nothing supper about it 
A thread from years ago.
A note that the mayor of Missisauga at that time, Hazel McCallion , died this week just short of 102 years old.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, what a mess, Fox News says there's still a potential for an explosion in one tank car. Still, 500 people won't evacuate and so far they've arrested one blockhead that broke through the barriers. What possesses folks to do that, car explodes, 500 people won't have to worry about finding a new home. Watched the evening news, not a word about the derailment, too busy at the airport to greet the Super Bowl teams as they arrived. The local newspaper listed Luke AFB as one airport to park private jets, I don't think so with all those F35 and F16 there for training. I'm sure the government could use the revenue, but I doubt they would allow such a thing.

Temps still in the 70's for a while although it will be in the mid-60's on Super Bowl Sunday. No rain so they can still hold those high profile, high priced tailgate parties.

Got a clear week, nothing scheduled. Could go join in some of the golf and football festivities, they say if you go, be prepared to spend the day there. Me, I think I'm just going to start a new woodworking project. Keeps me out of trouble.

Take care, have a great week and for you guys up north and east, I understand temps will be on the rise for you soon.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

21 and partly cloudy headed for maybe the mid 30s and a chance for some sprinkles/light rain this afternoon.

Yesterday was pretty quiet until mid afternoon. Got a call from my sister-in-law. They were on their way from Nebraska to Michigan and wanted to meet at Applebee's for supper. Worked for me. Had a nice visit with them They will be back through on Thursday when I get to play motel for them for the night. When they do this they generally arrive late evening on Thursday and leave again mid morning on Friday. Works for me. All I have to do is provide a snack for Thursday evening. We generally go out to breakfast on Friday when they leave.

In other news there really isn't any other news. Next adventure for me will be in early March when Sioux City has a train show. It's a couple hours west of me so depending on the weather I may drive over for it.

Gas price has been holding pretty steady between $3.35 and $3.39 til yesterday when it dropped suddenly to $3.19

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 36 currently. High will be 48. Far cry from Saturday when the high was 26.

I had a pretty good weekend. We finally got the tree down, boxed, and store away. One of my cats is very upset with me for taking away his tree. He did not climb it this year but lounged under it every chance he got. I got the car inspected and we did the grocery store and produce store runs. My wife is feeling more adventurous. She went into a store by herself while I hit the grocery store. Normally she is very nervous about her ability to walk and stand for long periods of time. However, switching orthopedic doctors seems to be the trick as the new doctor is treating the source of the pain instead of just giving her pain medications like the other was. Sunday went to Delaware to get gas. I paid $2.43 with my grocery store rewards which was a dollar off each gallon. Of course, we did a little laundry.

I am about 95% done checking, tuning up, and organizing my boxcar collection. I have about a dozen cars to check and tune up and about five that need some type of repairs. I began putting them in bins. Thus far I have done the 36 FT, 50 FT, 60 FT, and 40 FT wood boxcars. I still have the 40 FT steel cars to do.

Today has already been interesting. The concrete pour for this morning is on hold. The contractor failed to cover the area with blankets and have heat applied. Temperature was 31 at 6:30 this morning. Temperature in the pour area needs to be a minimum of 40 for three hours before they can pour. This means the earliest they can pour would be 10.

At home I need to move furniture back into place that moved for Christmas. Work on some laundry.

I would like to finish those last boxcars and put away the 40 FT steel ones so I can run some trains again. Today one of my longest pursuits is scheduled to arrive. I have been trying to get a Rapido steam generator car in New York Ontario & Western for over a year. Every time I tried in the past the price when way over my limit. Some of the cars sold for $200. I paid $64 each for Amtrak and PRR ones from the latest run. Since this car is out of production and popular, I figured I would have to pay more. Somehow, I lucked out and won it for $50. The question is are there any issues not shown in the photos. I think the car was listed in the wrong category. It was listed under diesel locomotives.

Charlie, I hope everything works out and there are no more issues from the derailment.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good afternoon.
         They are going to blow a hole in the one car that is misbehaving to attempt a controlled release of the remaining vinyl chloride. This will happen at 3:30 if it doesn't blow itself up. 
          Fox news may have said 500 folks won't evacuate the area but according to the local police and fire they don't know who stayed so how can they know 500 did. Actually people have left that that were in safe zones which actually added to the confusion. Now they have sealed off all the roads so even the people that could go to work out of the area can't get back to their homes even if they are in a safe area. The governor came to town and I thought that to be unwise but he just had a press conference and he was basically a coach and made the officials explain exactly what was going on. I am not a fan of his but in this case I was quite impressed because the previous press conferences were worthless. 
         The chemicals are going to be release and they want to attempt a controlled release rather than risk an explosion later when a chance of a temperature inversion will keep the deadly fumes low to the ground. The plan is to blow a 3 inch hole in the one that is not venting properly and then the material that runs into a prepared ditch will be ignited which will cause the deadly fumes that will hopefully raise high enough to be dissipated to the point they are no longer deadly before they can get to people.  There is a one mile radius that could be deadly and a 2 mile down stream air drift where these will be dangerous. They are making another pass to make sure the area is clear of people. My affected family has evacuated and we are doggie sitting my grand daughters 3 St. Bernards,,,,so we are a 5 dog house hold. We are 1.6 miles upwind so I am not concerned and even if the big one goes we should be clear. They are not certain how much material is left. I pray none of the first responders are injured. They are doing this from a safe distance. 
More news later. 
Thank you for the update Charlie, glad you are in the safe zone. I figured they'd be going house to house to see who goes and who won't. Check about four houses and extrapolate a number (a fancy word for "guess") from that results. The noon news had something on, about 30 seconds on the train fire, 20 minutes about the Super Bowl activities. Oh, 10 seconds on the balloon.

My prayers are with those fighting this mess.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
UPDATE on the derailment 
At 330 they were to open up the tanker, It is now 4:25......No News.  I am concerned because they are calling for a possible wind shift tonight and I have 5 dogs to evac if it is going to affect us. It is disturbing that I have to go to facebook to get news when we should be informed. Evacuating early just messes things up for everyone and there are no local places left to go.  99% chance there will be no problem for us but it is just common practice to with hold information from the public that should be readily available. 
Finally got some real news. The hole was blown in he tank and the contents are burning which is what they wanted to do. The are hoping it is gone before the temperature inversion arrives and the wind shifts. We can see the snoke from the front door and it is still blowing away from us . We will continue to monitor the situation.  Here is the link but there is another breaking story they are covering along with the derailment.
Here is a screen print of the initial explosion when the hole was blown..     
In the Mississauga derailment, a piece of tank blew a long way away. My write up says 25 feet in HO scale.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning everyone, not been a good week, the train fire in Mississauga, a disaster but so far no injuries that I've heard of, but the earthquake in Turkey and Syria with many lives lost and buildings leveled to the ground is really bad. All this makes a spy balloon seem insignificant now. Our local news has gone almost 100% to Super Bowl coverage. A good thing I have no need to go near the stadium or downtown. We will be around 70 all week, 74 on Saturday, then 64 on game day with a tiny chance of rain. They'll just close the roof for the game, but all those tailgate parties are outside. Just one unique thing about the stadium, the field is real grass. They can roll the whole field outside if they have other things going on inside then push a button and the grass field just rolls right in. I think for the big game, they put in all new grass, nothing but the best.

Cannot keep track of gas prices, let's just say that Costco and Sam's Club are no longer the lowest price in the Surprise area, but they are in other parts of the Valley.

I hope things are warming up where it needs to for you all, cannot even think about being anywhere that's near 0 degrees. The closest I came was going though some snow flurries on the way to Prescott last week. Take care and have a fine and safe day
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

33 now and that's the predicted high for today. Clear to start but clouds will be moving inn later on. If the clouds hold off it may get a little warmer than the predicted high.

Had a good day yesterday. Gym was routine but after I got home I got a call from my grandson in Hawaii. Had a nice 30 minute chat with him. Among other things we talked about all the training he is going through for his law enforcement certificate. When I was in a similar role in the Air Force it was "Here's your pickup. There's a ticked book in the glove compartment. Hit the road." After that we were on our own. One of the things he told me that was keeping his hand on or even too near his weapon was considered to be a use of force and that he was taught to hold his vest unless he felt the need to do otherwise.

Swimming day at the gym and then a concert for one of the great-grandsons this evening.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning.
I was waiting to see the official press update at 9 AM but they are still growing mushrooms. The main highway is closed even though it is out of the evacuated area and does not go into town. My wife has a doctor appointment and even though we are not in the endangered area they will not allow her to return if she leaves. We have a bunch of idiots in charge of the asylum. They claim it is to prevent looting.  I have noticed a lot of un needed inconvenience to citizens many times especially for accidents on interstates.  It used to be keep traffic moving but around here if a car runs off the road they shut down a 4 lane highway to investigate.  

I was hoping to see some news coverage but they are not doing the job. NS said last night they would not let their people into the site until it was safe so I don't think the people in charge of the town want people to know when clean up begins.  

I may work on trains today. I got the decals on the Russel plow I assembled the other night but it needs the headlight mounted. 
I had also printed decals for number boards on 5 locomotives and they worked well and were much easier to apply than the individual numbers. 
I am glad you got to talk to your grandson Tom, that is one of the good things today, no long distance charges for the most part. 
We are doggie sitting my grand daughters dogs because she had to evacuate. They are making themselves at home enjoying the fenced in yard. She lives in town with a tiny side yard so they are just big lap dogs most of the time     
If there is anything to update I will report 

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