The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and somewhat hazy this morning but not as bad as Sunday was. 62 now going to the upper 70s later.

Quiet day yesterday but last evening was fun. Went to a baseball game for one of the great-grandsons. When the game was called due to storms in the area a few weeks ago our team was behind 3-0. By the end of the third inning we were behind 10-0. By the time the game was over my grandson's team had one 11-10. A very fun evening. This morning I need to do some shopping. Then it's time to hop on the ol' pollution solution vehicle for a nice ride.

Gas price can jump 10, 20 , or even 30 cents at a time but it comes down 3 cents at a time. Down to $3.28 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Blue, I was out this morning, gas was $3.39. Smoke is gone for now, finally see blue sky and white fluffy clouds.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, I normally don't complain about the weather here, we know what to expect and live with it, but this heat wave is starting to get annoying for us all, it's not even 5:00 yet and Phoenix is 95 heading for a new record and it got to 118 yesterday breaking a couple more records. The TV lady says to look for 119 tomorrow and Friday. I tried to work a bit on my project in the garage but when I saw it was 108 inside, I couldn't go out there anymore. IDEA!!! Sleep during the day, work at night, except that even working in 90 degrees is kind of stupid if I don't really have to.

Filled up at Sam's yesterday, they jumped six cents to $3.55, other stations back up to $3.99. Still a dollar cheaper then a few months ago.

Got a call from my doctor's office yesterday, all my numbers seem to be OK, I'm feeling good if it wasn't for this heat. I hate to see my next electric bill, the A/C is almost constantly on. Going to breakfast at Nick's II, then to my chiropractor, then stay home for the rest of the day. Talked to Pat last night, his whole family is enjoying the cool weather on the beach near San Diego, told him he'll be coming home to at  least 114 on Saturday.

That's it for now, I know it's hot in other areas, I hope it's not too bad where you are. Stay safe and stay cool...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. 
       We have another beautiful day in southeast Ohio. The weather here has been beautiful.
I guess the  people that go west are taking their heat with them.
It takes lots of hot blacktop to make new parking lots at all the new stores. I just saw some pictures that illustrated the difference in a towns summer heat simply by planting trees. I will say one thing, we have about 4 months of nasty weather but I would not trade that for 8 months of unbearable heat. I can put on enough clothes to stay warm but it doesn't work the other way. 

       I managed to finish the supermarket train yesterday,

       I have to go for a blood draw so good bye.

Greetings, gang.

65 now and maybe the low to mid 80s this afternoon. 90s next week. May have to finally fire up the a/c.

Swam my usual half mile at the gym but just came home afterwards instead of going upstairs to work out. Ran out of motivation. On Tuesday I had bought a part for my bike. When I went to install it the part was missing. Decided it fell out of the bike bag when I got my chain out at the bank. Drove past there and it was gone. Guess I'll be buying the part again today. Only about $6 so not a big deal, just annoying.

Gas price jumped either 13 or 23 cents depending on the gas station. One has it at $3.39 and right across the intersection it's $3.49.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, unrelenting heat. 119 yesterday with a low of 97. The low is an all time record for the highest low. I've seen days when it was 100 at midnight, but I guess it must have cooled down later. Still no end in sight for this 110+ heat. The news showed a picture of it pouring rain somewhere, it had to be Tucson since it never got up this far. I just checked the temperature in my garage, 99, need a couple of fans. I looked around for portable A/C units, but one that would cover the garage is well over $500, just so I could finish a $60 project. I think I'll wait for it to cool down.

Gas is creeping up, many more stations at $3.99 now. Saw a dozen of large eggs at Walmart for $1.37, extra large is $1.53 down from over $6.00 just a few weeks ago.

Not much else going on here right now, school is starting in a few school districts. I could never understand that, why start the school year in the middle of the summer? Kids are waiting for the bus and it's already over 100. When I was in school in NJ, we'd go back the week after Labor Day.

Got a early appointment today, then stay inside, should get up to 119 again, possibly higher based on the way it's been going. Y'all take care, I see high temps everywhere and some flooding up north. Be careful...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

61 and our very good friends at the National Weather Service are calling for a high of around 80 today. Mid 90s next week.

Did some work on the outdoor track yesterday. I have one spot where due to erosion the track is super elevate - in the wrong direction. Made a small concrete pad to stabilize the area. I'll test it later to see how it works.

Apparently the high priced gas station coerced the others as all gas stations are now showing $3.49.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, as expected, a bunch of new records, no change in sight until the end of next week. 119 yesterday and most likely today. They talk about rain, but so far not even a flock of pigeons to sprinkle the ground.

Got up real early and see if I couldn't get something done out in the garage before it got hot. Well, at 4:00 it was still 98, got a bit more done before the sweat started running down my face. I haven't been getting that so I see the humidity is up to 28%, dew point at 52 degrees, so maybe there is some rain in our future.

Very few stations now less that $3.99, didn't check the high, but I'm betting that station up on US60 is still close to $5.00.

Gotta go, going to meet our usual Friday morning group for breakfast, then back home and hunker down. A/C going almost constant, they've been upping my settings by two degrees every afternoon in order to lower the demand. I guess I use a lot of power. I will be rewarded at the end of the season with some sort of credit.

Everyone have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue. Lots of clouds and 80 for the day.
Storms in Michigan yesterday did lots of wind and hail damage. 
We were blessed as I don't see any damage here. So far.
Went to Hobby Lobby yesterday, a very large store, is part of what was Sears.
No plans for today.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is 73 going up to 81. We had heavy rain overnight and into the early morning. The sun is out currently. They are saying we have the possibility of storms this evening.

Not much has gotten done the past few days. I have been working late and by the time I get home I am exhausted. To make things even more fun my back has been acting up so I have not slept well for most of the week. I did get the sheets on our bed and the towels in our bathroom changed and taken down to the washer. Didn’t get them in it. We bought a new smart TV for our bedroom to replace the seriously outdated one we currently have. It has been sitting in the box since it arrived Monday because I have not had the energy or patience to deal with it.

I was able to tune up and inventory about a dozen cars. I began to look at the area around the station to determine where the roads will go.

Tonight, I feel like I want crash when I get home, but I know that won’t happen. There will be something waiting for me. If time and body permit I have more cars to tune up and inventory.

Saturday is now up in the air. I may have to work. If I don’t or if I do and when I get home, we have several pots that the pansies in them are done. We need to run to the nursey and get something to replace them. I am hoping if I have to work my daughter can take my wife plant shopping. Again, if I work and how I feel afterwards I may tune up and inventory some cars. I would also like to run some trains.

Sunday should be planting day or it maybe running to get the plants day. I will need to make a grocery store run at some point. I would like to begin laying out the roads around the station.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

61 and somewhat hazy this morning outside my window. Maybe the mid 80s by this afternoon.

I did get the track repaired yesterday. I was able to run the train that normally falls over at full speed around the curve and all is well. Then I got the track cleaning train out and ran it for a couple hours. Also got the shifter cable replaced on my bike. Working much better but still need some fine tuning to get it back to where it should be. Laundry and house cleaning today. Sister-in-law and her husband coming late Sunday evening and leaving Tuesday morning.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, I failed. Here it is Saturday and I woke up at the regular time. Bummer....

No change in the weather. Went out to breakfast yesterday and the whole area was hazy. There was a huge fire by the airport, a propane storage facility was spewing  thick black smoke and it hung around until the sun came out. Watching the local news and you could see an occasional tank of propane ignite and others flying in the air. A few dozen cars in an airport parking lot next to the business wound up as toast. Can you imagine, fighting a fire in full gear in 119 degree heat?

On the realm of what I call stupid, there was a concert at Chase Field the other night. I haven't a clue who or what it was about, but they said there was a line forming 11 hours before it was to begin. These were folks waiting to hunker up close in the SRO section. It was 119 at 2:30 and they were still in line outside. Of course, they kept the EMT's really busy.

Got my project finished enough to move it inside. It needs to be painted, but that'll have to wait until around October when the temps drop. I should have it finished today. Right now it's 5:00 AM and my garage is still at 100.

That's it for now, have a great weekend and stay cool....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is currently 77 going up to 82. The current 10 day forecast shows no rain with temperatures ranging from 82 to 95 degrees.

Last night nothing got done. I was just too tired. I did help the wife with some of her herb harvesting.

No work today. The crew that was going to do so decided not to work. I guess the 2-hour one way drive from Pottsville, PA to Philly was too much. These guys do it Monday through Friday, so I am sure they value their home time. For me it will mean going to the grocery store, PetSmart, and some place to get plants. I will work in the garden some cutting down the flower stalks on the Hosta.

I am hoping to finish tuning up and inventorying the rolling stock I recently changed couplers. I would also like to run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Currently 61 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa. The big warm up is under way. Supposed to hit the upper 80s today and then the 90s for the upcoming week. A big thank you to Mr. Willis Carrier, inventor for the modern air conditioner.

Got the yard mowed, ran the trimmer, and cleaned off the sidewalks yesterday along with the usual Saturday laundry and a 14 mile bike ride. Today is last minute vacuuming and dusting prior to the arrival of my SIL and her husband. They'll be gone again by Tuesday.

Gas price dropping again. Down to $3.35.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning good people. We had a cooling trend yesterday, after three days at 119, temps plummeted to 118 yesterday. I am lucky, I can pre-start my truck and it's cool when I get in. I forgot yesterday and remember the song, "Burn, Burn Burn, the ring of fire"? Well that's what if felt like for the first ten minutes. All indications are for rain, humidity and dew points are up, it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe today. I'm betting when it does rain it will stick around the southeast part of the valley, it usually does. I might take TomPM's advice and plan a party rather than look for an Indian Rain Dancer or a cloud seeder. We'd need clouds for that and there just aren't any. Might even get the truck washed, that always works....

Gotta go back out in the garage to work on my project. One corner joint didn't glue right and split open. Not sure if I can do it today, it's 5:00 AM and 100°, by the time I get back from church and have breakfast, it'll be back up in the 107 range.

Not much change in gas, a few stations dropped two cents to $3.97, Costco up four cents to $3.59

Have a fine day today stay out of the heat, floods, tornadoes and the newest hurricane, "DON"..... gee, I'm honored.... Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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