Good things come in narrow packages
I like, Alot!!
Tom (TC) - Creator of Extremely Miniature Layouts on Disks! See Them All, and More on My Website. Latest Update: Jan '10.
[Image: 200549bd0989263ef.png]
Steve, I gotta agree with Wayne. Put those shingles in Photoshop and fiddle with the arrangement to create a less repetitive pattern and you're set. Where did you 'find' the image?

Don't know if you have heard of him yet, but Frank Ellison, a pioneer O SCALE modeler fooled many with his stone culverts, actually just drawn and painted on flat cardstock with effective use of shading and brightness in the days long before there were computers. Folks who might compliment the bridge were often asked to touch it in order to see their surprise at discovering it was completely smooth.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Thanks Tom Thumbsup
Galen...I will have to see if I came find out where I got this image...I did it a long time ago and I have a bad habit of not bookmarking sites :oops:
I remember reading about Mr Ellison.........well if it was good enough for Frank, its good enough for me! Goldth
Hey...just a quick update to let you know I'm alive! Goldth

I have been enjoying the great weather with my family and hadn't done anything on the layout until last week.

I finally have some lights!!!! Icon_idea you'll see, I still need to make a vallance:

[Image: rdc92z.jpg]

My camera is having some contrast issues with the light blue sky and the darker colored structures:

[Image: qMlXGr.jpg]

When the building is properly lit, the sky is too bright and looks white........when the sky looks blue, the buildings are too dark.
Now, on the positive side, it looks 1000% better in person, and right now that is what matters.

With that out of the way, I will be turning my attention back to the coal house roof..........shingles shingles......who's got the shingles? Wink
Hey Steve...I had some issues with the colors in the pictures when I first installed fluorescents. There's a setting in the "White Balance" you have to mess with to bring the color back to "normal"....Have fun with the shingles.... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).
Steve! I've been wondering if the weather tolled you away from the trains and was just about to PM you when whammo, a post! Good work getting the lights up - it's on my to-do list as well and boy what a difference it makes.

What are you considering for making the valance?

Oh, and uh, Happy Father's Day (to you et al)

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Gus....i think I have the white balance right, but I have set the camera on it's lowest contrast setting and it still isn't enough....I think it will be a bit better when I get the layout scenicked and not "blue" everywhere. Wink .........I hope

Galen...I'm going to Lowes tonight and see what they have to make a valance out of.

I hope all you fathers had a great Father's Day yesterday.....I know I did! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
Steve the lights look good!! And i love the pipes in that last pic!! Very nice modeling and weathering Thumbsup Thumbsup
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Thanks Josh!

Well I haven't done the valance yet :oops:  but I finally got around to doing the roof Thumbsup . Although the printed paper looked good.......I decided to make my own "asphalt" shingles from black sandpaper. Here's where I got the idea:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

After gluing the shingles on, I gave the roof a thin wash of brown acrylic paint:

[Image: Glwh38.jpg]

[Image: wMFnUl.jpg]

[Image: TNl6el.jpg]

[Image: B18W8G.jpg]

[Image: 2Abjrg.jpg]

Next, I need to make a long roof-top sign.........
Wow! It looks really great! Figures you would go from one idea that looked good to another idea that looks really good! I wish I had your patience. I tried doing shingles like that on one of my building and it has sat there undone for over a year! Glad to see your progress!
That's terrific...!!! Thumbsup
But then....What did we expect...Right..?? Goldth

BTW...Did you make a jig to cut those shingles...??
Gus (LC&P).
Man Steve, that is some very nice modeling right there!! The shingles, as well as the construction and paint on that coal dealer certainly deserve a JOB WELL DONE and a PAT ON THE BACK!! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Beautiful work buddy Cheers
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
TrainNut Wrote:
Steve Wrote:I have my own opinion about using the print-outs...but I would like to hear yours.
Nooooo, in my book it's not cheating but what about yours? Judging by the extreme amount of work you've put into this structure already, and knowing you, I'd say you'll never be happy with that and you'll end up doing it "your way" later on anyways.
And I must say that I'm glad you did because that looks so much better than the picture!
I guess I get to be the one who says the unpopular thing... :oops:

I dunno, Steve, I really like the way the printouts looked. Now with that said, I have to add that your shingles do look great. Excellent job all around, and I will admit that something textural and dimensional is often the thing missing from using printouts (a la paper creek, etc), but I think personally I prefer the printout...just a preference. (please don't flame me, anyone :oops: )

In the end what matters is, of course, if you are happy with it. I'd be proud to have that fine structure on my layout. Thumbsup

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Scott, Gus, Josh,TN...Thank you for the kind remarks! They are much appreciated! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Galen...I understand where you are coming from Wink . I think the lack of texture was the biggest reason for not using the prints. On low angles where most pics would be was just too flat (imo). That, and I felt there was just too much wood and something else was needed. Like I said however, I can fully understand that you, and probably others, preferred the printed shingles.

Gus...yes I used a jig. I will post pics later tonight or tomorrow.........I have to go out and eat now! Food is much more important than MRRing Eek Goldth Thumbsup

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