My layout. by toptrain
tetters Wrote:
MountainMan Wrote:Would a railroad split it's roundhouse so that two turntables were required? It seems unnecessarily complicated. The ones I have seen allow both sections to be served by a single turntable set between them.

Your comment reminded me of this these prototype photos seen on another forum...

[Image: 012imbwhhaswdkimp0665ih.png]

[Image: 1969Sept.jpg]

Its was in Germany...two intertwining TT's for one massive round house. Eek

I was actually referring to the first picture posted of the "split" roundhouse on the first page. The placement seemed odd. In your example, the Germans did not split the roundhouse - they gapped it to allow a single entrance.
Over lapping turntables! An engineering marvel! Eek
Yowsaaa....!!! I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me about it...!!! Eek
Gus (LC&P).
MountainMan Wrote:I was actually referring to the first picture posted of the "split" roundhouse on the first page. The placement seemed odd. In your example, the Germans did not split the roundhouse - they gapped it to allow a single entrance.

I know. Like I said, what you said reminded me of those photos. Seemed like a good excuse to post them. Big Grin
Look what happens when those little HO people have there way. AUBBB, A unbridled building boom. They have to be talked to. This can't go on. I will have to make some selective demolishion, and relocation of buildings. I know it will upset them. It is in there best interest.
They have built on the roofs, and in the open spaces.


They have built on the turntable.


They have built in the streets and on the railroad tracks.


I must get to work to straighten this out. What do you think of my perdicament.

" It's a Heck of a Day " !!!!
I think those LPP's need some talking to....It's YOUR railroad, and you'll run it like YOU want to...!!!! 357
Gus (LC&P).
They're all railfans is all. They just wanted to be close to the action.
THAT..Might be a little to close though.............
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
OK Everyone, and a one, and a two and...."The Railroad runs through the middle of the house, since the company bought the land" 2285_ 2285_
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
I like what Guss said. Here are some photos of how main street may look.



" It's a Heck of a Day " !!!!
The previous photos are of the roundhouse area, and the downtown area. Between them along the back wall will be the place where the locomotives recieve there coal, water, and sand. Track needs to be installed there. It will have some maintance buildings for freight and passenger cars. Maybe an ash pit. This area will blend into a industrial area with my brewery and other industries. Also a dinner for the lunch crowd. Those little people got to eat. And then this will blend into the downtown area. My control panel has yet to be even plained. All it its own time.
" It's a Heck of a Day " !!!!
That is sure to be one bustling Main Street. I like to variety of structures. Thumbsup
I accually have the track work done except for a mine up in a corrner. I have to make a control board and wire up the blocks. Then comes detailing. So I can say I am almost half done.
" It's a Heck of a Day " !!!!
In this photo you see a photo of the roundhouse area with a train entering the turn table. It is a TYCO Central Pacific 4-8-0 . I aquired it at the Allentown train show last saturday. On the photo above the turntable you can see three tracks coming down and tieing in to the turn table. A fourth will be added. The photo shows it deadending a foot away, with the turntable pointing directly where it will be installed. This will i hope will give me enough access tracks on and off the turntable.

" It's a Heck of a Day " !!!!
That is shaping up to be one busy looking round house. Lots of track to play with. Thumbsup
The "P" word is forbidden.....We WORK when we do the train thing.....Although that might just apply if there is a wife around.... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).

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