An engine servicing facility for the JGL
Happy to see you were able to get some replacement parts for your crane. It's looking pretty cool so far. What colours are you going to paint it?
Thanks Tetters, I really have no idea what color I will wind up painting it. A thorough cleaning and vacuuming of the work bench area failed to turn up the missing part, so I will have to write Jordan again. In the meantime I've been able to spend some time working on the area the crane will work in. My computer crapped out and I got a new one, then couldn't find my disc for MGI Photosuite, so I haven't been able to post any pics till now.

Here are two pics from either end of the area. In the first pic, the three foreground tracks will be ballasted with the same ballast you se at far right, which is Buff. The yard tracks are ballasted with cinders, you can see it above the ramp. I'm not certain which of these two ballasts I will use on the track behind the crane and passenger car. The grade crossing could serve as a place to switch ballast color. It seems logical that cinders would be continued. But I wonder which ballast would look best in photos I'd take when the area is done. See next post examples of what I mean, and let me know your thoughts, please!

Here is a pic of the ramp
Nice photos, JGL. How big is your layout room?
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
I just placed a couple switchers on the track to get an idea of photo angles for future steam shots. Which color ballast do you think would look best?

Hmm...I guess in some ways it all depends on your personal preference. I've always been partial to the light gray or granite type of ballasts because that is what I see used up here in Toronto all the time. However, I've also seen black cinder ballast as well so I could go for either. I used a reddish brown for the sidings on my last layout and didn't like it.

I like the suggestion I've read in a few magazines that says you should ballast your mainline with one colour preferably a light colour to highlight it and then do your sidings and spurs in a darker colour.

I'm sure whatever colour you choose though it will look great.
Nice work on the layout and the Jordan crane is looking good , I have a couple dozen jordan kits to build including 2 of these shovels.

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Great White North
I just read through this thread and, wow, I have really been missing out! This entire thread is just incredible. And in the words of my generation "Dude, your layout is sick!" I think the entire area is well planned, and I think your corporate headquarters building is exceptional. If you don't mind one little criticism, I thought the guardrail by the road side appeared about a foot too tall. Of course, this may be a difference in era (all I've seen is modern style guardrails) or even locale. I am extremely impressed with all the work you have showcased in this thread and definitely believe your modeling skills to be among the best I have seen.

As for the ballast, In my honest opinion, any track that is not considered main line would likely have a cheaper grade of ballast. I think cinders would look very appropriate for that MOW/loading dock area.

Thanks for sharing your work. I have bookmarked this thread for future reference.
Hi Gary, I didn't see your post till now, it got sandwiched between the posts I was making. The room is 25'x25', the layout occupies 19'x25', with the balance housing the furnace, oil tank and water heater.

Thanks Lynn, the Jordan crane kit (same as the shovel kit) has some tedious fitting to do but is well designed and fun to work on.

Puddlejumper, thanks for the compliments, I regard my skills as middle of the road. There are some much better modelers here. One of the reasons I decided to swallow my pride and show work in process (rather than just finished models) was to show others that most anyone can obtain similar results. By asking lots of questions often alternate methods were suggested, allowing all to learn, hopefully.
You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the guard rail height! I was aware the posts needed trimming but just haven't gotten around to it, figuring I would do so when I also get around to detailing and painting the roof of the corp bldg. Right now the guard rail functions more as a decapitation device!

Thanks to all for their thoughts on ballast. I knew cinder would be the most appropriate choice, I was just wondering if the buff ballast used on the nearby main, which the track in question joins nearby, might provide better contrast when i finish the area and take photos of steam there. The track in effect is a lead from the main to the yard runaround track and engine facility. The grade crossing provides a handy spot to change from one to the other. I still haven't decided.

Just for giggles, here is a shot of the James Taggart relegated to mow storage.
Wow, your layout occupies a smaller space than I would have expected. It is encouraging to see what you could accomplish in 19x25, since the space I have is only 19x20.

In photos, Gary's excellent layout often reminded me of a well-done club-sized operation. After having seen it in person, I can attest that I saw nothing that would dispel that impression. Excellent workmanship and even more impressive when seen first-hand. Thumbsup Thumbsup

Hi friends, I haven't done much nor been around, my mother in law had dropped by the weekend before Thanksgiving to go with my wife and I to visit our new granddaughter (born 10/27). We noticed she was very jaundiced, and long story short, she has pancreatic cancer, which blocked her bile ducts, hence the jaundice. She hadn't noticed! She felt fine, just tired. She still feels no pain. But the past four weeks have been a series of trips to Columbia University in NYC, because the local surgeon said he was not experienced enough, and now we are told she is inoperable. So, my head has been elsewhere.

Thanks Wayne for the kind words about the layout. I did decide on black cinders for ballast in the area in question, and have done a little work, pics attached. I need to do some final groundwork, have to think of how to model a muddy torn up area near the crane, and perhaps a wet look for the drainage ditch. Weeds are too bright, need to tone down, would have been easier when they were on the backing sheet, oh well.
One of the last areas in the yard scene which needs to be worked on is the passenger station. I could not justify the cost of the only station kit I had found which seemed appropriate, but luckily it is Christmas time and when asked I said all I want for Christmas is a passenger station! Hopefully a couple family members will get together and present me with the station in the attachment.

I'll take this moment to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a happy, safe New Year. Have a great time!

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I am very sorry to hear about your Mother in law. Luckily she has some wonderful caring family members that are there for her. Your layout is looking good. You are right, that station is nice but a bit pricey!
Gary, that’s a fantastic layout you are building! Very impressive! I don’t know if you mentioned it somewhere or if I just did not see it, but what do you use for your ground cover?
I'm really envious of those big sweeping curves in the first picture on this page...and i love that NYC unit. I'm thinking light gray ballast.


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