GERN Industries Ltd. - Flux Refining Plant
The Akron, Ohio division of GERN Industries, Ltd. is a Flux milling and refining facility. Through their patented and closely-guarded manufacturing process, powdered Flux is triple sifted, double-puffed, soft roasted, and polished. The end result is GERN Flux Pellets, used in a variety of products, including Fluxolium. Unrefined Flux enters the facility via boxcar or covered hopper and is stored in silos before processing. The finished product leaves the plant in much the same manner, by rail in either bulk form to other GERN locations, or is shipped in boxes directly to the end user.

The kit, I'm sure you all recognize as the Walther's Red Wing Mill. My facility won't be nearly as large as Wayne's (and rightly so, his is the main HQ after all!), but there will be some other industrial structures added besides this one. In this first post I have the kit nearing completion, with a few details remaining. The fire escape, loading docks and steps all need to be added yet. I will also be adding ballast to the roof and probably another round of india ink weathering on the building itself in addition to some more sanding and finish work.

At the bottom of the picture here is a potential sign for the building. I've been testing various fonts and designs.

If it's GERN, it's good!

[Edit: Please pardon the overexposed picture!]

[Image: GERN-1.png]
Those boys at GERN headquarters really have got this thing going.....invading every corner of the country with their "magical" flux..... Goldth

That facility sure will look good..!! Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Lookin' good, Tony, Thumbsup Thumbsup and I like your version of the sign, too.

Good start on another great GERN facility!
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Thanks for the kind replies everyone! Hopefully Mr. Gibson himself would approve.

I am sure Mr Gibson will be proud of this new facility! The "GERN" sign looks great. Where do you want to put it – on a wall or the rooftop?
Really nice looking - good job.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
cnw1961 Wrote:I am sure Mr Gibson will be proud of this new facility! The "GERN" sign looks great. Where do you want to put it – on a wall or the rooftop?

Most likely along the wall, but I've also thought about downsizing it a bit and putting it on the roof.
Nicely done! Nice to see another expansion of Gern Industries! Thumbsup
That looks terrific!! And you gotta love the sign!! Magnificent work!! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
Update w/ bigger and better pic!...

The "business end" of the structure is pretty much a done deal for now. This is the loading dock side where the the railroad siding will be. I have installed the fire escape and hoist as well as some other details.

I have also added some custom signage printed from my PC. N scale signs can be a bit difficult to handle, but these weren't too bad. I have labeled all dock doors (#s 3 and 4 are on the other side of the building) as well as added a GERN sign above the main entrance. No, that's not your eyes playing tricks on you, Door #2 is painted a different color to add some visual interest.

Actually, I heard it through the grapevine that one of the 2nd shift employees drove a forklift into the door while taking a gander at Mrs. Gibson, who was walking through the plant. But you didn't hear that from me.

[Image: GERN-2.png]
The plant is coming along nicely, Tony. Thumbsup Goldth

2-8-2 Wrote:Actually, I heard it through the grapevine that one of the 2nd shift employees drove a forklift into the door while taking a gander at Mrs. Gibson, who was walking through the plant. But you didn't hear that from me.

It may have been a Mrs. Gibson "wannabe", but there has never been a "Mrs. Gibson", except for the occasional weekend. Wink Cookie does take frequent dips into the Secretarial Pool, though, and I can assure you that not only is his taste impeccable, but that they vie for his attention. In fact, it's rumoured that the company slogan "If It's GERN, It's Good" originated among these ladies. Icon_twisted Eek Truly impressive, especially for a man of his age.

doctorwayne Wrote:The plant is coming along nicely, Tony. Thumbsup Goldth

2-8-2 Wrote:Actually, I heard it through the grapevine that one of the 2nd shift employees drove a forklift into the door while taking a gander at Mrs. Gibson, who was walking through the plant. But you didn't hear that from me.

It may have been a Mrs. Gibson "wannabe", but there has never been a "Mrs. Gibson", except for the occasional weekend. Wink Cookie does take frequent dips into the Secretarial Pool, though, and I can assure you that not only is his taste impeccable, but that they vie for his attention. In fact, it's rumoured that the company slogan "If It's GERN, It's Good" originated among these ladies. Icon_twisted Eek Truly impressive, especially for a man of his age.


Looking good Tony---Apparently Cookie had discovered a product similiar to Viagara but because he didn't see a use for it,it was never developed.Imagine,this could have created a whole new Gern Division---3% harder and longer
cn nutbar Wrote:...3% harder and longer

Fluxagra? Misngth
2-8-2 Wrote:
cn nutbar Wrote:...3% harder and longer

Fluxagra? Misngth

Well...I see this thread has decended into a whole new level of depravity here on Big Blue.

...and how in the H-E-double hockey stix is something "soft roasted"???


P.S. - the model looks great. Thumbsup

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