Modeling a meat packing plant
Hi people --

Just happened to stumble onto this web page, and thought I would share the link with you - it is a pretty good web page on modeling a meat packing plant on a model railroad:

Thanks for the link, Stein...some pretty good info there!

I've considered modeling this industry on my layout, complete with stock yard. It's a great industry with interesting rolling stock and operations.
Thanks for that link, Stein: I saw it over on the MR site. As someone there also mentioned, RMC ran a pair of in-depth articles on the same subject in their Oct. and Nov. 2004 issues.

doctorwayne Wrote:Thanks for that link, Stein: I saw it over on the MR site. As someone there also mentioned, RMC ran a pair of in-depth articles on the same subject in their Oct. and Nov. 2004 issues.

I think it was Byron Henderson (cuyama) who mentioned that.

Yeah - I figured that quite a few of the people from here also would check the MR forums, but thought that there would also be some that wouldn't, so I decided to post it here too - it is a pretty nice description both of prototype practices and some thoughts on how to model the operations on a model railroad.

One of my planned industries is a meat processor these companies receives meat to process into lunch meats(such as ham,bologna and other lunch meats) for packaging..These contract processors package meats for larger meat companies,private labels and of course generic brands.These processors work 24/7*.

The larger processors receives meat by reefer and ships the finished product by truck.

Back in '88 I worked for such a company operating a forklift.It didn't take me long to realized working in a cold environment 12 hours a day 7 days a week wasn't my type of a job...

Summerset Ry

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