Good things come in narrow packages
Thank you Mr Nutbar! I want to take this oportunity to thank you for the miriad of wonderful photos that you have treated us to through the years! They are beautiful Worship Worship Worship

Thank you Gus :oops: Thumbsup

In addition to the tutorial on using real dirt:

I have also posted one on using Heki wildgrass:

I have now fulfilled my obligation for tutorials Goldth Wink

Back to modeling Thumbsup
Sheesh Steve,
As I just said to CharlieB a little while ago, I have been remiss in not having been down here to see what has been going on for a while
Let me tell you I have just spent a very enjoyable one and a half hours here pouring over your genius constructions. Cheers
I will be continually coming back here to refresh my memory of how you have achieved what you have. A very inspiring thread, and you make it sound so easy, which to me is a bonus... but you gotta write real slow so as I can keep up.

Thanks a million
I will now, slowly but surely get around to reading the rest of the threads in the "Layout" section as time permits.
So much to read so little time... :cry:

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Just getting back into things and trying to see whats been going on over here. Been pretty busy working the second job and its been eating away most of my free time lol

looking back a page, I see you have come a LONG way since I last saw in this thread. Your street looks awesome Steve! Your and Kurt do fantastic modeling, and those streets with the patches in them really make them stand out!
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Steve Wrote:More bushes and a few trees
[Image: Grass046small.jpg]

[Image: Grass037small.jpg]

Steve looking back even further at your Cold Storage Building and the scenery around it, I have to say that you did a absolutely beautiful job on that scene! Those trees and all the grass/shrubs and REAL dirt make that scene look REAL! Great work buddy Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Jack...thank you for the very kind words Thumbsup bum! I was wondering what happened to you Wink
Thank you! Thumbsup

I was going through some of my old layout folders and came across this video. Some may remember it. I hadn't seen it in a couple of years and I have mixed emotions now that I have. I kind of miss the old girl........... :cry:  Wink

I am now building the house to the far left of Wollenberg Bros. Unfortunately I did not take any early build pics...dumb

[Image: pF1QU9.jpg]

[Image: 5XeWqR.jpg]
Been going over this thread and as others have said before some truely amazing and realistic modeling. An absolutely outstanding job on the cold storage warehouse and scenery Thumbsup
Thumbsup .

Looks like a well-proportioned structure that will provide some contrast in size (but not too much) to the larger industrial buildings. Are you working from plans or is it completely scratched?

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Bruce...thank you very much! Thumbsup

Quote:Are you working from plans or is it completely scratched?

I am working from plans, much like those shown in the second post of this thread:

That's the way I have petty much done all my buildings. Taking the Coal House for example, I had plans for the walls of the house itself, and the dimensions of the back wall of the coal bin area. The bins, trestle, loading dock, roofs & supports, etc were done on the fly, so to speak. So I guess it is both....plans and legitimate scratch building. Kurt does the plans, and in return, he doesn't have to look at me place an all too familiar kit stucture on the layout Goldth for me Thumbsup............and him Wink
Well, I painted the windows (still need to glaze them) and attached the doors. I had intended to have a brick foundation, but I forgot to get some so I decided to do a concrete foundation instead.

In this case, I used strips of wet/dry sand paper, washed with an appropriate color, and wrapped them around the building base:
[Image: Zt76gj.jpg]

It took two strips so I made sure the seams were under the doors where stairs will be:
[Image: ERTQYQ.jpg]

What I like about this method is that the sand paper wraps tightly and seamlessly around corners. It also has a little texture as well.
I still need to weather it, but I am pleased with its appearance.

Couple of more shots:
[Image: lvRU3l.jpg]

[Image: olZuI5.jpg]
Small update......

Some window treatments
[Image: QAGLy4.jpg]

[Image: qNA0m9.jpg]

I really dislike doing windows....the small parts (glazing/shades) are tough for me to handle, but it is over! Thumbsup
That's a nice little house....Gonna make a fine home for some LPB's... Goldth
The window treatments make a world of difference..!! Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Steve - looking good!

You are illustrating a point I feel strongly about, that working from a photo or plans using a tried and true, solid architectural foundation, makes all the difference. It's one thing I dislike about some of the newer craftsman kits - they look as if somebody without any design experience dreamed it up on a CAD program then applied the usual conventions and details to give it a distinct flavor. Something about it still doesn't look right because the bones are wrong or mis-placed. No amount of detail or character can hide that.

Whereas the building you have chosen is a classic, and could be treated with any number of endless variations in detailing, wall textures, window styles, colors, etc. and still look really 'right'. You may dislike working the window treatments, but it's the individual choices you get to make at this stage in the construction that set this apart. PLUS, all the care and consideration you put into it shows through. Don't try to hurry, just enjoy it! I certainly do!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
That is coming along nicely !!
I'll bet the residents hear the china rattling long before the train gets there, and the whistle blowing, at the grade crossing, has to drown out their favorite radio program. Big Grin Big Grin
ocalicreek Wrote:some of the newer craftsman kits - they look as if somebody without any design experience dreamed it up on a CAD program then applied the usual conventions and details to give it a distinct flavor. Something about it still doesn't look right because the bones are wrong or mis-placed. No amount of detail or character can hide that.
Big Grin Big Grin
Cheers I usually do my own plans, and I usually start with a rough interior floor plan, so I know where to place windows and doors, and fireplace chimneys. It's the damaged, or "misplaced" bones that create the real character of a building, along with the designed "usage"..........a fireplace is a bit out of character, in a room where gunpowder is stored. Icon_twisted Icon_twisted
The one nice thing about kits, even craftsman kits, is they can, with a little "creativity" be bashed into something else, that can look "natural".
Steve Wrote:So I guess it is both....plans and legitimate scratch building. Kurt does the plans, and in return, he doesn't have to look at me place an all too familiar kit stucture on the layout Goldth for me Thumbsup............and him Wink

Oh yes, there are an awful lot of "all too familiar kit structures".....variety truly is the "spice of life".
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Steve Wrote:I was going through some of my old layout folders and came across this video. Some may remember it. I hadn't seen it in a couple of years and I have mixed emotions now that I have. I kind of miss the old girl........... :cry: Wink
Heya Steve. I was browsing back through your thread and came across your video link. That sure was a neat layout. Pity you didn't get to "finish" it! It makes me wonder though, do you miss continuous running? I never realized how much space the old layout took up until I watched some of the other videos and got a better perception as to the size of the room. The new layout is definitely another masterpiece in the works. I look forward to seeing the house take shape!
Gus...Thank you very much my friend! Thumbsup
Galen and Pete...I want to thank both of you guys for your thoughts and input...I just keep learning Thumbsup
TN.......I do miss the continuous running, but I do not miss my family not having the family room Wink . It was the right decision, and doing the new one has allowed me to start fresh with a little experience under my belt. Hopefully the results are, and will be, showing that..............thank you for the very kind words as well! Thumbsup Thumbsup

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