Good things come in narrow packages
" I built the gate in one piece to make it easy, but I will be using my utility knife to separate them, leaving them slightly crooked for interest. "

That solves the background problem, adds "interest", and increases "plausibility" ( there wasn't much "turning room" for a truck of any size to get to that door.)

And....It looks good !!! Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Gary, Josh, and Pete....thank you! Thumbsup

it was brought to my attention that the diagonal braces were put on incorrectly (high side should be away from the post/low side at the post). I appreciate the feedback and have made the appropriate I need to change a set of doors on my Coal House 

[Image: B9w3v1.jpg]

I am now starting to re-plant the trees.......I broke a couple taking them out  Icon_cry  .  Hopefully the damage is all repairable
Holy smoke..!! That is absolutely great..!! I like the look of that trackwork...It's got nice flowing lines... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Thank you Gus! Thumbsup

I have re-planted the trees and continued with the fence and added some details to the scene:

[Image: NINvoq.jpg]

[Image: 9XLWMX.jpg]

[Image: Vggied.jpg]

[Image: MMVPqZ.jpg]

I am still working on some pallets and "stuff" for the Coal House as well.....these scenes need details desperately, but I'm getting there. I wanted some figures for this area but those particular ones were not in stock, so they will have to wait.
Absolute outstanding Thumbsup It was time to come back from vacation to see your new photos Goldth
Steve, the fence and the debris in the area look great, and a great job on hiding the backdrop/layout joint. What brand of pallets did you use. They also look realistic. Overall, the scene looks very believable.

Reinhard, good to have you back! Hope you enjoyed your vacation.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
OK, now I'll take up knitting ! Big Grin Oh, wait, I'm hand cutting and applying individual shingles.....I don't need knitting. Big Grin

This looks infinitely better than what was there before! Absolutely no doubt this was the right choice.....and it certainly doesn't hurt that you're executing all the details beautifully ! Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Reinhard...thank you....and welcome back! Thumbsup
Gary... thank you Thumbsup ...I used pallets/skids from Tichy:
They give you "skids" and some bottom pieces to make full pallets. I just used the bottom pieces as "filler" because I'm cheap and needed more "stuff" lying around Goldth are way too kind :oops: ......but that doesn't mean you have to stop! Goldth Thank you for all of your thoughts and encouragement through the years btw Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
that is a great looking scene. One of these days, I will get a few scenes on my layout to that stage Goldth
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tail-parts</a><!-- m -->

The caliber of modeling that is exhibited on this forum is :jawdrop: !
I have been subscribed to this thread since I read my way through from entry #0001 and I can only sit, sip my coffee and marvel at the images on my laptop screen! This is the level of model work that I aspire to. Hopefully, one day some new guy on this forum will priase my work as I have done yours and that of Sumpter250 and Doctorwayne and Gary S. and CNW1961 and... well, the list goes on and on and on ...

Images like the ones on this thread are the kind that the longer that you "look into them," the more that you see.


Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Worship Eek Worship !!..Just gorgeous junk..!!

BTW....What's the logic behind the placement of the diagonal braces on those doors..??
Gus (LC&P).
Steamtrains Wrote:Worship Eek Worship !!..Just gorgeous junk..!!

Cheers , and a genuinely judicious juxtaposition of that junk, too. Thumbsup 357

Steamtrains Wrote:BTW....What's the logic behind the placement of the diagonal braces on those doors..??

I had always thought that it was because wood is stronger in compression than it is in tension, but, since that's not the case, there must be another reason. I'd guess that it's because the diagonal brace transfers the weight of the gate to the bottom of the post rather than the top, where it's less likely to pull (or push, in this case), the post out of alignment. It also helps to keep the forces within the gate working to hold the gate itself together, rather that allowing its own weight to pull it apart at the fasteners.

Kevin....don't feel bad, it has taken me 4 1/2 years to finally get a scene "mostly" detailed :oops: Just hang in there Thumbsup
Gus...I used to know about gate and large door bracing but have apparently become senile in my "old" age. Here is how diagonal braces work (as quoted by the person who pointed this out to me):
Quote:When it comes to diagonal bracing on a gate the brace should begin at the top opposite the hinge side. The downward force this way is carried by the bottom of the post which is very solid.
I should have remembered this especially since I was a steel fabricator for many years.....but somehow my "knowledge" just never was applied to my modeling. :?

biL said:
Quote:This is the level of model work that I aspire to. Hopefully, one day some new guy on this forum will priase my work as I have done yours and that of Sumpter250 and Doctorwayne and Gary S. and CNW1961 and... well, the list goes on and on and on ...
biL...first of all, thank you for the very gracious words Thumbsup
If you care enough to try and do your best each time you do a project, there is no doubt in my mind that similar (and better) results will follow. We are fortunate to model in the age of the internet, with a vast wealth of knowledge and almost instantaneous feedback available at our fingertips. The learning curve has really been shortened because of this. I ask questions, I ask for feedback, and what I lack in imagination, I make up for in taking advice to heart and running with it. This scene for instance, shaped up the way it has because of feedback and advice received right here, and also by email, from better modelers than me. I also read alot and scan the web for pictures, both prototype amd mrr. I have literally 1000's of pics on my computer related in some way to the hobby.
But most importantly of all...................keep it fun!
Good luck Thumbsup
Thanks Wayne! Icon_lol
Excellent Steve. Thumbsup
It looks a very credible scene...The trees break up the fence, and I love the attention to detail with the old fence and various bits of junk lying around. At first glance the eye may not pick up the finer details, but I think the subconscious does, and it's that message that goes to the brain that makes a scene believable and makes you want to go back take it all in bit by bit.
Great stuff.

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy

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