WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
There ya go! I can't think of any better visual proof that this scene looks absolutely terrific! I say don't change a thing! Thumbsup
I agree! Looks absolutely fantastic, and quite realistic. Excellent job!
Al Cheers
nachoman Wrote: ... One piece of more abstract advice that sometimes helps me. The road scene looks good enough as it is right now. Move on to another area, forget about this area, and a few days (or weeks) later come back to it with a fresh eye. You will see and understand things differently than you did before.

Gary S. Wrote: ... my wife said the same thing. Take a few days off from this scene, and move on to something else, then see if any further inspiration occurs.

Some very insightful advice from two very thoughtful people! Kevin and Vicky have the right idea ... walk away ... work on a differnt area a good distance away from South Wayside for a while. When you come back, you will have "fresh eyes."

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Haven't posted on this in over a month, so I took some pics of the room as it is right now. I had a couple visitors this morning, so I hastily cleaned up and we ran the trains a bit. I should have taken some photos with the visitors, but didn't.



Gary, that layout is making good progress. The most remarkable thing is the sparse use of tracks. It is really scenery with tracks not vise versa. That is very impressive Thumbsup I hope to get a chance to see it in real later this year.
faraway Wrote:I hope to get a chance to see it in real later this year.

Woohoo! Remember, you have a place to stay if you need it!
Things are really progressing!! I'm depressed ... I mean, impressed! With all the concentration on the development of a few individual scenes, I forgot about the rest of the layout!!!

Things are lookin' GOOD!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

Its great to see how all the pieces are fitting together. Sometime it is really nice to step bakc and take a good over view look at the layout to see how much has been done, and with everything you do IT IS A LOT!!!

Keep up the great work and keep us posted!!!
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg

Gary, You have really turned this into a very impressive pike. 2 thumbs up! Thumbsup Thumbsup
Holy cow! Seeing the whole thing really brings it home how fast you are working, and how amazing the results are.


Very nice Gary! Good to seeing all that hard work coming together. Thumbsup
I've been gone on vacation for the past week, that layout & room is looking great.
Thanks everyone. The past few days have been spent ballasting the SF interchange and Middle Yard, along with painting the rails and ties. Planning to get on Houston's October Layout Tour, so I need to make some progress.... carving in the remainder of the terrain, painting the foam, completing all the ballast, and some more of the backdrop painted. Oh... also want to work on the little neighborhood on the peninsula.
To anyone else that would be looked at as "a rather ambitious set of goals" ...

... but at the speed that you work, having ALL THAT done in time for an October Layout Tour ...
... should be child's play! Icon_lol Icon_lol

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Hey all, although good progress is being made, not much to report from the layout room. Just mundane things like laying track on some unfinished spurs, getting caught up on all the ballasting, and doing some basic terrain features here and there, mostly ditches and culverts. Am also contemplating removing a couple of spurs at the "Hobby Industrial Park," putting more distance from the yard.... a little more room to just run trains in the rural areas.

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