Prayers and Well Wishes Needed!!!!!!
Still praying for a miracle here... Blessings to you, BiL - and your family.
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~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Dear Jenna
Thank you for the update. I'll keep praying for the best.
Thank you Jenna for the update. As much as we are shocked by this news, we appreciate your taking the time to let us know what's going on with Bil. He has become a part of our family and we're glad that he considers us that way too. Bil means a lot to us, and we're pleased to know we mean a lot to him as well. That's what this forum is all about, we not only share our love for railroading and modeling, but we share life experiences as well. We can see that you obviously know that by now. We're all pulling for him and you can be sure that you'll get whatever help and support we can furnish for Bil and the rest of you there.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Jenna, I very much appreciate you stopping by to give us an update of the situation, I know this is very hard on you. Your dad has been on my mind all weekend and again this morning.
Hello Jenna---thank you for keeping us updated on your Dad's condition during these difficult times.Like many other members of Big Blue I consider myself very fortunate to have had the opportunity to have made acquaintance with your Dad---he is truely a remarkable and talented man and through numerous personal messages I have grown very fond of him and consider him a good friend.Also it is very apparent how much joy you have given him in his life---God bless you both
Jenna, thank you very much for keeping us appraised of your father's condition. I wish him, you and your family all the best in this trying time. I too have a parent in hospital and it tears me apart to watch her going in and out of coma, so I have a very good idea of what you're going through at this time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father.
15 year veteran fire fighter
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Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Jenna, thank you for the feedback. My best wishes.
Oh,man this is sad news.. Sad

Jenna,Prayers and well wishes to you and your family.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Camelbacks_Daughter Wrote:This is Jenna, BiL's Daughter. I felt the need to express my gratitude to all of you here at Big Blue. Thank you all for being such a positive part of my Father's life. Since I can remember he has always been quite the Model Railroad enthusiast. Joining this group gave him a link back to a hobby that he had lost for several years. Your influence on his life is more than you will ever know.
I wish you all were able to see his "workbench" as he called it, there are so many amazing little projects that are only partially completed.
Again, thank you all for your prayers and warm wishes. They do not go unappreciated.

Though I may use the term "loosely", we here at Big Blue, are an "extended Family". Your Father means as much to us as we did to him.
Should our prayers go unanswered, look not to his "workbench" as "projects that are only Partially completed", but look rather to them as "joy still experienced".
I knew my father's time was quickly running out, when I saw that all his projects were completed. There's hope, in unfinished work.
We will keep his recovery in our prayers,
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Your Dad always was able to express his thoughts, but I'm at a loss here. Praying that you have the strength to get thru this trying time.

Jenna, it saddens me deeply to hear of your father's condition. Our prayers are defineitley for him and the rest of his family. God Bless.
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
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Wow. So sad. This makes for a depressing evening. I hope he pulls through - he has too many unfinished projects!
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Guys, because BiL and I had developed a close comraderie, I just haven't been in the mood to post any model railroad stuff for the past few days. I just seem to be in limbo not knowing what is going on with his situation. I hope everyone will understand my absence. I have been spending some time in the layout room in my evenings after work, but the atmosphere in there is rather somber.

I'm still hoping for a miracle.
Gary S Wrote:Guys, because BiL and I had developed a close comraderie, I just haven't been in the mood to post any model railroad stuff for the past few days. I just seem to be in limbo not knowing what is going on with his situation. I hope everyone will understand my absence. I have been spending some time in the layout room in my evenings after work, but the atmosphere in there is rather somber.

I'm still hoping for a miracle.

I feel the same way. I've probably checked this site a hundred times today, skimming over most threads because I am hoping to hear good news.
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Same here. I miss him and miss hearing from him, too. I never had the chance to reply to the last message he sent.


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