Prayers and Well Wishes Needed!!!!!!

Your Dad is a great guy. Is there anything that anybody can help with? I know we are scattered all over creation, but I know (speaking for myself) that if there is anything I can do from the Chicago area, I would gladly do so.
I wish there were magic words that could provide comfort, but know that we are all with you in spirit.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
It is in these days, now, that Faith is tested.
Faith of Family. Faith of friends, faith of all who knew your Dad.
I will need mine to hold on to.
So good a friend, to be so briefly here. Big Blue, grieves with you.

Be at peace, Bil.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Jenna --

Thank you for sharing the sad news with us.

As the old Norse text Havamal puts it:

Cattle die, kinsmen die, we ourselves will likewise die,
but one thing never die - the reputation of a good man

Bill leaves behind a well deserved reputation as a master modeler, a great teacher and source of inspiration for us all.

May you and your uncle and the rest of Bill's loved ones and close friends find the strength you will need in this hard time.

Jenna - another of the good guys has passed on - thank you for telling us this sad news. My sincere condolences to you and the rest of your (and his) family.
Jack (aka Shortliner)
Jenna, God bless you and your family with the Peace only He can give. Your father was one I would have liked to meet in person. With great respect and admiration for his character, and his family, we miss him greatly.

Carl Carstens (aka sgtcarl1)
Audre Roberts
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
Jenna, my condolences to you and your family. Your father will not be forgotten.
Like a lot of guys around here, I quite by accident developed a friendship with your Dad when he pm'd me about a scuba training organization who primarily deals with wounded soldiers coming home from the Middle East. During that time I found out my Father had been diagnosed with COPD. BiL was gracious enough to fill me in on the reality of their condition and what I may expect as my Dad heads down the same path BiL had been on for quite some time. He had on occasion been very helpful when I needed my attitude adjusted from time to time. I will miss him dearly, and may God bless BiL's family and friends.

T & A Layout Build
Jenna, my thoughts are with you and your family after this loss. As so many have mentioned already, your dad was an inspiration and was always willing to assist others in their modelling efforts. I never had the opportunity myself to benefit directly from his assistance, as I am new to the forum and have not posted that often asking for help, but indirectly have learned things from him in his posts when he helped other forum members.

Take care,

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout
To Jenna and her son Cayden, and to all of biL's extended family, I extend my heartfelt condolences on his too-early passing.

It's difficult for me to convey my sense of loss for a friend whom I had never met in person, but that feeling of loss is, nonetheless, very real. I first encountered biL over on the Model Railroader Forum less than two years ago, but our frequent exchanges of e-mails lead quickly to a true friendship and I was hoping to visit him in-person this coming summer.

When I first introduced biL to Big Blue, he was somewhat dissatisfied with the MR Forum, and somewhat surprised by the friendly attitude here. I don't know if it was because he and I were becoming more comfortable with one another or if it was simply because of the warm welcome he received here, but biL seemed to blossom here. He sometimes remarked about feeling somewhat isolated from the model railroading community until joining Big Blue and often thanked me for inviting him to join us. When he mentioned the Scale Rails Model Railroad Club in North Fort Myers, Florida, I encouraged him to check it out, too, and I know that he was very pleased to be accepted there as a member. It was very satisfying to see his passion for modelling rekindled simply by joining these two groups.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the warm welcome you proffered and for your kind words of sympathy here.

In addition to being an accomplished modeller, biL was very generous with his accumulated knowledge, yet always eager to learn new techniques. He had a fulfilling career in design, an enduring interest in automobiles, and a passion for his country, but above all, a pride and love for his daughter Jenna and her son Cayden. He lived a full life, even though it was cut much too short. I am grateful to have known him. Rest in peace, my friend.

My very sincerest condolences.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
I'm sorry for your loss! He was a good man, and he always was their with his knowledge, experience, insights, and stories. I will not soon forget him!
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Jenna, My heartfelt sorrow at Bil's passing, and your family's loss. In his short stay here, Bil became a consultant, a source of experience and knowledge, a teacher, a cheer-leader and a "friend" to many of us. May he rest well and peacefully, his work here faithfully completed, and his reward to come.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."
Jenna - My condolences for you and your family. biL and I certainly did NOT agree on much politically (even so he still sent me some great emails), but gosh he was an energetic and encouraging person, a super modeler, and I was pleased to call him a friend. He had become part of the Big Blue family here and he will be missed.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

I am very sorry for your loss. biL's time here was short, but it has certainly left a lasting impression... His energy, enthusiasm, and encouragement will most definitely be missed.

Jenna: I'm so sorry to hear this! I am praying for you. BiL responded to many of my posts and question & always offered me good advice along with a good sense of humour.
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