Start of a kit-bash project
Sumpter250 Wrote:
AF350 Wrote:The H&B will be replaced with an H&H for the Hayseed and Hicksville,

I saw the name Hicksville, and immediately thought of Hicksville, L.I. N.Y., which was 9 miles from where I grew up, in Copiague. There was 7.5 miles between Hicksville, and Farmingdale ( Republic Aviation ), and 2.5 miles from Hicksville to Bethpage ( Grumman aviation ). Good memories from those days.

I got Hicksville from my relatives whos last name is Hicks(and they are from KY) and Hayseed being I envision a narrow gauge in a rual mountainous area. Hayseed & Hicksville serving Up the creek & Down younder. Just thought of a great owner name for the stock car(s) Billy Gruff's Goat farm. Icon_lol
Tyson Rayles Wrote:The cars are looking really good. As far as the couplers go I model in N scale and if you are having trouble with O scale coupler assembly you don't even want to think about the N scale suckers. Of course you could just buy them already assembled which is what I do for my N and On30 stuff. BTW the last time I ordered couplers HAS been a long time ago but at that time I was N only and the assembeled ones were cheaper than the kits? Walthers couldn't explain that one. Icon_lol

Thanks Tyson Rayles, N is great for long trains, I was at a show not too long ago and there was a N t-track modular layout that was very impressive very long trains. I could not imagine scratch building in N or Z but some do.
Will post some progress pics sometime tomorrow.

Hope to have a block of bass wood here soon so I can start on the carved caboose(will have it's own thread as it is a different project separate from this one).

Summary of the kitbashed project so far:

1. Repainted box cars replaced trucks and couplers. Qty. 5
2. Used one of 5 stock cars to make a mold of the roof, the original stock cars will get
repainted retrucked and couplers changed.
3. The stock cars based on the roof castings(3 I think that is what I cast) will be painted an
olive greenish color with a brown roof.
4. Next in the line up will be the cabooses(cabeese????)
5. The final step in this project is to find a way to recycle the locos and tendar from this
humble battery op plastic cheesey train set into some nice On30 equipment.
Here is the latest progress pic of the stock car.

Stick a paint job on it and you have a winner! Cheers

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Hi all,

still looking for the right paint, in a spray can.

Tyson, thanks for the compliment, I think it is a fluke that my first mostly scratchbuilt car turned out as well as it did the trick is to repeat it 2 more times or maybe it would be more interesting to mix up the design of the stock car a little? Either way I am having fun trying out stuff and useing a variaty of thechniques and materials. Now if I can only complete some of my projects Icon_lol 35 Icon_lol
Hi all,

hope to soon get some progress on my many projects, been delayed and my schedule is up in the air as I have applied for a job and I think my chances are great so progress may slow down even more for awhile but with an income may be able to get the last bits to complete those scratch and kitbashed cars on the rails 2285_
Hi all, had a minor mishap with the On30 stock car while cleaning up work area it got knocked off bench and fell to the floor, the wood, resin and goo held up no damage to the car but one of the trucks broke and needs replaced or glued. Icon_lol Found at a local close out store a 99 cent gray primer and a 99 cent can of pearl blue paint(maybe I will great around to painting up a gauge car). Hope to soon get back to the kit-bashing projects as this would free up some space in the workshop. At the moment I have 2 projects one electronic and one train related that I plan on submitting to a couple magazines that is about all I can say about them at the moment Big Grin
2285_ I was able to repair the broken truck 2285_

Still looking for a medium gray green paint for the On30 stock car hope to find a spray can of paint in a flat if not I could mix up some acrylic craft paint and go that rout.

I have converted the box cars and made a kitbashed stock car and will repaint the original stock cars as well as swaping out the trucks, this just leaves the cabooses, locos, and tenders to convert to On30. Slowly getting there but making progress.
Hay all,

between power and DSL outages it has been a trial to do anything fun or work 35 35

The mail man delivered a few things among them dry transfers and some thin plastic sheets an HO refrigerator(wood side) kit that at some point will be the model for an S or O scratch build. May be in the morning I will letter up the On30 Box cars for the Hayseed & Hicksville Railroad.
Here is the first H&H Box car lettered and numbered as Hayseed & Hicksville 10.

Once the box cars are lettered up will paint and build some more On30 stock cars and then on to the next phase the cabooses and the last phase for this project is to try and make the toyish locos and tenders into some thing useful even if only a static display model.


Pic is a bit fuzzy will take a pic with other camera later.
Here is a better pic

Here are some pics of the lettered Hayseed & Hicksville Railroad boxcars.


Hey, those look great! Nice work! Thumbsup
Ralph Wrote:Hey, those look great! Nice work! Thumbsup


they were fun to build/modify/convert to usable rolling stock.

The stock cars will be next some will get a coat of dull coat and On30 trucks and the castings from the roof will be scratch built.

I have more than enough cast roofs that I may just make a wood side boxcar or two.

Will update as often as I can on the kitbash of this train set.

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